WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 Results, Live Updates, Highlights - ITN WWE (2024)

WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 Results, Live Updates, Highlights - ITN WWE (1)

Welcome to the live results blog for WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 PLE event, which will be live from Toronto, Canada.

6 matches are set for the show which is expected to be headlined by a fatal 4-way match between Trick Williams, Je’Von Evans, Ethan Page and Shawn Spears over NXT Championship. Roxanne Perez will face Lola Vice to defend NXT Women;s Championship.

Both men and women North American Championship are on the line. Oba Femi defends the men’s title against Wes Lee while Kelani Jordan defends women’s title against Sol Ruca. Nathan Frazer and Axiom will take on Chase U to defend NXT Tag Team Championship.

Karmen Petrovic and Arrianca Grace will take on Jacy Jayne and Jasmyn Nyx on the pre-show. Tune in below for the results from WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 with live updates.


  • Pre-Show: Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace defeated Jacy Jayne & Jasmyn Nyx in a tag team match via pinfall.
  • Oba Femi(c) defeated Wes Lee in a singles match via pinfall to retain NXT North American Championship.
  • Kelani Jordan(c) vs Sol Ruca in a singles match via pinfall to retain NXT Women’s North American Championship.
  • Nathan Frazer & Axiom(c) defeated Chase U(Duke Hudson & Andre Chase) in a tag team match via pinfall to retain NXT Tag Team Championship.
  • Roxanne Perez(c) defeated Lola Vice in a singles match via pinfall to retain NXT Women’s Championship.
  • Ethan Page defeated Trick Williams(c), Je’Von Evans & Shawn Spears in a Fatal 4-Way match via pinfall to win NXT Championship.


Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace vs Jacy Jayne & Jasmyn Nyx(on Pre-Show)

Jacy pushes Grace to the ropes. Jacy throws Grace over before slamming her down. Grace hits a shoulder tackle and a body slam. Karmen tags in to hit a clothesline to get a two-count. Karmen trips Nyx as she comes in and hits a kick. Grace tags back in to hit a shoulder block in the corner before slamming her face to the mat to get a two-count. Karmen comes in to hit a big chop before hitting a mule kick and a bulldog to get a two-count.

Jacy gets into the ring to distract Karmen. Nyx attacks her from behind but Karmen reverses the roll-up. Jacy gets a blind tag and hits a neckbreaker on Karmen. Nyn and Jacy do quick tags to keep Karmen cornered. Jacy hits a cannonball. She puts on an arm and neck choke. Karmen breaks free quickly but Jacy quickly counters with a senton and a kick. Nyx comes in for a double suplex. Nyx chokes Karmen with her leg. Karmen counters it with a pin attempt. Karmen blocks a double suplex, kicks Jacy away, uses a low bridge on Nyx to send her out. She kicks Jacy away to tag in Grace.

Grace comes in hot with clotheslines, kicks and punches before hitting an elbow drop on Jacy. Karmen tags in again after Jacy hits a jawbreaker. Karmen and Grace hit a double team spinebuster/clothesline combo on Jacy. Nyx breaks the pin. Jacy then hits a knee on Karmen. Grace breaks the pin this time. Grace hits double knees on Jacy. Nyx kicks Grace out of the ring. Nyx rolls up Karmen, but Grace pushes her over for Karmen to counter with her own roll-up for the pinfall.

Winners – Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace

Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace vs Jacy Jayne & Jasmyn Nyx(on Pre-Show)

Lee starts with an outside calf kick. He ducks a swing from Femi. Femi catches his leg and sweeps it to trip him. Lee hits some punches to the ribs and to the face. He hits a springboard enzuigiri to his back. Femi catches him and hits a backbreaker before decking him to drop him to the floor. Lee hits a springboard dropkick. Femi hits a big shot to his midsection. He tosses Lee in the air to hit an F5. Lee hits an upkick but Femi pushes him to the floor. Femi gets enraged and slams Lee’s face on the apron.

Lee beats the countdown but Femi welcomes him with a back elbow in the corner. A corner tackle follows. He hits some kicks to his back and uppercuts. Femi tosses Lee away after hitting a backbreaker. Lee tries to hit punches to the rib but Femi keeps control. Lee is in a tree of woe but he gets up to avoid a running tackle to send Femi into the ringpost. He hits a superkick against the post before attempting a sunset flip. He manages to send Femi to the floor using his own momentum.

Femi hits a big chop to the chest from the floor. Lee hits punches to Femi’s knee. Femi replies with a backbreaker. He stretches Lee’s back on his knees. Lee tries to get up but Femi hits him with a slap to the chest. Femi toys with Lee who replies with an enzuigiri. Lee kicks at his knee, hits some punches before rocking him with a kick. Femi drops to the corner where Lee hits several kicks. He hits a tornado DDT to get a two-count.

Lee hits multiple suicide dives as Femi moves around the ring. Femi blocks the meteora in the ring and also blocks a sunset flip attempt. Lee hits a sunset flip in the second attempt to get a two-count. Lee hits a Meteora from behind. He goes for the springboard clothesline but Femi hits him with an uppercut to get a two-count. Femi takes Lee to the top rope. Lee fights back and goes for the Frankestiener fomr the top rope. Femi tries to turns it into a powerbomb but Lee lands on his feet. Lee hits Kardiak kick for a near fall.

Femi goes for a chokeslam but Lee blocks it. Femi clotheslines him to the floor. He hits a shoulder breaker on the floor. Lee hits a knee and a double stomp on his back. Femi blocks Kardiak kick once again and tosses him in the air. He hits a pop-up powerbomb to get the pinfall.

Winner – Oba Femi

Kelani Jordan(c) vs Sol Ruca – NXT Women’s North American Championship

Kelani starts with a quick slam. Ruca blocks a German suplex before they run the ropes. They both land on their feets to block moves. They lock up again. Dodges in the corner before Kelani hits a crossbody. Ruca puts on a side headlock. More quick counters leads to Kelani gets a one-count. Ruca counters an armdrag into a bulldog to get a two-count. She puts Kelani into a surfboard before slamming her to the mat. Kelani hits back with a kick and follows with more shots and a modified armdrag. A hurricanrana sends Ruca to the floor before hitting a crossbody on the floor.

Kelani hits a bulldog to get a two-count. Ruca gets away from a moonsault to hit a couple of springboard crossbody. She hits a springboard summersault into a clothesline next to get a two-count. They trade punches. Kelani catches Ruca’s kick and hits a Pele Kick. She hits a poisonrana. She hits a moonsault on Ruca on the outside. Ruca is down on the floor. Kelani goes to bring her back but Ruca kicks her back. Ruca hits a moonsault on the floor. Both of them are down on the floor as the referee countdowns. They both get into the ring and go back and forth.

Ruca hits a powerbomb to get a two-count. Kelani counters on the top rope to knock Ruca back to the floor. She goes for a moonsault but Ruca gets her knees up. Ruca goes for the Sol Snatcher but Kelani pulls her leg to slam her down to get a near fall. Ruca counters poisonrana with a reverse Alabama Slam. Ruca takes Kelani to the top rope on her shoulder where Kelani hits an avalanche poisonrana. Kelani hits the split legged moonsault to get the pinfall.

Winner – Kelani Jordan

Nathan Frazer & Axiom(c) vs Chase U(Duke Hudson & Andre Chase) – NXT Tag Team Championship

Axiom and Chase start the match. Axiom puts on a headlock and continues to hold on to it for a while despite several counter attempts. Chase counters it finally using his legs. More quick counters until Axiom hits a dropkick. Chase counters with hurricanrana to get a two-count to tell Axiom that this is a teachable moment. Frazer tags in but Chase hits him with a couple of armdrags. Frazer hits back with an enzuigiri after running around. Hudson tags in and hits a belly overhead toss. He hits a big slap to the chest next. Chase tags in for some double team work.

Frazer hits an enzuigiri next. A quick tag to Axiom who hits a DDT to get a two-count. Axiom hits a headbutt, a punch, blocks a sunset flip and smacks on the back of the head. Frazer comes in for a double superkick with Axiom to get a two-count. Frazer puts on a side headlock before hitting a bulldog. Chase counters a springboard forearm with a flatliner. Axiom tags in and blocks Chase from a tag. He gets Chase into an armbar who breaks it quickly. He turns an enzuigiri into an ankle lock. Chase flips Axiom to the corner and tags in Hudson.

Hudson runs over both opponents before hitting his signature jabs. He tosses both men before hitting a gutbuster on Frazer to get a two-count. Frazer hits a dropkick to send Hudson to the floor. Hudson blocks a suicide dive and then hit a springboard release German suplex. Frazer counters the Razor’s edge with a hurricanrana. Axiom tags in. Axiom and Frazer hit suicide dives on both opponents. Axiom hits a frog splash on Hudson in the ring. Frazer tags in to hit a 450-Splash, but Hudson kicks out. Hudson knocks Axiom off the apron. He counters Frazer with a hurricanrana before hitting a tilt-a-whirl Urinage to get a near fall.

Duke takes Frazer to the top. Frazer knocks him down and hits a missile dropkick. Axiom hits an enzuigiri as they set up Duke on the top. Axiom hits a Spanish Fly on Duke. Frazer hits a Pheonix Splash after the tag. Chase comes in and jumps off Frazer to break the pin and hits a Canadian Destroyer on Axiom. Chase and Axiom get the tags. They trade punches. They trade big boots. Frazer comes in to save but sends him into an enzuigiri from Chase. Axiom then chokes Chase. Frazer goes for a superkick on Chase but he ducks to send it into Axiom. Duke takes Frazer to the floor. Chase rolls up Axiom but he kicks out of the pin.

Chase hits Chase-U kicks before hitting a crossbody from the top rope. Frazer breaks the pinfall. Frazer gets a blind tag but Chase avoids his dive. Frazer hits a superplex and falcon arrow combo with Axiom’s superkick to follow. Frazer hits Duke with a suicide dive. Axiom hits Golden Ratio on Chase to get the pinfall.

Winner – Nathan Frazer & Axiom

An interviewer tries to talk to Wes Lee backstage, but he gets irritated and says he failed to regain his crown. He agrees that Oba Femi was the better man and he is at loss of words. He needs some time to figure out what is next. He will see us on Tuesday.

Roxanne Perez(c) vs Lola Vice – NXT Women’s Championship

They lock up and Roxanne pushes Lola to the corner. She slaps Lola but quickly goes to fake an apology. Quick back and forth action. Lola goes for an armbar but Roxanne is ready to deal with it quickly. Lola takes her down a couple of times. She hits knees to the face before tossing Roxanne around. Roxanne ducks a backfist and rolls to the floor. Lola hits her with tope suicida. Roxanne sends her into the ringpost as they return to the ring.

Roxanne hits several shots to the back. She works on Lola on the ropes before stomping on her. Lola slams her face into the turnbuckle several times to get a two-count. Roxanne blocks a kick and slams her head to the mat. She continues to work on Lola and hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Roxanne puts on an arm stretch. Lola hits back with knees to midsection. Roxanne rolls her up for a two-count. Lola hits several kicks to drop Roxanne. She hits her rapid-fire kicks before hitting a hip attack in the corner to get a two-count.

Roxanne counters with a sunset flip to get a two-count. She dodges Lola in the corner and hits an uppercut to the back. Lola puts her in a choke when she goes for another uppercut in the corner. Roxanne quickly grabs the ropes. Lola then puts her in a rear naked choke. Roxanne rolls to the floor to break free. Roxanne ducks a backfist which lands on the post to hurt Lola’s arm. Roxanne drops her on the floor before taking her back to the ring.

Roxanne works on the arm by slamming it to the mat and knee drops. Lola pulls the arm from another knee drop. Roxanne avoids a pump kick and hits a belly-to-back suplex. Roxanne misses moonsault and Lola quickly puts on an armbar. Roxanne catches the ropes. Lola hits the spinning backfist. Roxanne drops to the floor. Lola brings her back while selling her fist. Roxanne gets her feet to the ropes to break the pinfall. Roxanne attacks the injured arm with uppercuts, knees and sending it into the ringpost.

Lola blocks Pop-Rox and hits several roundhouse kicks. Roxanne blocks the backfist and hits Pop-Rox, but Lola kicks out of the pin. Roxanne clears the announce table and hits a Pop-Rox on top of it. The table did not break. Roxanne takes Lola back to the ring, but she kicks out again. Roxanne attacks the injured arm and puts on a crossface using that arm. Lola was getting to the ropes when Roxanne kicks the ropes to get in the position to hit another Pop-Rox. She follows it with another Perez to get the pinfall.

Winner – Roxanne Perez

Trick Williams(c) vs Je’Von Evans vs Ethan Page vs Shawn Spears – Fatal 4-Way match for NXT Championship

Page moves to the floor to let others fight it out first. Evans hits a suicide dive on him. Spears and Trick fight it in the ring. Spears clotheslines Trick to the floor. Page has also taken over Evans on the floor. Spears and Page try to one up each other as they beat up Evans and Trick. They get into the ring and rake into each others’ eyes at the same time. Evans and Trick return to the ring to attack them. They work together to send the other two to the floor.

They fist bumps before engaging in action. Evans hits quick moves and manages to get a close two-count. Trick hits him with a springboard clothesline. He hits a dropkick next. Trick ducks a chair shot from Spears and runs him over. He also attacks Page who also comes in at the same time. Trick hits a double back body drop. Evans hits a springboard crossbody on then. Trick hits an Urinage on Evans to get a near fall. Spears hits a back body drop on Trick to send him to the floor.

Page beats up Evans. He throws Evans on Trick and Spears before hitting him with a slam to get a two-count. Spears hits some chops on Page on the top rope. Evans joins them and attempts a Spanish Fly but Trick picks him up on the shoulder. Trick hits a back drop on Evans and a DDT on Spears in tandem while Page dives on Evans. They both go for the pins but gets a kick out. Page and Trick trade punches. Spears hits Trick with a chair before hitting chair shots on the other two also. Spears sets up a chair in the corner and drops Trick on it with C4 to get a near fall.

Evans fights Spears and Page with some kicks. Everyone starts throwing around kicks and eventually, everyone is down. Page goes for the Ego’s Edge on the floor but Trick hits back with punches. Evans goes for a senton which hits Trick on the floor to send him through a barricade. Spears counters to hit Evans with C4 from the top rope. Page quickly comes in and throws Spears to the floor and goes for the cover himself. Evans kicks out. Spears returns but Page hits him with a superplex. Evans kicks him from behind before hitting a springboard cutter. Trick breaks the pin.

Trick and Evans go back and forth before hitting each other with dropkicks at the same time. Spears trips Evans on the ropes. Evans hits a cutter from the top rope before hitting a pheonix splash, but Trick breaks the pin once again. Trick then pushes Evans off the top rope to send him through the announce table. Trick fires up as he awaits Spears getting up. Spears dodges a dropkick and puts him in a sharpshooter. Page comes in and kicks Spears away. Page hits Ego’s Edge on Trick. Evans putst Trick’s leg to the ropes to break the fall.

Page beats up Evans now. He goes for The Ego’s Edge once again but Spears pulls Evans down. Trick hits a Trick knee on Evans which knocks him into Spears. Trick then hits Trick Knee on Page who lands on top of Evans and the referee counts for the pinfall.

Winner – Ethan Page

WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 Results, Live Updates, Highlights - ITN WWE (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.