IS! April 21, 1985 Classified Page 8 TTI 21 -rem TT 3 i HI MEN AND WOMEN BOOKKEEPING Services. SUMMER JOBS Looking for an opportunity? TELEPHONE solicitor. WORD Processors: We have great demand for people wllh IBM Olseiavwrlter, Xerox, Wang and MAG card. vou are qualified in anv of these positions, call and set what we can do for vou! Piedmont Temporaries 897-5)58 RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT ANALYST -Blue Crost Blu Shield ol Kentucky, has a position open on Hi staff for on individual possessing: An undergraduate degree in butineu (MBA a plus). tr.
Two-three) yean practical market research or general research experience. The ability to compile and organiie complex data and to make precise, understandable recommendations based on findings. We provide: Excellent working conditions Competitive salary Outstanding employee benefits Qualified applicants please send your resume ihcluding salary history in confidence to: 700,000 NEW JOBS FOR SECRETARIES An important message hr women entering (or reentering) the work force. will be more new openings for secretaries in the 80'i than any other single job. In just a few short months, you con get training int Secretarial-Executive, legal.
Private; Medical Office Assistant; Word Processing Morel Spencerian CALL TODAY! 584-7105 fintntbl Aid 4 JtkHntmtut favrtei Ut. Otamlnnnl mf l6r OctutHilmiml Out- Blue Cross, Blue Shield Delta Dental ,9901 Linn Station Road, Louisville, KY 40223 Equal Opportunity Employer DELIVERY -Sir SUPERVISOR TRAIN NOW FOR A HIGH PAYING CAREER! TRUCK DRIVER OR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR rnrratDondenceResldent "oca" National lob placement assistance Financial Aid avallab Accredited member N.H.S.C. SUPERIOR Training Services mo Goldsmith T5-0'9 Headquarters: rnoenix, m. Welding Institute of Louisville, Inc. Basic Certification Welding Courses (MIG) (TIG) (STICK) Day I Evening Classes JOB ASSISTANCE 491-0070 BROADCASTING RADIO, TV, CABLE Communications Institute Enroll now for spring night classes, starting May 6 Financial aid.
ACCREDITED Call 969-3032 Nowl LOUISVILLE COLLEGE Medical Dental Careers 448-1800. 151? Crums Ln. 4021t HEALTH CAREERS INSTITUTE Less Time-More money 585-5193 CALL 606-278-0581 A-PASS WEIKEL Real Estate School FREE COURSE OFFER CALL 502-459-6636 COMMONWEALTH School Of Real Estate CALL 897-1851 ACREAGE 1-45. East South interstate Interchanges, etc M. L.
HALE Realtors 363-3568 ANIMAL Grooming Established yrs. $16,000 buys all, 459-013) GEI Business Brokers ANTIQUESPurnlture relln-ishlng business, first offering, prime location. Includes 7350 sq. ft. building, asking 199,500 Ray 8, Associates 425-0146 ANTIQUES, gilts, crafts mini-mall, apartment, rent or live in.
Moneymakerl 893-3373 WORD Processing WORD PROCESSING Using Wordstar on a personal computer. Must be accurate experienced. Excellent benefits. Send resume: P. 0.
Box 8097, Jeftersonville, IN 47131 WORD PROCESSOR WORD PROCESSOR IBM display writer, text lack 4 report pack, evening shift. Send replv to: Box T-87, co CJS.T 525 West Broadway Louisville, Ky. 40210? WORD Processing. FEE PAID. Excellent salary, hours-5 pm-12 am, Sentrex background helpful.
Great benefits. Piedmont Assoc 897-0681 WORD Processing. $12,000 yr. Full time permanent. Call 456-3222 JOB NETWORK WORD Processors 456-42S3 ACCOUNTEMPS WRITER, permanent.
An opportunity to excel. Call 458-3222 JOB NETWORK Sales Supervisor CABLE TV The successful candidate will be energetic; be able to recruit, train motivate sales personnel; possess good analytic skills; have excellent rapport with the general public, have a strong desire to be a team player in a growing, fast track industry. Salary bonus commensurate with experience. Please submit resume and salary history toi Blanche Knott STORERCAJBLE IIIIIIIOII COUNTY P.O. Box 16170 Louisville, KY 402 16 Equal Opportunity Employer.
MFH. Ho phone calls please. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS AND GRADS TRAINEES WANTED We pay vou to train for steady local part-time lobs as: Jet Engine Mechanics, Air Freight Specialists, Aircraft Electronics Technicians and many others. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Generous benefits include space available Mights.
Interviewing now. CALL: (606) 292-0252 10-504-1007 AIR FORCE RESERVE A GREAT WAY TO SERVE Due to' expansion a national corporation seeks detail oriented individual with leadership ability to supervise branch offices. Approximately 75-80 travel is required with no selling. The successful candidate could be based in the Louisville area, but could be required to be away from I home in excess of 1 month. A supervisory background and college degree is desirable.
Compensation is based upon a salary plus travel expenses, i Position offers growth potential with a good benefits program, Send reply or resume, including salary history in We haw it rnrmr nonnrtunltv 8n our management trainee program. Willingness to work hard, imagination a Initiative are the main requirements. Start S50. 425-7621 Metropolitan Insurance Equal Opportunity Employer CAMEO PARTY PLAN Average S10 an hour selling beautiful lingerie part time. Free kit.
No delivering. 284-1032, 245-7298, 288-7648 Dynamic Resumes Tailored Creative Career vyitamics 1210 Hunrbeurneln. Leuisvtke, Kentucky 40 oppeintment. 425-0962 NOTICE: The feeewlne eds have been pieced bv oaoola leotcine tor lab. BOOKKEEPER, part-time, reasonable hourly rate, excellent background ft, references, prefer East End.
Restaurant business specialist. 456-3418 BOOKKEEPER. Part-time, full charge, thoroughly experienced. 637-5178 after 6 p.m. COMPUTER Proarammer Degee COBOL, RPG, FORTRAN, ASSEMBLER bnsii seeks entry level position as programmer, operator or trainee.
425-1479 COMPUTER OPERATOR: Experienced. Degreed. Michael 239-3681 CONSTRUCTION, 8 vrs carpentry, concrete, prolect engineer of mechanical contractor. Male 25. Call 964-3059 MAINTENANCE Apartment House Mgml.
Retired man seeking work. 589-0122 NURSE, Registered, will do full-time private duty In home or hospital. Good references, experienced. 589-6767J NURSE, quality care, excellent references. Hourly rate or discount shift rate.
Flexible hours. 637-7540 NURSES Aide. In home, expe rienced male wreferences. Call 367-4935, NURSING, private duty, any shift, own transportation, 31 years experience, references. Call 368-8346.
RESIDENT manager, maintenance couple needs full lime work. Call 456-6223. SALESSERVICE, 17 yrs. sales experience, electronic degree, 239-3758 anytime. Phil SECRETARY Temporary Secretary for hire.
Experienced In permanent temporary assignments. East End Locations. Need a vacation replacement. Nancy. 241-4462 WORD Processor-Secretary.
ExDereneen. IBM rlter, textpack 4, Reportpack. Available for short ft, long term assignments, references, cell 228-8856. MATURE woman with working command of Spanish, MAT in English, and teaching experience seeking employment in business, oovernment or adu- catlon. Contact at 812793-2332 HANDYMAN.
Family man needs full time work, honest, reliable. S5 hr. Call 363-3525 ask for Tom. Man desires any type of afternoon work, 1 p.m.- Cleaning, 634-0159 after 1 p.m. Veteran; 38; experienced as punch press; hand or brake; drill press, sneer, forklltt.
turret lathe operator. 368-2643 Family man needs work, truck driver or helper or any other type work. Cash. 587-0195. Gentleman 63, college, part time, book set up 8, keeping, taxes.
Call 452-6567. MAN 36 years old, dependable, honest, needs full time iob. Call 922-4843, Westpolnt. MAN NEEDS JOBgrasscul- driving. Cell 957-5425.
Neat energetic man wants job now through Derby week. Call before noon, 459-4809. Family man needs full-time work. S5 hr. Call 738-4089.
confidence rot Directory Distributing Inc. P.O. Box Birmingham, Equal Opportunity Employer Kentucky Polytechnic Institute 7410 LaGrange fid. 426-7744 now tnroinngi COMPUTER and WORD PROCESSING Train In largest, most modern, compulerWP school on IBM, PC's or Oisplavw- riters textpacK Keporipacn, Dlsplaywrlte 2, Wordstar, Multlmate, Lotus 1-2-3, DOS, Symphony, dBase III, Basic more. State certified.
CORPORATE COMPUTER WORD PROCESSOR TRAINING CENTER 425-2148 KENTUCKIANA COMPUTER TRAINING Train now for a career In WORD PROCESSING Modern IBM Equipment DavEvenlng Classes Personalized Instructions Job Assistance Multi-lines of Software State Licensed $50 Discount Month of April SEMI-DRIVER TRAINING Men Women rXJTCernfkotion Job Assistance 502-366-2921 UNITED TRUCK MASTER SeMfamenieAi, lMY Homt ttudy ftwJwt troininQ Horn offkt CWoPtfOtir, Fl RETS Electronic Institute 414 Outer Loop 969-5214 19628 AL. 35219 fluid maintenance company is MANAGERS MANAGER TRAINEES We are seeking applicants to work our vacations during the summer. We offer a good salary with some overnight travel, all expenses paid by the company. You must be able to drive a small truck with a manual trans- sion. Guaranteed work during the summer period.
Send personal info tot GARY LANGE co PO Box 4547 Louisville, Ky. 40204 VISTA Volunteers needed for 1 year. Small financial compensation but excellent benefits growth potential for individuals in terested in helping others. Recreational ior counseling skills required to work with teens in low income neighborhoods in the Highlands. Begin May 29th.
Send resume by April 26th to: H.C.M. Youth Services 2233 Woodbourne Ave. Louisville, Ky. 40205. SALESPERSON Needed for Kuppenhelmer Mens Clotheirs, nationally known mens clothine manu facturer, at our aoulsville store.
Clothing experlenu preferred. Part time position available with excellent pev, benefits pleasant working conditions. Apply In person Shelbyvllle Equal Opportunity Employer, MF LABORERS TEMPORARY Disassemble warehouse equipment. 3-4 weeks. Good pay.
Report to PETE Mon. 422 between I0AM-3PM BfcLKNAr 6901 River Port Road Louisville, KY WELDERS TEMPORARY Aoorox. 3 weeks. Structural steel ability. Report to: ft it on wunuai va between 10 AM 3 PM BELKNAP 6901 River Port Rd.
Louisville, KY WANTED: 4 responsible adults to work a proven program to display, take orders deliver products. You must be bondabie. willing to meet quotas, take out of town trips have a good vehicle. Income based on production. Last week's top rep made MOO before bonuses.
Fnr aooolnl. mil B9-0412 Be fore 1) am. Mon. April 22. TECHNICIAN Responsible hloh school grad uate with mechanical solitude to work in rrostnetic lao.
fcx- erience not necessary, 'lease, onlv persons desiring a permanent career need apply. Full time, Call 585-2139. Lookina for enthusiastic. an gressive person who wants To get aneao or tneir pins. Pleasant working conditions, shifts available for your convenience.
Call 245-1557. Earn the most-Sell the best Encyclopaedia Brltannica Call 095-1841 3 Join Iroquois area's wild bunch! Musi keep up wlalest styles, sm per wk. CANVASSER from home Improvement company. Experienced or will train. 344-8272 phone solicit ok tor home Improvements.
Experienced only. 366-8272. CLERICAL HELP PART TIME HELP General office work, customer contact service, personable telephone voice flexible hours. Call 458-5304; or reply to: 1930 Bishop Suite 131, Louisville, KY. 402(0.
DIRECT Sales. Overworked, overweight, underpaid, underappreciated? Let me snow vou a tun a protitacie way out. Part time, full lime. For appointment 964-1343 9-5. DISTRIBUTORS, Salesperson, Retailers tor nun Kentucky Derby Poster.
459-9467. EXECUTIVE Sales Hiring 7 new people, working with lewelrv. Call Tues. li a.m.-1 p.m., tit-ss. MANAGEMENT otmtksty Manager In Louisville Ares.
Interview, hire 0, supervise up to 15 people. New business but proven idea. Earn (25,000 plus 1st veer. Flexible schedule. Send resume to: TPSC, P.
O. pox lauHi, netnvme, in. 37215. MANAGEMENT $50,000 Potential Management needed. Career opportunity.
Family oriented person or husbandwife team preferred. Don't let the next 5 years be like the last 1 Call Phil Wiseman 9-noon at (606) 273-7231. MANAGEMENT Multl state manufacturing firm, headquartered In Lexington, has an immediate opening for a manager or manager trainee. The tod requires strong abilities to manage and motivate successfully. CeH 499-7446 225 Sales America's largest automotive 'expanding into the LouisvilleLexington area.
If youi "Enjoy meeting people Like working with cars Prefer a fast paced environment Thiicbuld be the opportunity you have been looking for. If you like retail but don't like to work weekends or Sundays colli JUDY TAYLOR at 566-9020 Mon. Tues. (24 hrs.) Telephone solicitor experienced. In home, for Improvement contractor, high commission, 499-2099 TELEMARKETING EVENING POSITIONS AVAILABLE $7 PER HOUR TO START No driving necessary National firm due to seasonal demand during the next 5 months needs several Individuals to supplement current Inside sales staff.
Experience helpful, but not required. Contact Sales Manager between 9 em 8, 5J0 pm al 241-7342. NIW PRODUCT FOR HORSE MARKET No competition. Proven sales In California horse market. Solves problems for horse breeders 8.
owners that no other product solves as well. virtually iwt continuous repeat sales. You sell through feed stores direct to large stables. Earning potential up lo $35,000 a year. No experience necessary.
Age no factor. Car required. For complete details write: joe weiss Pets People, Inc. 5312 Ironwood St. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274 GUYS GALS1 A FUN JOB! Are vou tired of being unem- filoyed? Are you tired of hear-ng "You are too young or loo Or, are vou tired of the same old boring ihob? With the same old boring people? And worst of all the seme old boring SYfcSS Well our company Is looking for several guvs 8, gals who have ambitloun.
Imagination, 8, entoy working with others. You can earn: $387 PER WEEK In Incentives, commissions Increases. No experience nec essary, on the iob training. For an exciting new career caiu 893-2334 SALES We have an opening for two in-home salespeople. Good commission, easy sell, all leads furnished.
Call 0934)231 from ADVERTISING SALES REP Advertising sales experience degree preferred to cover area up to 3 nours from nome. Overnight travel Is required. We offer qualified draw against commission with in-Come potential of S4O0-S6O0 per week with management opportunity. Send resume to: Media Marketing, 2832 Augus ta wesi lOHjmoia, 29169. CAN YOU? Can vou get a lob that pro vides tuii company trainingr Can vou get a iob where vou can have fun, meet people, can earn: $387 PER WEEK to start based on productivity? can you win a new car, or a trip to Cancun for doing a good lob? Can you start tomorrow? It you can, can today at: 893-2334 INSURANCE MGMT, Licensed life ft.
health (aoent) interested In advancing through management steps. Would prefer at least 1 year experience in sales. We oner in addition to personal commissions, salary over write, we aiso oner ui me health benefits, retirement slock ownership plan. Man- Jgement position open now. all between 9 5, for appointment, 897-5337 Equal Opportunity Employer SALES 1.
RARE OPPORTUNITY 4. EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCT 3. PRESTIGE BUSINESS 4. CALL ON BUSINESS INDUSTRY 1 IMMEDIATE INCOME 6. ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT National manufacturer has opening for en experienced Salesperson In the Louisville area.
For interview call collect Mr. rtenscnei (3)2)756-3100 Pari Time DO YOU LIKE ART DIRECT SALES CAR a Director for new division of an established com oanv. Hire 8, train others. Teaching, business, organlia- tton, or party plan experienci helpful. No Investment.
FREE training. CALL: Drenda et IM- Atoba i-ew-eii-HM Manufacturer Reps or Brokers calling on retail pharmacies. Represent highly recoo- niied 60 product drug line. ProfMsonal acceptance more than a century. Superior commssions.
Write: PO Box 1382, Maryland Heights, MO 6JU4J, Attn, p.p. SALES Evergreen Cemetery Is going to hire 2 pre-need Memorial Counselors. We will pev salary plus commission man' trlnaa hanefltt. Par an Hldaotl Interview can 366-1531 tor an appointment. NOW HIRING! S5 00 Per Hour.
We need 6 or I men or women to set up displays. Delivery, sales customer service. Complete com pany training, can won. onty, li a.m. i p.m..
evt-eiss. SALES MONEY MEN WOMEN f26 years or older) Help enuretlc children, unlim ited leads travel work hard make a year commission. Call 1-800-826- 4875 or l-(XJ-76-426 TELEMARKETING Local corporation needs experience phone personnel for permanent positions. Excellent salary plus commission. Bo nuses.
Can 4V1-44V. 250 Colleges Universities NEED JOB TRAINING? DON'T VAIT! Train for a career In; 3 Electronics Engineering REAL Estate Sales. Experienced 8, inexperienced Interested In a career in real estate. 425-9646 the Home Store SALES SALES Excellent career opportunity with an aggressive innovated National Direct Mail Advertising Organization. We are looking for a degreed individual with a marketing background to fill an entry level position.
If you are willing to work hard, learn be creative send confidential re sume salary history tot PersoKal Director P.O. In 25838 Gncinnati, OH 45225 MF Equal opportunity employer SALES SALES REPS One of the largest kitchen re modeling companies ot our kinri ii exoandina. We need energetic people with in-home sales experience or aggressive trainees. BENEFITS INCLUDE: Paid vacation Great pay $30,000 1st year Draw against commission Health insurance life insurance Car allowance Qualified leads Complete training Quality products For a personal Interview call (502) 966-5700, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. SALES APPLIANCE SALES SERVICE For metropolitan Louisville area.
Several openings for opportunities to earn $300 per week. Management opportunity to $24,000 bonus. Phone 945-2613 from 8-5. SALES ASSOCIATE Expending Oil Gas Exploration firm needs mature executive to call on CPA's, Tax and Financial Planners, Bank Trust Officers, Developmental drilling with fast pay out. 100 success ratio on past wells.
Retirees with financial or management background welcomed. Unusually nigh compensation. Call: Mr. Devlch, Dallas, Texas, 214-661-3526 SALES BUSINESS EXECUTIVE A person with executive ability, good education 8. pleasing personality, who Is accustomed to active contact with public.
This position is with a nationally known company. Unexcelled long range income Salary bonus, all 896-0354. Bankers Life Casualty Co. Equal Opportunity Employer MFH SALES Established expanding Blue-grass Corporation is now accepting applications for immediate openings In the marketing division. We require: neat appearance, servl-cable automobile, willingness lo work end succeed.
If you ere eggressivelv seeking fun time stable employment or contemplating a career change, then please can to arrange a confidential interview, 499-7447 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Excellent opportunity for career oriented person to market a new product In the Louisville Area. Base plus commission, expenses company benefit package available lo any determined individual who can sell a top quality product. Send resume to: Box U-514, co CJ8.T, 525 W. Broadway, Lou-Isvllle, KY, 40202. SALES Display Advertising Sales We have salespeople that make up to annually.
Base salary plus commission, benefits. Must be professional, hardworking self- starter selling display print advertising. Company auto possible. Send resume to: Thrifty Nickel. 5213 Preston Louisville Ky.
emu. SALES SALES REP WANTED to cover Louisville, Nashville Cincinnati to sell metric hardware 8, small foreign parts. Musi have previous experi ence. Guaranteed draw excellent commission. Call Bill at 3l3-5g-55V3 COLLECT SALES.
Excellent Opportunity tor career oriented individuals with established local corporation. Up To 150,000. Commissions, fringe benefits bonuses. Corporation benefits. (Total Insurance coverage Includes family).
Training salary. Call 491-6479 SALES. You may qualify to teach color analysts beauty technique. Want a rewarding, exciting career In fashion 4 make upr can oert, 606-865-2(48 TELEPHONE Soliciting from your own nome caning tor donations for the American Veterans. Paid commissions weekly.
Set own hours. For more into, can rva-assv. Help Wanted advertising or related markets. originial setup thru annual tax reporting. G.
Chen, 426-4062 SECRETARIAL service. Business ecademlc typing, word processing, resumes, 283-4537. TYPING, Professional; Word Processing; List Entry; IBM equip. ASC. 897-6457 WORD PROCESSING TYPING SERVICE COMPU-OYN has moved for rour convenience.
31 W. Main 589-6388 BABYSITTING, responsible woman, my home 1306 Hickory Bank daytime hours only, Oldham 228-0757 BABYSlTTINGhousekeepIng, vour home, experienced, good references, 896-6116 CARE for Elderly or Companion, on busline, A-1 reference, will work on Derby Weekend. Call 775-8434. CARE for elderly, my home. Pleasure Ridge.
Private superior licensed. 448-0517 CARE or sit for elderly; your home. References. Own transportation. Call: 937-0322 CARE for the sick 8, elderly, 15 yrs.
experience, references. Will do private duty. 776-5974 CARE for sick or elderly, references, prefer Okolona area. Call V57-5821 CARE. Licensed nurse.
Will stay. Salary negotiable. Excellent references. 955-5016. CARE for sick or elderly in the home or hospital, references.
361-8596 CHILD care, experienced, ref- erences, your home, 361-0882 CLEANING, homes, offices, aparrments, conoos, weeruy or bi-weeklv, experienced. Think Spring-Let us Clean AH supplies furnished References. 451-9210 CLEANING. Peak of Perfection! Homes Apartments Businesses All supplies furnished. Insured, Call 245-0017 or 241-0073 CLEANING, spring cleaning or general cleaning, weekly, toi wooklv Call 964-7299, 968-1079.
CLEANING. Walls, windows or general cleaning, references, good rates. Free estimates. 966-1684; 955-8947 CLEANING specializing In apartment cleaning, residential 8, office. 9-6, Mon-Sat.
lan: -ijz, ask tor CLEANING WANTED: Your home cleaned. Honest, reliable, thorough. 222-9029 CLEANINGCOOKING, ner Party for 2 or more. Call 245-0017 or 241-0073 Oln- CLEANING House, excellent references. Ironing, laundry.
Easl end. 366-0832 CLEANING, basem*nts oa-rages. Call 922-4469. CLEANING excellent references. Call Jean: 366-8255 CLEANING, 3 days.
Experienced. 776-5446. COMPANION for sick or elderly, will do light housekeeping 8, cooking, good references. 775-5661 DAYWORK, will sll welderly, some light housework cooking. 776-3647 between DERBY Cleaning Speclall Will clean tor Derby festivities ft, parties.
Reliable. S25-S35 dally, Call 945-7128 or 448-4002. HOUSE CLEANING. By graduate student, general, weekly or bi-weekly, experienced, reasonable rates, references available. 267-5706.
HOUSECLCANING, several days open, references, dependable. Cell 964-229). HOUSECLEANING or babysitting, references, expert- enceif 775-5635 HOUSECLEANING, depend-able, references. 933-0345 HOUSECLEANING, g. reliable, references, 969 ineral, -6693 HOUSECLEANING, Frl.
only. Call alter 4:30 pm 774-2628 HOUSEKEEPING, good references, day wc. 367-4935 HOUSEWORK 8, laundry, de-pendable, reasonable, 583-2290 NURSING, private duly, 17 yrs. experience, own transport tatlon. References.
955-9348 SIT With Elderly. Call 634-1317 SPRING Cleaning. Homes, apartments, offices. S20-S25 daily. Reliable.
945-7121 WASHING 8, Ironing done in my home, Old Louisville Area. Call 634-173). Instruction 250 299 I'fflrnfUiiT -J LOUISVILLE TECH Computer-Design ft, Drafting Engineering Technology Interior Design CALL TODAY! 456-6509 mployment agncy) 238 Career Services Technology Computer Information Systems Automotive Technology Accounting Secretarial Science There's still time to enroll! Classes start April 15th Veteran Approved Financial Aid available (to those who qualify) Placement Services Available Day and Evening Classes D0N7 WAIT! Call 502447-7777 weekdays For FREE BROCHURE National Education Center Kentucky College of Technology 3947 Park Drive Louisville. KY 40216 Accredited Member, NATTS Opportunities With As a manufacturer of quality automobiles and motorcycles 1 in Marysville, Ohio, we are seeking to increase our team. Our search includes key individuals with congenial personalities, who are sell-motivated and would enjoy working as a team member to produce the high quality products that Honda customers have come to expect.
We wish to fill the following positions: ENGINEERS Quality: Production process and material analysis experience. Quality: Experienced in engines, exhaust, gas and chassis analysis experience. ElectElectronic: Programming, programmable controllers, relay ladder circuits. Facilities: Registered P.E., project experience. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENGINEERS Three (3) years experience in engineering.
Experienced in mass production environment. College degree. Must be flexible in tasks assigned. PURCHASING Buyers: Four (4)-year degree preferred, minimum three (3) years experience in O.E.M. purchasing, including sourcing, developing suppliers, and contract negotiations.
Knowledge of mechanical and engineering specifications. DATA PROCESSING Systems Analysts: Experience in IBM 4300, program design, development and implementation. Experienced in Cobol, Basic, Assembler, RPGII languages. Systems Programmer: Experience on IBM 4300 with manufacturing operations and ap- plications background. Proficient in Cobol, experience in Basic, Assembler and RPGII languages.
Operator: Experience in IBM 4300. If you meet our basic qualifications and would like to grow in this dynamic environment, please send a resume with current salary and qualifications to: 1 Get Into Travel Career Praams? If you're either looking for a job or about to start then soon you will be facing the biggest challenge of your professional career. As you probably know, there are literally millions of people engaged in competition for the available jobs. This means that you need to be very smart about the job search approach you take. With offices in most major cities, the products and services of Robert Jameson are used by thousands of professionals and executives each year.
We're experts at helping people get energized, moving them through the job markets as fast as possible, and at helping them explore all their optipns. In short, we can usually help people market themselves far easier and faster than they could ever do on their own. If you're underpaid, underchallenged or unemployed, don't wait too long before contacting us. Send us a resume, or better still, call us today for a free and confidential appointment. We'll be happy to explain our full capabilities and outline just how we might help.
Robert Jameson Associates Private and Corporate Outplacement Servtc! 10401 Linn Station Road Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 425-0011 (Otlh in major film, nol an mphymenl agrmy) Copyright 1965. Robert Jameson Associates tnroii now for 1985. Classes beginning soon. 15 week course with day or evening classes. Professional course by professionals.
Offering hands-on computer training by Louisville's finest travel agency. Free brochure and job placement. Tuition counseling. Class Ltd. Call now.
.4 a HONDA OF AMERICA INC. 24000 U.S. Route 33 Marysville, Ohio 43040 Attn: Recruiting Dept. An Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATIONAL SALES The educational unit of ITT has on outstanding opportunity for an experienced salesperson. The job consists of interviewing prospective students for possible acceptance of our training centers.
Income includes salary, expenses, bonuses plus a company car. Maturity, seH-confidence, competitive spirit and enthusiasm ant some of the qualities we feel art needed to be successful in our business. Send resume to: Sandy Klein ITT Business Institute ITT Technical Institute 511 Angola Court Ind'nnapolit, IN 426S Equal Opportunity Employer, MF 4b (502) 897-0122 FAVERSHAM INSTITUTE OF TRAVEL PO. Box 33187a Louisville. Kentucky 40232 299 Miscellaneous Instruction W-UK laid I fc v1 SMERNATIONAI, OPPORTUNITIES IN CMS SALES DIRECTOR A regional marketing communications firm seeks top level monoger to: develop sales plans, make sales calls presen 238 Career Services tations, coordinate new business development.
College degree required. Executive level at an advertising public relations agency or marketing firm. Sales experience General Dynamics Services Company, a high-technology "services support organizatioa is seeking technicians with experience in CIWS (Close-In Weapon Systems), who are Eligible tor overseas assignment. Prior military service with "JciWS experience is a definite plus. Candidates should have demonstrated experience in: i Electronics AIRLINE CAREERS FLIGHT ATTENDANT CUSTOMER SERVICE Find out If you qualify for our 12-week training and a career in the AirlineTravel Industry.
Join over 2,000 Graduates placed with more than 80 Airlines. Ground service positions in: Reservations RampGate Agents Ticket Agents Travel Agents And now service in the air. Introducing FLIGHT ATTENDANT TRAINING at our Ontario school. FREE 2-HOUR SEMINAR TUESDAY APRIL 23 BRECKENRIDGE INN 2800 Breckenridge Ln. LOUISVILLE, KY 2:00 P.M.
or 7:00 P.M. Interviews scheduled at Seminar a necessity. Excellent speaking writing skills. Ability to work independenrly coordinate activities with company JOB HUNTING $20,000 to $90,000 PERHAPS YOU'RE LIKE THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO MARKET THEIR TALENTS tire control staff. Send cover letter resume toi BOX C502 co S25 W.
Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 Radar andor 3 err 1HT Digital logic and trouble shooting digital logic rC TUC BCTTCD 85c 3 -equipment HBSEE degree or formal CIWS training preferred. General Dynamics otters competitive salaries and an i excellent benefits package. Ciualifted applicants should submit imurm to: Dbtetpr, industrial Relations, Dpt 200-P, General Dynamics rUrric Company, P.O. Box 12598, Drawtr 096, St. Louis, 63141.
more creative positions are not to be found in any published source. If you are a PROFESSIONAL deserving of a better income or better opportunity, you need to access the "UNPUBLISHED," "NON-ADVERTISED" jobs in Kentuckiana. As Louisville's most successful Career Management Corporation, we can help you access UNADVERTISED POSITIONS. Simply send your resume or call today for a free and confidential appointment. BLUEGRASS MARKETING SERVICES IS SEEKING TKE BEST! (not an This is an outstanding opportunity for an individual possess ing a strong background in Creativity self-mottvotton promise definite potential for advancement with this innovative company.
First year earnings potential $43,000. Ambitious individuals who feel they RANBAR Associates, Inc. paa ja 07.17 Suite 2J2, The Atrium ill minn 1 1 ci ejrwa I If 10400 Linn Station Road GENERAL DYNAMICS ER VICES COMPANY Where Airline Careers Begin! INTERNATIONAL AIR ACADEMY qualify, should tend a confidential resume tot P.O. BOX 6449 LOUISVILLE, KY 40206 Louisville, KY 40223 Offices in Major Cities in U.S. Vancouver St.
Louis Ontario Washington Missouri California fret' 'If S- Citizenship ReoiiredAn Equal Opportunity Employer.