The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

June 18, 1983 Classified Page 5 tiliielaiiisi nl; Yk Urn FfTTING Fatxkafor to PLUMBERS 5S 111 i urn HOTEL GUEST SERVICES REPRESENTATIVES positions avsllableall shifts. SALES Pf RSON Experienced only. Reptv within I week. Send resume to: Box F-514. co CJ BrOJMlwflV MANAGERS RETAIL REGION MANAGERS Large retail chain expanding lo include two new regions with approximately 200 stores each.

The new Region Manag ers will travel extensively and each wilt supervise 15 district managers. If you have atleast 10 yrs. retail management ex perlence wllh some background In multi-store supervision we want 10 talk wllh vou. Must clearly understand profit loss responsibility and have excellent human relations skills. If vou are V.P.

material, or are a V.P. In your present assignment, our compensationbenefits package will appeal to vou. Send resume AND SALARY HISTORY In confl- oence to: Burton Hills Suite 210, Nasnviae, in, J215. MANUFACTURING New Columbus industry seeking experienced individuals for the following posrtionsi Accounting Purchasing Maintenanco Machinist Die Setters e) Secretarial Employer offers company specific training. Excellent benefit package.

Send resume by June 30 toi Frank Bozell, 435ft Washington Columbus, IN 47201. Equal Opportunity Employer MARINE TOWBOAT ENGINEERS Experience required with dle-tel engines, hydraulics, refrigeration and tome electrical. Good wages and benefits for the right persons. Location actrtc nnormwesr. sena sume to: Max on Marine, P.i Box 69, Tell City, Ind.

47566, MARKERS Markers Positions Available for merchandise unpockers, markers, stock. Hours available, Mon. 5-9. Apply in person Hess's Distribution Center 1740 Research Dr. Louisville, KY 40299 MECHANIC-DIESEL Due to an increase in service business, we have openings for 3-fullv qualified truck mechanics with 5 yrs.

minimum experience. No trainees need apply. This Is a tun time position with lop pay and excellent benefits. I-or confidential interview, contact the Service Depart- ii nun at, rotm win wi iwivnnja 768-4267 between 9am and 3 pm. MECHANIC Motorcycle mechanic, KAW-SUZ-YAM, minimum 2 years experience.

Hard working Punctual Indi vidual needed. Immediate openings. Send resume wllh salary requirements to: WHEELS FOR FUN 6600 Prtnlon Hwv. Louisville, KY 40219 MECHANIC Local construction company has Immediate position avail able for mechanic Qualifications Indude gas engines, body repair, transmissions. Experience with vehicles ton and smaller.

Tools required. Mac Is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Cad 12-246-5435 MECHANIC with experience. AMF MECHANIC Send resume lo: P. O.

Box 14147, LOUlSVllle, KY. 40714. MECHANIC. Truck Mechanic, experience only wtools, paid vacation, good pav, uniforms. Apply with resume.

3121 Fern Valley Rd. 10-4 p.m. MECHANIC: Mlddletown area. Have own tools 4 yrs. experience.

Call 845-7263 MEDICAL OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SUPERVISOR. Eastern State Hospital, 300 bed JCAHO Accredited Hospital, has an Immediate opening for an Individual with proven abilities In hospital occupational therapy services, to direct the OT program, as a me- meoer of the hospital clinical team, this person wW supervise the occupational therapy staff programs. Entrance salary up lo $26,960 per year dependent on experience factors. To apptv, you must be registered bv the American Occupational Association sup piimenteo py years ot experience as an occupational therapist, and be licensed or eligible for license in the State of Kentucky. Benefits Include vacation, sick, 6.

holiday pay, in addition to free medical life Insurance. Contact David A. Holder, ACSW Director, Activity Therapy Services, Eastern Stale Hosoital. 627 West 4th Street, Lexington, I Ext! Em- F. eHftUa, I4JI 301.

Equal Opportunity proyer Mt-m MEDICAL LICENSED PHYSICAL THERAPISTS needed lor busy outpatient clink in Lexington. Excellent salary and benefits. No weekends. Varied patient load includes honds, TMJ, bocks, knees, work hardening, etc. Opportunity to cross train at other clinics in lexington.

Call 606-259- 9669 for interview MEDICAL Medical Assistants and Receptionists Large position group has Immediate openings with progressive Internal medicine academic practice. Both full and part-time positions available. Excellent benefits and salary. Send resumes to: Personnel Director UKB 007 LoukvlllR. KY Equal Opportunity Employer MEDICAL INSURANCE CLERK for OBGYN Office.

Knowlege of CPT-4 A ICD-9 Coding. Experienced only. Computer experience helpful. MEDICAL ASSISTANT Own transportation required tor busy OBGYN Office. Send resume lo: Box K-274, co CJ, 52S W.

Broadway, Louisville, KY, 40702. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS wor on nonvv eauo-8 aluminum. Mut hav 5-10 vwirt xpenenc tttrmg. CH 228- uiii DunwBwi sam ana i lam, FOOD Srvlct FOOD SERVICE Dragon Services now i ceptlng applications for a Pro-led Manager, Olnnlno Facility Managers, Assl. Dining Feclll-ty Managers, Cooks Dining Facility Atlendenls at Fort r.nox, t.

aeno resumes 10: DRAGON SERVICES INC. Attention: Mr. Wslkar PO Box 10M. Dunn, NC 28334 equal upporrumry fcmptoyor FORESTER. See ad for in aunoay a IV, FOND RAISER We are seeking candidates who ore interested! in pursuing a career in fund ratting.

The regional represenetcjti ve of AISAC-St. Jude Children's Reseorch Hospital will assist with the development and management ol fund raising programs and volunteer groups in the mid-west states. Some overnight travel required. This entry level position offers salary and attractive benefits. Forward resume with salary history ond requirements toi ALSAC- St.

Jude Hospital, 625 University Woods Drive, Suite 6, New Albany, IN 47150 No Phone Calls Please Equal Opportunity Employer SIneral DISPLAY REPRESENTATIVES Fun part-time positions for outoolno individ available uals willing to represent our product at various types of KomoHonal displays. No seH-I required! Excellent opper- tururv, nextpte nours. tan i-euu-eB-ttJi, Ext. ms GENERAL LABORER, palnl- Ina. electrical mechanlcai experience neiprui.

Apply in person: Prospect Boat Works State Rd. 13, Prospect, 4005 HAIR Stvllsl. busy East end salon needs stylist to handle established clientele, guaranteed progressive salary starting at U.00. Excellent benefits. Call 44MIM or 44-1015 HAIR STYLIST, New Salon.

Valley Station area. Guaran prooresslve sawrv start- tor at S4.oa Shrvety area aiso. 44b-18 OR 44S-V0I5 HAIR styttsl wanted. Highest paid wage commission. Paid vacation.

East end loca tion. fneasecae5-yi4. HAM DRESSER wanted. 50 commission or boom rental. Call 447-4445.

HAJRDR SSER Manager east end salon. Guaranteed salary, commission, bonuses. Insurance available. Paid vacation. Cardinal Clippers salon.

M-84a. HAIRDRESSER NAIL TECHNICIAN To take over clientele In Fern Creek. Call 23-627v. HAIRDRESSER: Part time or full time. Guaranteed salary.

Paid vacation. Health and life Insurance available. Can Mon. ip- pm jea-isea HAIRSTYLIST Busy East End salon hlrlne career minded stylists. Guaranteed progressive salary starling at $4 per hr.

Excellent benetrrs, 44e-ie or 244-26 HANDYMAN'S Helper Own tools, must be dependable, own transportation. Good pay. Call 241-0155, leave message. HEALTH HEALTH SERVICES COORDIANTOR Energetic, organised, registered Nurse needed to coordinate hearth services to persons who have been classified mentally retarded who live In group homes In southeast Indiana. Provide training to home coordinate certification compliance, participate In policy development, etc Interested RN's send resume I letter of Sppllcatlon or calh -Care Community Alternatives Southeast Indiana.

430 Pearl SI. New Albany, IN 47150. 948-2730. Res-Care Is an affirmative Action Employer Equal Opportunity Employer HEATINGAIr Conditioning person, with experience In tn-stallatlon, service or sales. Two openings.

Send resume wsalarv required to: P.O. Box 2487, Clarksvllle IN 47131 HOTEL HELP HOUSEKEEPERS The Holiday Inn, Hurst-bourne, is seeking self starting quality minded individuals for our housekeeping deportment. Benefits include S4-S6 per hour, uniforms, bonus programs, paid vocations, meal prtvi ledges, flexible work schedules and a great working environment. Apply in person at the Holiday Inn Hurstbounve Between 1 pjn. 5 p.m.

ri. We Are An Equal Opportunity Employer GENERAL MANAGER National hotel company looking for experienced General Manager. Up scale, rooms-only property in growing suburb of Louisville. Good wage benefit package. Excellent opportunity for advancement.

Send resume, salary history references tot Midwest Regional Office 34600 Maplegrove Rd. Willoughby, OH 44094 You'll get better response to your Classified ad if you include the price of the item you have to sell. Call 582-2622. INSURANCE you are eeroic, enk'V the rewards of a "lob wed flexible with your lime, then you srtouu apptv in person at HOLIDAY INN Louisville Downtown 120 W. Broadway Al i r.eniicx ENCOURAGED TO APPLY HOUSE KEEPER Babysitter to begin late August.

Monday Friday. Care tor home 4 3 school age children. Non-smoker preferred, references required. LaH 7B-7VQ4 oerore 5pm. HOUSEKEEPER for elderly ledv.

Ltve-hi. over 45 pre' ferred. No smoking or alcohol Must have references. Room board plus salary. Call q-3H0, W9-I015.

HOUSEKEEPER LIVEIN. WANT A GOOD HOME? 7 1 baths, ranch house. Private rm. bath. East and.

475-447 HOUSEKEEPER For Female. Live-in. IS yrs. or over. Musi be able to drive travel out of slate.

Salary paid. 366-elOQ. HOUSEKEEPER to maintain nouse, prepare I tttm, normal housekeeping amies. i-03v. HOUSEKEEPING Maintenance, malefemale, excellent benefits.

Apptv in person to ineries r. Moormen rtome A6 Cherokee Rd. INSTALLERS, HVAC. Expe-rtenced. Permanent position.

aea-eja perween a p.m. INSURANCE Casualty Claims Adjuster National adlustment firm seeks casualty adiuster some property material damage experience. Excellent Deneriis. Equal Opportunity Employer sera resume to: Pfl Box 24007 Louslvllle, KY 40224 INSURANCE Customer Service Rep Career opportunity for experi enced Individual in the Person al Lines Department In a large moepenoent agency, excellent fringe benefits. Call Kathy wenage at 423-944.

INSURANCE. Customer Ser vice Representative for Insurance Agency, Will train the right person. Central Louisville location. Send resume to: Box F-74V. co CJ, 525 w.

Broad' way, LJutsviMe, p.t, eujH. INSURANCE commercial lines, part time, rale, flat out applications (, hours fkuuM. Experienced only. Lati yv-MBv INSURANCE. Career ooportu- nlty In sale of Insurance with an established company.

can i INTERIOR Decorator As- slstant Manager for country store. Minimum yrs experience. Salary Plus commission. Bring portfolio. Romancing ine t-iome.

rne wan in i wart news, can av5-sj6 LAB CLERK Part time open- ktg tor dark experienced In phlebotomy with typing skills. Send resume: UMOShelbv vine: 727 Hospital Drive, Sher byvlbe, Ky. 4006S LABORATORY Part time. MT or MLT, ASCP. North Clark communtty 256-3301 LAUNDRY Shirt folder press ooeralor needed.

Good pay; good benefits. Apptv 245S parosiown up. nigniano tiwren. LAUNDRY Supervisor. Apply In person.

129 St. Matthews Ave. senders Cleaners LEASING Retail Leasing Agency Experienced In leasing strips and malts. Property management background. Retail and apartment background helpful.

io neiprui. jme and to: P.O. 41072 Ktease provide resume salary requirements tt Box 399, Newport, KY LEASING Consultant. A position with a large prestigious community, strong sales abili ty, assertive personality ana protect a professional image. Competitive salary with bonuses.

Company benefits included. Sand reply to: L-467. co CJ. 525 W. Broadway, LOUtSVllie, ST, 402D2.

LEASING Consulanl. Pari time. One or two weekends per month. Apply In person perween and 4 aummenieid circle. POUR SEASONS APT5.

wo pnone celts please LEASING Agent: Weekends, S4.00 an hour plus commission. Aiifo raaulred. Aoolv at: 1115 Glimmer Way 367-SS20 2S21 Pennacook Rd 361-4683 ig Arcade Ave Ms-gitj LIFEGUARD: S4en hour. Must have certmcata at time ot application. Ills Glimmer Wav.

367-0820; 2521 Penna- cook Rd. 3el-46S3; 7739 Brookvlew Dr. 937-72; 107 Lyndon Ln. 426-4l7; 3904 ACCOmOCK Ur. U5-75U LIFEGUARD, Must be certl-fled mrouoh Health Dept.

De' pendabte willing k) work full time tor apartment community immediate openingi 459-2845 LIFEGUARD. Head. Licensed only. 2 yrs. experience.

Apply person: U53 atg ben aw-1 1 1. MACHINE Shop. Needed lm-mediatetv. One salesperson knowledgeable of machine parts, une too shop supervisor setup man. Two machinists, setup operators.

One C-N-C lathe programmer operator. Send resume to: P.O. Box 1203, Princeton, ing 4670 MACHINE Operators. See ad tor yogi machine in Sunday 6 iv, tj MACHINIST, must be experl-enced In making own set-ups on aH types of machine shop equipment. Have own tools.

Expeirenced only need apptv irom hi am 10 2 pm. Machinery Specialities moo Electron Dr. MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Excellent opportunity for en experienced nJivkJui with strong leadership end organ)-xational skiUs. AAust possess knowtedtM of commercial air cond refrigeration, plumbing and electrical. Paid benefits and competitive salary.

Apply In person, at: HOLIDAY INN SOUTHWEST 41 to Dixie Howy. MAINTENANCE PERSON, apartment complex. Must be experienced, Hve on property, no children or pets. Send resume to: BOX K-480, co CJ, sy w. Hrojtnwav.

Louisville, KY, 40202. MAINTENANCE. Experience required. HVAC, electrical, plumbing. Musi have own transportation.

No calls. Apply In person between 1-5 pm 2206 Heather Ln. MAINTENANCE horse care person tor small horse farm, non drinker or smoker exchange tor use of travel trailer 8. small salary. 222-9695 MAINTENANCE -full lime, for east end apartment communi ty.

MUST HAVE EXPEKI-ENCE. Call 426-5440. MAINTENANCE for apartment. Musi be Experienced. Resume and references are regutreg vjs-kewi MANAGEMENT Trainee MANAGEMENT TRAINEE New corporation, expanding to Louisville metro area 8, south-em Indiana.

No experience necessary. Position Involves conducting safely surveys while in management training. Guaranteed S12HOUR. For Interview, 893-6132; MANAGER Trainee. Full lime.

xcellent opportunity. Paid vacation. Insurance bene fits. Apptv In person to the Manager of: Long John Silvers 4214 Srietbvvllle Rd. SI- Matthews Classified Advertisma works lor you.

Call 582-2622. PLUMBERS Plumbers needed, experienced only tor garden type apartment compiem Kemon cuun-ly SI4 per hour. Call: 606-791-1133 PLUMBING- Ex xpertenced journevperson. Do not ipptv uniess experl-1-7592 or 587-8197 enced. S84 PRINTER: Minimum 1 yr.

Heidelberg off set experience required. Call 895-5849 PRODUCTION, local window manufacturing plant has immediate openings for production 8, assembly workers. x-perfence in window production is helpful. Send name, address, telephone number work history to: PO. Box j536a.

LOUfSV'ne, KV. 4Q2JI. PROGRAMMER. See ad for Kentucky Farm Bureau In Sunday 619, CJ OUAUTY Assurance Assis-tantUR Coordinator. Full time position at 76-oed acute care facility for Person experienced In utllliation review.

Call IJMCSryvrtle.se9-0213. RADIOLOGY FuH lime evening position available for AP.RT al 76-bed hospital. Send resume- UMC. 727 Hospital prtve, ywpyviHe, kt 4U065 RESEARCH Lab. Tech.

see ad for Chandler Med Canter In I tor inanoter jndav CJ, 6 T9 Sul RESIOENT Manager Couple. Caridnai Industries is seeking an eneroettc Kestoenr rvujnag-er Couple for 62 unit aparm-tent complex In the Louisville area. A 2 BR apartment utilities, paid vacation, salary plus bonus ts among the benefits. Please send letter of Interest or resume to Cardinal Industries, 13803 Harbour View CI Prospect, KY 40059 RESPIRATORY THERAPY The United Medical Center Shetbyvine. Full shtff available for CRTT, RRT or eligible.

Contact Lisa Combs 502-631-2145 or 589-0213 RESTAURANT Help BROILER COOK AND SAUTE COOK J-oosillons open. Experienced In deluxe food preparation In one of Louisville's finest restaurants. S-nkjhs a week. Musi be able to furnish references 2 regarding ability and depend-tHllly. Appty person, see net John, HASENOUR'S RESTAURANT Barret Oak RESTAURANT Applications accepted thru Wed.

June Tt. DINING ROOM SUPERVISOR 3 yrs. minimum server experience DAY SERVERS SERVERS SAUTE COOKS PANTRY COOKS Must have minimum experience references. Apply 2 to 4 p.m. at Kunz's, 115 Fourth Ave.

(directly across from Commonwealth Convention Center No Phone Calls RESTAURANT Now hlrlne: Bartenders, cooks, wait persons. Day ft night shifts open. Apptv In person Monday-Friday, am-5pm W.C. Karem's Restaurant Oxmoor Center RESTAURANT: SERVERS, BUSSERS, KITCHEN HELP Some experience preferred. Appty tn person at 4001 Du-Porrt Circte.

No pnone caltil BUTTERFIELD'S RESTAURANT Help Mardi Gras Rascals are now hiring dav ft night cooks. Preps, short-order ft buffet experience needed. Also waitresswaiter, hosthostess. Apply person: Mon. Frl.

1 pm to 6 in. 6204 Ok) Shopherdsvllle Rd. RESTAURANT DRIVERS WANTED High volume store. Full ond part time. Excellent pay.

Papa John't Pizza, Cometot Center. 429-8429 RESTAURANT St. Matthews Seafood Co, seeks Fri 4, Sat. dishwasher for 6-10 p.m. evening coo si ftvoedltor for pm AppIv In person 2-4 pm jju Leirngion Ktx ftCSTAURANT -Retail sales.

Seafood knowfedoe or sates experience hetpfuL Part-time or tutl-tlme positions. Appty in person z-e p.m. St. Matmews Seafood Co. J730 Lexington Rd.

RETAIL MANAGER Deb, a women's specialty store wlfl be opening soon at Fesllval on Jefferson Courts. xclting career opportunity for Indfvudat with experience In retell management. Excte-lent solarv. bneeflts and growth potential. IN teres ted appi teams snouio sena resume to: BOX C-868, Co Courier Journal, 525 vVBroadway, uoutsviiiaf miivi RETAIL.

Furniture Store Parr me even nos. weekenoi. Clean, fix seM new used furniture, ft no involved. Guaranteed salary. Call for appointment, 10 am-S p.m..

Mon-at. roo-ywo. RETAIL SALES SUMMER WORK 1A lee.l u4a.i. dim I av. iv.

"Trot tin tiuutniii, any ape graduates. 97-3o4i SALES MARKET CONSULTANT An established, professional hair care cos-metk company seeks a highly energetic consultant (or Louisville and western Kentucky area. College degree or sales experience preferred. Experience in the beauty Industry a plus. Please send resume tot Market Manoger 9409 Shelbyville Rd.

Louisville, KY 40322 SALES RETAIL STORES DEVELOPMENT Large retail chain needs Individual to slan new Development Depart men). Must have strong retail background with recent experience and new store openings, training and site selection. Excellent human relations skills required. The successful candidate will have had atleast 10 yrs. management experience In the retail fieid and will understand the site selection process for retail stores.

Outstanding compensationbenefits package. Must be Vice President Material. Send resume AND SALARY HISTORY In confidence to: VP- Human Resource, 1 Burton Hills Blvd. Suite 2)0, Nashville. TN, 37215.

SALES Customer Service Rep Service department sales for local dealer of worldwide manufacturer. Salary, commission, allowance, all benefits. Mechanical aptitude helpful, experience preferred. No overnight. Send resume; Attn.

Rocky, PO Box 1443, Louis-vllle, KY 40201 SALES CLERKS SALES CLERKS Futl and part time positions available for new fabric store located next lo Jefferson Mall on Outer Loop. Apply In person, 4515 Snelbvvllle or contact Don Estep, 897-0669 Nurse Aides Needed for east end long term care facility. 13.65per hour minimum starting salary, ptus shirt differential and uniform allowance. Appty In person: Baptist Home East, 3001 noun i Lane, Equal Opportunity Emptoyer NURSE ASSISTANTS Nurse Assistants Fuft and part lime, aH shift. Appty in person: PINE TREE VILLA 4604 LOWE RD.

NURSE RN for clinic situation. Very good pay. Day shift only. Off every Sunday. Need tuft-tlma but hours are flexible.

ieno resume to: Box 491, co CJ 525 W. Broadway Loulsvllte, KY, 40203 Nurse RN or LPN FuH or part Hrne-AK shifts. eontect. ports Allison, N. MtLKUbt MANOR 4331 Churchman OR CALL 367-649 NURSE, matefemale.

RNs. NKC Hospitals, Inc. full part time. Nurse Recruiter S62-4Q0 NURSES Contract Nurses The VS. Postal Sevtct In Leu tsvllle, KY Is seeking contract nurses to fill In for regular nurses In the Medical Unit at the LOUISVILLE MAIN POST OFFICE Gardiner Ln.) on an as-needed basis.

Excellent working conditions, wages mgonoote. Requirements are: 1. Registered nurse with a minimum of three year diploma or four-year nursing degree 2. Current cartrflcetlon In CPR andor certification as a CPR Instructor. Recent experience or treln-tng In emergency medicine and first aid.

1 Able to work weekend andor holiday hours as weH as evening andor night tours. 4. Proven experience fn keeping thorough, accurate, and legible records. 5. Must maintain high ethical standards of nursing Profession and Postal 6.

Good physical hearth and stamina, porven attendance record In previous positions. 7. Ability to perform postal vision, blood pressure, and biood sugar tests without direct supervision. Qualified Interested parties snoura sera resume to: Director or Human Resources. P.O.

BOX Louisville. KY 40231-9994. Eoual Opportunity Emptoyer NURSES, malefemale RN or LPN Full part time, 7-3, 3-11 1 1-7 shifts. Look into a ca reer at: Brownsboro Hills Nursing Home where the emphasis it on loving care. Call 895-5417.

NURSES. See ad for Baptist Hospital East, In Sun. 619, CJ NURSES. See ad tor Methodist Hospital in Sunday ti II, NURSES. See ad tor Humana Hospital Suburban In Sunday, r.j NURSJNO ASSTS NURSING ASSTS.

Alt shifts, oart time PRN Competitive salary. Excellent benefits, experience ferred. pre' Christopher East Healthcare Facility OFFICE DUTIES. Need excellent phone skids, stood tvplno, data entry and word processing required. Math skills necessary.

Some general accounting knowledge helpful. Send resume with salary needs to; box K-via, S2 yy tsroaowav, LOurtVllie. 4U7UZ OFFICE ASSISTANT, general contracting firm looking for team worker to assist in mov ing paper. Experience helpful. send resume salary requirements lo: Box K-58, co CJ, 525 W.

Broadway. Louisville, KY, 40202. OPTICAL HELP Louisville Firm needs production manager experienced In surface and finish work. Equipment repair knowledge ana aoiiity to manage people a necessity. Excellent benefits.

Salary open, send resume to: Box U-870, co CJ, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY, 402tt. PAINTER Knowledgeable of paint pre paring surfaces of vehicles equipment for painting. Hands on supervisory position, year-round work. Call Monday -Friday 282-041) PAINTER Painter to spray lavfex paint on baskets woodenwars.

Must have own equipment ft, space. Call 896-1627 PAINTER, body work, farm tractors, experienced, references. 9812 Bardslown Rd, 231-082? PAINTERS IBDDSTBLU PJUITEU Cotumbus area, $17 per hour, 10 hours per dav, 7 days a week. Starting Jufy 1, 1988. Call Dan or Jerry 966-4170.

Equal opportunity Employer PARALEGAL Law firm seeks corporate paralegal with minimum of 2 years work experience In the corporate area. Some business litigation experience helpful. Short travel requited. Salary commensurate with background. Send resume to Ms.

Kasey, 2500 Brown Williamson Tower, LoulsvIM, PHARMACIST FuN limepart lime, good benefits. Contact Jeff 893-7674, Drug Emporium PHYSICAL Therapist or Physical Therapy part time, PRN or possible full time. Send resume and salary requirements to: PO Box S8S46 Louisville, KY 40219 PLANNER fPlnisnArlfivinn Representative St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is seeking an individual to service it's donors in the area of estate financial planning. Condi-dates for this position must have a well rounded background, possess strong communication skills, relate well with people.

Experience or education in Insurance sales, financial planning or equivalent a plus. Entry level salary excellent fringe benefits. Position based out of New Albany, In. ond requires some overnight travel. Send resume salary history requirements: St.

Jude Hospital PO BOX 6722 New Albany, IN. 47150 Equal Opportunity Employer PLANNING Analyst. See ad for Capital Holding fn Sunday, oiy, cj PLUMBER Must have Kentucky Hcense, experienced in residential construction. 239-2544. PLUMBER, licensed, residential light commercial.

Year round. FuH time. Call 634-9725. WANT ADS WORK MEDICAL Insurance flerk needed for South End medical equipment company. Mtrui-care Medicaid experience preferred, uata entry experi enre helpful.

Full time with ex cedent benefits. Send resume salary requirements to: Personnel, 7903 Sandalwood it, wiy. MEDICAL MEDICAL ASSISTANT Excellent opportunity In 3 doc tor otttce, Meoicai omce experience required, X-ray certification helpful. Send resume to: Suite 230, Audubon Medical Piaia, Louisville, KY 40217 MEDICAL Laboratory, full or part lime positions available lor mt. MLT, LLT, or equivalent.

Send resume or carl Owen County Hospital, 330 Koiano Ave, uwenron, ky, 40359, Attn: Steve Small, 3U4C-WJWI MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST East End dermatolooist office. Call 194-6355, to apptv. Bring resume and references. Prior experience necessary. MEDICAL Lab Tech.

for clinic situation. Must be certified. Full-time dav shut with flexible hours. Send resume to: Box 93t, co CJ W. Broadway Louisville, KY, mtg MEDICAL Billing Office Data Enfrv-Medlcal Clerical Insurance background necessary.

Experience on IBM 36 desirable. Send reply to: Box L-104. co CJ, S25 VV. Broad-wav, Louisville, KY, 40202. MEDICAL See ad tor Floyd Memorial Hospital In Sunday 619, CJ NURSE, MALE FEMALE RN, LPN RN SUPERVISOR 11-7 part time, LPN CHARGE NURSE 311 11-7 part time.

We are seeking nurses with excellent skills who enjoy the challenge of working with the elderly. Large multi-level facility, competitive pay scale and benefits. Call 459-9120, Patsy Martin, D.O.N, or apply in person 9 anv 3 pm. Hillcreek Manor 31 16 Breckinridge Ln. Affiliate of Beverly Enterprises NURSE.

MALEFEMALE NURSING ASSTS Part time, all shifts. Require at least 3 mot experience or N.A. Training Certificate. Large, busy multi-level facility. Must have dependable transportation.

Apply in person, 9 am-3 pm. Hillcreek Manor 3116 Breckinridge In. Affiliate of Beverly Enterprises STUFF DEVELGPKEIT CCORDISATCR Why not steo up into thfs exciting position with Hlllhaven Corpora Hon, the leader tn long term care. This opening for a serf-motivated individual who can use their nursing knowledge to teach our staff, residents and orientate our new employee. This highly visible position will put you In reach of unlimited career opportuni ties.

Send resume or apty at; RORTRFIELD MAIDS 6000 Hunting Rd. Louisville, KY 40222 NURSE MaleFemale R.N. full time Supervisor to provide skilled care on shift in this superior rated health care facility. Competitive salary benefits. Experience and good references required.

Send resume or apply in person at: Westminster Terrace 2U6Buechel Bank Rd. Louisville, KY 40218 No Phone Calls Please Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE, MaleFemale i 4 needed for port time, 3-1 land 11-7 shifts at superior rated skilled and intermediate nurs- 4 ing facility. Good ref- e) ana current it- cense required. Apply: 4 Westminster Terrace 2116 Buechel Bank Louisville, KY, 40218 No Phone Calls Please Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE, MaleFemale NURSES AIDES All shifts. Experience or training and good references.

Apply in person: Westminster Terrace 2116 Buechel Bank Rd. Louisville, KY 402)8 No Phone Calls Please Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE Male Female is FULL TIME PRN CREATIVE STAFFING Christopher East Healthcare Facility 459-WOO Gel the Want Ad habit. Read and use Classified regularly. Call 5S2-2622. DAYMORNING FURNISH CASH CAWE for sick or elderiv.

Housekeeping. Live In on weekends (Fri-Mon). S45-SS0 per dav Would prter as'ern Preston, Pocinr Level Rd arpi Caii 9A4-rv? CARE FOR ELDERLY Or Sick, Also dav work. In your home. Experienced a.

References. Call 599-2973 CARE for lfe elderly, my home, family atomsphere, home cooked meals, experienced. ReterencesCall 957-5994 CARE Elderly Handicapped, in vour home, experienced a. references. 634-9950 CARE for eiderly or sick.

Stay or go. 456-5345 CARE FOR ELDERLY, In your home or hospital. 19 Yrs experience. Call 499-2142. CARE for elderly lady, mv home, private rm, pnone, good meals, references.

42S-2764 CHILD CARE In my home for the parents who prefer home-type environment for their children. Mother of two. Weekdays. Meals included Reasonable rates, 966-3840. CHILDCARE In my home, experienced at day care, prefer child age 2 4, Auburndate area, 367-4557 CHILDCARE in mv East end home.

Intent to vrs old. Mon-dav-Frklav. Call 241-0942. CLEANING every other Fri. availaote; Mon.

Jefferstown. References. 4S6-2S43 after 12. COMPANION, ak), Hv -oo, FrL-Sun. East end.

Experienced. 2 pm 454-421 SfTT housekeeper Hve-In, experienced, Loufsvtlle or Southern Indiana, exchange references. Call Kelly 945-3802 WASHINGlroning. Excellent references. Dependable Indl- VlOuai f6-44W AIDE Llve-ln 3 to 4 days week, will travel wfamlly If necessary.

Good references. 6J-4Z2 after p.m. CLEANING Home or Office. Individual. Reasonable Rales.

Call Connie, 231-9820. CLEANING-HOMES. Thurs. only, experienced, individual. tan aner jo6-ubjz CLEANING, EXPERIENCED 2 ladles, excellent work and references.

Call 283-6607 CLEANING-homes, apartments, experienced individual, ponded, references. 239-1706 HOUSECLEANING MERRY MAIDS Nation's No. 1 Maid Service Dependable and Affordable CALL 425-5881 HOUSECLEANING. Christian Lady, 46 yrs old, 1 year experience, will give references, general housecleanlng plus window washing, Individual. Call 937-9957.

935-4909 HOUSECLEANING. Individual will do all kinds. References. Anytime daynight. 922-4469.

HOUSESITTERS, married pte will sit your home during BONDED Instruction 250 299 Watterson College Enroll Nowl Learn job skills. Call 491-5000. Financial aid If you qualify. BANK TELLER. See Sunday ad classification 260.

Telier Training Institute. 451-7615 UNITED TRUCK MASTER TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING DOT. Certification ob Ploccmcnl Assistance Financial Aid Available CarnpcfldcrccAtaidcnl trainine, Accredited Member NH5C Call locally 501-367-7377 Oil loll-free 1-800-356-5991 UNITED TRUCK MASTER 5606 National Turnpike Louisville, KY 40214' Headquarters: Clearwaler, FL i i il i i.e. liiMielll llll nil llii LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR-TRAILER OOT kcMng. nXMlssMelOpt injwicwjue ALLIANCE MACTOH-TnAnrp.

nuuaMGCEIfltllJ CMlaarne THE HAIR DESIGN SCHOOL VH Part Dr. 447-0643 1049 Bardslown Rd. 45-J081 4160 Bardslown Rd. 491-0194 Financial Aid avaiiabfe. Classes starting 7588 LOUISVILLE COLLEGE Medical Dental Careers 448-HOO, 1512 Crums Ln.

4021a "HO aaSaSestfM 4SD-35O0 or 895-1247 A-PASS-WEIKEL INSTITUTE START NOW! 2100 GARDINER LN. 400 SHERBURN LN. 458-3500 or 895-1247 Family Style Real Estate Scnool 5714 Outer I noo 68-2241 ENROLL NOW! LORAL Design Classes. Aug. th-12th.

For more Information Call Foley Florist 406-986-8175 write: 52 Lnestnut it. Berea, KY 40403. Start locally, full limeport lime. Train on live airline computers. Home study and resident training, financial aid available.

Job placement assistance. National Pompano Beoch, Florida. A.C.T. TRAVEL SCHOOL Accredited mam N.H.S.C. TH4V TO BE A SfCRETARY SECRECEPTIONIST 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY! Start tocatty FuH Hrnaftwrll ttfm Lmid word pro essing and rlal(Kt McrManm skills.

Homa ShJdv and Rasistant Tramf)ngNat1 Pom pano bffacn, h. FINANftftl HDAVAIUSLt J0ePUCMfNTWSTANa I THI NAIT 5CHOOI i LA DMmm A.C1. Carp i StjrtJkfUM BOiii! Jj Trflin to he SALES if NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY JUST THE DESIRE TO EARN LARGE COMMISSIONS! Here is a satisfying opportunity, wltn professional training. Your 1st year expectations srioutd range from S2S.O00-S36.O0O. Call or apply In person: PRIWAX WINDOW CO.

2701 Grassland Dr. Louisville. KY, 4029 co Mr. Gibson 491-2020 SALES Professional Sales High In retail sates to the professional trade. Experience In sales a must.

Prefer past experience witti designers or builders sales. We Want The Best you're serious about a lucrative sales career and are highly motivated and enthusiastic and would Mka to be on the team of a fast growing company, please send resume only. Millers Fancy Bath 109 Hurstboume Ln. Louisville, KY 40222 SALES SALES MARKETING Louisville Southeastern Paper Company is looking for experienced, fine industrial paper sales representative. Pleas send resume salary history to, P.O.

Box 371 90, louisville, KY 40233. SALES National manufacturer of turf and garden products has opening In local area. Tremendous oportunlty for sales person with experience In consumer products sales to distributors, retailers, and mass merchandisers. Excellent opportunity tor an aggressive goat oriented professional. Compensation package Includes salary, car and fringe benefit program.

Equal Opportunity Employer MF. Send resume end salary requirements lo Box G-59S; 525 W. Broadway, Louisville 40202 SALES-Setf-motlvaled computer salesperson lo sen automated attendantvoice mall systems. Send resume salary requirements to: TeleComputer Systems PO Box 21844 Lexington, KY 40522. SALESPERSON Call-in Leadsl We quality all leads for credit.

This is a closers dream! Up-front commissions. Earn up to $30,000 plus by September. Some travel required. Only experienced closers need apply. Call Mr.

Smith, 404-951-1831 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Established manufacturers rep company needs sub-agent to cover Kentucky servicing existing 8. developing new customers. Products Include wire forms, welded wire assemblies (L cold headed special fasfners. Send resume to: A P. O.

Box 14393, Cleveland, OH. 4411a. TEACHERSCOACHES Looking for a profitable wav to spend your summer? We are offering summer positions to men and women In vour field. Earn up to SI 500 to this year, part lime. Call 429-0155.

Q. W. FASHIONS Home party plan. Sell beautiful line of women's clothing. Full or pan time.

For interview call zav-zyw; yS5-Q0iM; 776-3768. NOTICE: The follow Ing nave oeen placed I toofctna for a lob. aoearnent For rant utUitles. EXPERIENCED Call 587-1e12 after 12 noon. APPRENTICE plumber seek I no work xperlanc.

residan- tial or maintenance; week anas prererraa. tail 7B-MOZ BOOKKEEPER. Fuf) charge through financial statements. Seeking ruihtime position. 18 vr.

ref erences. Call 635-2955. enced, references. Part lima, 245-0191 before 8 pm NURSING CARE (HOME) Excellent References Experienced 3 days week. Own tranuMW-lat Ion- Can Ml-tJVZA ETAIL MANAGEMENT.

Female, 36. Masters In Busi ness Horticultural Retail Merchandising. District management experience. Now manag er and manager trainer of large department store. 4 vrs.

computer experience. Now looking to relocate back in Louisville. Can 615-645-6090 or write: 1 1, Magnolia Square, Liarmvine, I 3043. ROUTE Delivery Position, can worn anv sn.rt, fun time onty. good driving 8.

work record. Mr. Pierce, PO BOX 91623, Louisville, KY 40291 SALES MANAGEMENT 25 vrs. experience In sates, sales management 8 sales training, rf your sales are not up to par, see If I can hetp you. FuH lime or on a consuttlfHi basts.

Call 426-3023. SECURITY Guard. yrs, experience, night snm. CaH Successful District Sales Manager Presently employed with large corporation seeks position with small aggressive sales oriented company Repty: DSM: PO Box 1148, LOUiSViite. KY.

40291. DELIVERY-! will chaufeur or deliver anyone anything any where, tnaries. jjv-boos. I JHT, rat ITS MM NOTC TO PARENTS: Kentucky State Law requires licensing far child care faculties providing care for 4 or mere children net mated to the licensee by blood, marrfaoe or adoption. Dav care centers must Include address In ads.

BABYSIT, my home, Pleasure Rldoe Area. Mature responsible Mother. Call 937-4262. BABYSITTER. In mv home.

Fern Creek. References. Experienced individual. 239-5400. BABYSITTING OH CLEAN APARTMENTS.

Will babysit small baby In my home anytime. S. 1st SI. area. Experienced Mother Can 5S7-161J after 12 noon BABYSITTING my home near Bardslown Rd.

a. Goldsmith Lane. Lots of experience, dependable wrefer-ences. Flexible hours. Call 452-6452 BABYSITTING In mv Frankfort Ave.

area home. Any shift, references, reasonable roles. Call (195-7757 BABYSITTING, 1-S yrs. old. In your home.

On bus line. 1-4. Call 774-3050 BABYSITTING in my home. hot meals, excellent care, otn-er children, S35 a wk. 447-0043 BABYSITTING In our home, day or night.

Experienced oepenqacHe. V6V-6525 after 3. BABYSITTING-my home, newborn to 6 vrs. Shlvely area. Meals Included.

Call 447-6224. BABYSITTING. In mv home. Shawnee Park Area. Any shift.

Anv eoes. Call 778 1244. BABYSITTING Cherokee Rd. Affordable, reliable, caring mother. 459-0612 BABYSITTING In my home, S45 wklv.

Meals Included. Call Brenda, 966-0938. BABYSITTING In mv home. Okolona area, any age, any lime. Call 94-8743 BABYSITTING In my home, Okolona area.

Mother ot I. References available. 964-5222 SABYSrrriNG-ln my home, pleasure Kiooe Area. Anoro-able price. 937-6821.

CARE FOR ELDERLY. Will stay some nights CALL 772-2748. few routes available. Must vlng record. Looking for jeotfe who are self-motivated jnfl hard working.

Earn S2S to nno new oonus DELIGHT WHOLESALE CO. 7th SI. am-1 pm, Mon-Frl DRIVERS Horse transportation comoany drve7, "mu hTT horses true driving. possible, Von. FrL -l Call 5M-72i-S052 DRIVERS DRIVERS 3 OTR.

Good MVR. Good eov. Benefits altar record. 41 mii ina mites you can handle! Mora detain 949-2809. DRIVERS truck driven Over-The-Rood can J22-M6 DRIVERS, tractor trailer, Haloed, 1 years over the road eiperlence, Cal 34-821t ELECTRICAL Electrical Equipment Soles-Manaaement Local electrical Arm needs ag- v'vmvo nana on oeoartrnenf maneeer with Industrial etec- Position Indudas management wmivi, purchasing, m-Hoe sales.

Inventory control, etc Excellent salary plus bonus program based on performance. Excellent benefits. Meed Is Immediate. Sand relume only to: CLARK ELECTRIC CO 713 South 2Mh SI Louisville KY 40711 AttafttlM I No phone calls please. ELECTRICAL

Computer experience, slate years of experience, Salary open. Send reply to: Box S-464. ca m. Broaowi Louisville. KY ELECTRICIANS Helper! Paid Vacation.

Holidays, Insurance, additional benefits, steady work. Send resume to: Box F771, co CJ. 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY, ELECTRICIANS Experienced In commercial wiring necjuanr. Cell after EMERGENCY MndlrjH Turh- nlcians.

Immediate Openings for Kentucky or Indiana Certified EAAT's with current or pending certification. Apply Monday June 20, am-4pm al front office. 101 So. Preston Yellow Cab Ambulance Servlra. Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEER CHIEF DRAFTSPERSON For structural steel fabricator.

Engineering background helpful, but not required. More Interested In Individual with experience to lake charge of entire detailing de- pertment. One who can motivate datallers to accuracy and speed. Consider able ex-' posure with engineers, ar- cnftects. contractors, as well as owners to be expected.

Must have thorough knowl- edge of detailing structural and miscellaneous steel. Send resume to Lexington Steel Supply 633 Smart Lexington, KY 40505 ENGINEER oca! "Merit Shop" mechanical contractor looking for Qualified, goal oriented. Indi vidual as protect manager thorough known edge H.VA.C, plumbing, piping, controls estimating required. Base salary plus Incentive offer, P.E. a plus.

Send reply to: Box C-24o, 555 W. Broadway Louisville, KY 40201 ENGINEERING local conveyer company seeking tridhridvats to strengthen engineering deptartrnent Preferred 2 to 3 years experience in the following posi-Hons: Mechanical Drafter to prepare customer system detail, along with shop fabrication drawings. Project Engineer Designer Material handling specialist to do project coordination from start to finish. Computer Data Entry Enter technical information in the PC to produce reports for sales engineering. You will be called for interview after sending resume toi ZINIZ INC.

11619 Blue lick Rd. loutsKHIe, KY 40229 -ENGINGEER FININSHING PROCESS ENGINEER Del-Met an automotive manufacturer, it seeking a Finishing Process Engineer. Responsibilities include paint project justifications, procurements and installations, at well as daily facilitation and process activitiet. Must have hands-on experience of paint mixingi equipment operation, training of operators in proper use and maintenance of paint and equipment. Del-Met Is located in Portland, TN.

Send resumes to: Del-Met Route 6 Kirby Rd. Portland, TN 37148 Attn: Pat Gammon EQUIPMENT OPERATOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Must be experienced. Apply in persons 1801 Payne St. Equal Opportunity Employer ESTIMATOR, Sheet Metel. Industrial sheet metal experience necessary, state years of experlnece 8.

salary required. LJA-Ht In. i av. JmrmtLnn 1 Car Allowance Included In employment. Send resume to: Box H-13J, co CJ.

525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY, FARM HELP Needed. Call 502-731-5052, Monday through frlday, I am-5 pm tor deialls FINANCE ITT Commercial Finance FIELD SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE overnlghf1 (rave In 2 5tate area contacting retailed and wholesalers. Car expenses provided. Attractive salary, benefits and opportunity for advancement.

Opening due to expansion. Degree or equivalent floor pian finance experience required. Re-oca- tlon not required. Send resume Box 17963, Memphis, TN 38187-0963 Equal Opportunity Employer Louisville, KY 410? Sales. Sett pianos and organs in our man stores, nign earnings for augressive, ambitious closer.

We teach you to demonstrate product. Call Charlie, tob-i-hm. SEAMSTRESSTalror. Indus trial experienced desired. Call as tor Mr.

Atdrldue tor appoint mem. SECRETARY LEGAL SECRETARY Experienced. Minimum 1 year. Good grammar soetitnfl. 70 P.m.

Detail oriented. Send resume stating Qualifications and salary re- QUtrvrnenTi nr. Office Manager 650 Si ark Building Louisville, KY 40202 IcArjCTADV I Cf Al fxperienced. yrs minimum, vping 70 worn, IBM PC, Excellent benefits. Send resume a.

salary requirements to: ADMINISTRATOR 600 ME I DINGER TOWER SECRETARY. teoM Perma nent part time. Knowledge of woro star a ptus. 6J6-ft6i SECURITY SECURITY OFFICERS Males or Females With experience. 40 hrvwk.

or mora, no part-time. WILLIAM SECURITY 471 South 28m street Apply to-6 p.m. SECURITY GUARDS NOW HIRING yrs to retirement age tor Industrial plant security. Full time and part time positions available. Training provided.

Uniforms furnished. Apply IWV OVTTY Diva. SECURITY OFFICERS Full part-time. Must have home phone, own transporta tion a. Clean police record.

Apply- 4223 Bardslown Rd. rrom to a p.m. SIDING HelDer. Must be axrxi- rlence 8, have hand toots. Call uon jonnson siding ya8-yBB5.

SITE Personnel Manager. Write P. Macon, Box 215, Louslvllle, 40201 SUPERINTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT Applications Sought The Richmond Independent Board of Education it accepting applications for the position of superintendent. KY. certification is required.

The superintendent will assume office on Aug. 1, 1988. Send letter of application, yrtoe and names, addresses and phone numbers of references by July 14, 1988 to, Mrs. Evelyn Parks Chairperson RICHMOND INDEPENDENT BOARD OF EDUCATION 30S Wallace Court Richmond, KY 40475 The Board of Education is an Equal Opportunity Employer TELEMARKETING-Good pay, will train. Work at home or our air cond office.

897-7450 TELEPHONE OPERATOR For multi-line busy retail business. Experience necessary. Apply In person, 51e E. Hlgh-way 131, Clarksvllle, IN. 47130 TELEPHONE Answering Operator.

Experienced. AM-PM, Weekends. Part-Full lima. Call 588-112 TRUCK, tire and trailer repair person. Call 451-2517.

TRUCKERS OWNER OPERATORS Choose your operating area. Weekly settlements, 1st In-1st out dispatch, pull our trailer or yours. For more Information call 1-800-241-3905. RTC Transportation TYPIST. Al least w.p.m.

required. Send resume 8, salary requirements to O. Box 7728, Louisville, KY 40207, UPHOLSTER Sewer. Experienced only. Apply In person, 946 Goss Ave.

y-430. Me-0531. VALET, professional, seeks personal asslslantvalef In ax- cnange for rent 635-7 107 WAITERWaltress wanted, apptv to Golden Dragon, 1017 Dupont Square North 2-5 p.m. WAITRESSES WAITERS: Bartender trainee. No experience required.

High eernlngs. Must be 21 and neat looking. 363-9266 after 130 pm WAREHOUSE Person, experience In shipping ft, receiving necessary. Building material background Is helpful. Send name, address, telephone number J.

work history to: P.O. Box 35366, Louisville, Ky. 40231. WELDER WELDERS NEEDED Mig Tig experience required for aluminum and stainless steel. Layout experience helpful.

Must be willing to work. Good fringe benefits. Send reply to: Box K-734, co 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY, 40202. WOOL Presser-Experlenced.

Ful pan time. No Phone cai s. Apptv In person at Ramsey's Cleaners. 3801 W. Broadway.

WRECKER driver: Middle-town 8, J-town area. Must be experienced. Call 245-7263 Routes available in Jeffer- sonville. In. 8th Kewanna Area Approximate profit $250 per month.

Cash bond of $160 Allison lane Area Daily Sunday Approximate profit $350 per month. Cash bond of $220 Call 589-JOBS and leave name, phone number and area of interest. EASTERN ONION Singing Telegrams Is now accepting auditions for malesfemales who can sing 8 perform In public. Good pav tan M64 GOVERNMENT JOBS 100. ImmedlBta openings.

Your area. 1-000- Blue CrossBluff Shield Eoua4 Opportunity Employer (tarnivat Srtoes Fashion -ac-ceptlng aootrcatiorts apptv in person. Equal Opportunity MuM-Metah Equal Opportunity Emptoyer ADVISORS-Join the Avon sell- (no team-Soetial offer of $30 tn FREE products when you become a representative in Junel Cat! Norma, 231-1304 ENCYCLOPAEDIA Setl Encyclopaedia Brltannica from leads counter locations earn i6saie-pross Wy-lWb PHONE SALES, evening shift. No experience necessary. Call 585-5914 REAL ESTATE SALES Interfiled In a career In real estate? For the BEST Training Krooram can j-yt Kb AL bjl Alt ONfc REAL Estate Professionals.

Licensed or soon to be licensed agents. Can us about our top commissions personal atten tion. Henderson Co. 425-8600. SALES Aoaressiva.

positive mdivMua for sates position wraoid growth company to work Lou isville Region, lbii Kim button IvJEIfJSPatPlil USA TODAY HOME DELIVERY CARRIERS WANTED IN THE LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY AND JEFFERSONVILLE. IND. AREA. 2-3 HOURS PER ONLY, APPROXI MATE EARNINGS PER WEEK. APPLICANTS MUST HAVE DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION Provider Relations Representative Position open for provider relations representative with the following proven skillsi Contract Negotiation Contract Management PhysicianHospital Recruiting Provider Education Interaction We Offert Excellent Working Conditions Good Salary MedicalDental Insurance If you are flexible, able to work independently and highly motivated, send resume and salary requirements to: PARTNERS IN HEALTH MAINTENANCE ATTNi Jean Brannon, Paragon Centre, Suite 130, 6060 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY 40205 SECURITY GUARDS Part-time $3.40 per hour.

High school graduate. Must have valid driver's license and a good driving record. Good oral and written communication skills. Must be able to work any shift including nights and weekends. Experience is helpful.

If interested apply Courier-Journal Human Resources Department, 525 West Broadway, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, Monday, June 20 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer AND ABLE TO BOND. IF INTERESTED GALL 589-JQBS.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.