April 9, 1984 Classified Page 2 S3 GERMAN Shepherd Puppies BOOKKEEPER, full charge, SW ANS, 1 vr. old. mutes. Call 812-866-2759 SECRETARIES, Word Processors, Typists, Bookkeep HEALTH CAREERS SALESPERSON SALESPERSON ESSE HORSE Trailer. Used 2 horse, wdressing 7 ft.
high, excellent shape. $3150 complele. Crosby Trailer Sales 231-1171 THEATERS. Equipped Completely Renovated Ready to Operate J'town Shopping Center COMPUTER SHOW April 18 19 Convention Center Discount tickets el local computer stores. Door Price IBM-PC No purchase necessary 1-219-483-0827 317GutW 585-5193 LOUISVILLE COLLEGE Medical Dental Careers 361-1607, 1517 Crums Ln 40216 A-Pass Weikel Institute REAL ESTATE EXAM COURSE START TODAY! 502-459-6636 60278-0581 LOUISVIlie 1-800-292-3322 COMMONWEALTH SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE Classes start this week for May Exam 897-1851 Day-evening -week end classes.
Financial 300 349 MINIMI TPBl APPLIANCE, TV S. satellite store. Established years. Gross sales $366,000 annually, Owner financing. 459-0131 GEI Business Brokers BEAUTY Shop.
Shlvely area. 5 stations. 14 dryers, must sen this weekend. Reduced to $5000. Walk -out.
Mr. wessei 361-1194 SIMMONS WESSEL 448-1625 BODY Shop for sale. Must sell, fully equipped, holds 14 cars wsoray booth, long terms, long monthly (ease, 3rd St. area. 13 vrs.
left on tease. Call 937-5856 BOTTLING Company for sale, Double Cola Bottling Greensburg, Ky. Large franchise area. 502-789-2900 Airview Realty CONCESSION Fort Knox Exchange is planning to issue a solicitation for the contract operation of a Tailor-Made-Mode-to-Measure military uniforms concession at Ft. Knox, Ky.
Interested parties should contact Joan VanHorne, Services Supervisor, (502) 942-8309. CONSIGNMENT Store, Poplar Level Hd. 3400 sq. will remodel lo suit, 964-7676. FAMILY Style restaurant with meeting rm.
Ontv (35,000 Nancy 969-4893 STATEWIDE Realtor 968-2293 FAST Food Restaurant for lease, near Churchill Downs, fully equipped, adequate parking, ready to operate. Favorable lease to qualified party. Phone 637-4528 Harris or Ml-cou. MH Properties Inc. 300 Business 267-6262 4S8-83S8 491-1825 OWNER-OPERATORS Central Transport Special Handling Div Now Hiring Owner-Operators wtandem tractors to pull company trailers, guaranteed mileage- paid empty miles return loads.
We offer Insurance benefits including Hospi talization a. truck insurance a Pieet rates. Lease Purchase Trucks available with minimum down pay ment for those who qualify. 502-637-3627, 800-247-0047. 2000 S.
9th St. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER EXECUTIVE $100000 RANGE For The Louisville Area Executive needed to adminis tor established marketing orO' gram. Investment of $25,000 is requireo. veryming eise is provided. This Is not a fran chise.
For a confidential Inter view call collect (314)849-4488; a.m. a p.m., or write: M. P. Bukowsky NORTH AMERICAN CAPITAL, INC. 12982 Maurer Industrial Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63127 WANTED TO BUY COMMERICAL PRINT SHOP Interested In acquiring small commerical print shop in the Louisville Metro Area. Send reply with equipment list number of employees to: box W-82A. Co 525 W. Broaoway, Louisville, KY 40202.
All replies held in strict confidence. OWNER-OPERATORS Malone Freight Lines offers you a choice of percentage or mileage contracts, low start up cost, fuel plan, prompt weekly settlements-and more! Give us a toll-free minute of your time. Learn the advantages that are yours at Malone. Call today: 1-800-633-6350 Fosco Legal Express agents needed, tte your own doss, investment required. train ina provided in sales delivery.
Call 8-5 p.m.. avi-oei-yoao Let Our 415 Offices Sell Your Business Confidentially 459-2661 VRBB 966-0351 im'm 1st Investment Co. specializing loans. Call 451-7674 for rates. HOME EQUITY LOANS The Money Slore, 3910A LJUKOnt 5q.
1-800-21-TOOO WANTED investor for Dav Care. Need $6000. Repayment iy annua percent aoe rare for 18 mos. 361-7069 I buy mortgages land con- rat-i. -aii iuiict-i.
any uay. any hour, (502) 451-0901. Opportunities We Buy 1st or 2nd Mortgages. we fay up to nw-ou Eves: 458-9502, 423-9601 Business to Business 350 399 BAR, antique oak. Stained glass window.
Ice machine soft drink dispenser. Ice cream panor cnairs, tables, szioo, Buyer moves. 584-4414. CAR Wash Service Station 1 1 fcnna, si so. J6-BJ4Z CASH REGISTERS New-Used-Rebuilt Canfield Cash Register Co 456-2299 456-2226 CHIMNEY Clean I no MUiD- ment, August West, used 1 season.
Selling to go back to college, excellent 11200, COPIER, 3 year old Sevln 775. Cost $5000 plus new. Good shape, to see machine cad 426-56W. COPIER, 3M 209, desk top, excellent cond. $175.
452-2506 COPIER, 3M Copy-mite, ex cenent cona. sea. 4W-5U6 DESK large metal, Telephone answering service. vjb-4Wi DRYER -Commercial, like new, Huebsch. 65 for hos- ipui imiv liuniua, civ.
Also 2nd dryer for parts, both tor shod, can ENGINE Analyzer, diagnostic test system, Marquette M-215 tn peer ess imra-rea ex hausl analvzer. 2 oas wcabi' net, accessories S3990 447-7304 EXECUTIVE DESK Cre denza. all wood: typewriter copier misc. equipment. Call FILING CABINETS USFD 2,3,4 DRAWER MODELS uesks, cnairs, taoies, etc.
LARGE SELECTION DULWORTH Discount Office Furniture 204 E. Market 502-5a7-665a FREEZER, chest 7ft. long, commercial, very gooa cond. now using, S900. 458-8345 ICE Cream machine Tavlor 751.
used 3 months, warran- tieo, S4-U0, 945-3583. JIG Saw, Sabre, $32. 447-9895 OFFSET Press, A B. Dick 310, an new rollers siuuu. in-riis PRINTING PRESS KLUGE PRFSS 13x19, with automatic feed, excellent cond.
new in 1978; can be seen in operation; price: sauuu, can 1 1 SHEET metal shop machine, Complete, 945-21 14 aft 5 SIGN Portable. 4 ft. by ft yellow face, 5 lines, with let- lers, like new $250. 49l-9a4 STORAGE Racks, decking. 30 unit locker.
923-5640, after 5 p.m. TABLE, office, walnut laminated top, chrome legs, JUXMJXV, IZ3.4yt-y664 TYPEWRITER IBM Seleclric, good $250. 937-4050 ATARI Writer Word Processor software for Atari Home Computers, must sell auicklv. 456-1297 COMPUTER, TRS80 Model 3. 48K 1-disk drives wmodel 8 line printer.
Vi years, old, paid $2500. Price negotiable. Call 423-1286 COMPUTERS BUSINESS COMPUTERS NorlhStar, Kaypro, Basis 108. PRINTERS Okadata, C-IOTH, Epson. All mator brands of software and supplies.
We repair most maior brands of micro computers peripherals. Call 589-5071. Louisville Technical center 491-7704 Southern Computer Systems IBM Datamaster 23, 1 CRT (5322124), 1 printer (160 5242001). 1 hard disk drive xmzoiz), system updated to 28 memorv. Will sell as complete unit only asking $12,000.
Send reply to: Box A-633- 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. PERSONAL Computer, 128K, 2, 5 8. 't In. disk drives, tetter quality printer, 458-4235 p.m.
SONY Model KV1216, Trinitron, color TV monitors with control panel keyboard made by Computer Communications, $150 complete, 282-6043. 267-9822 WANTED: Large obsolete main frame computers 8. related equip ment tor parts, contact: Mike Loring, 426-6107 Outstanding opportunity for professional salesperson in re cession proof field. $500week potential. Charlie 366-5o68.
SALESPEOPLE TAKE 5 minutes to get the details by phone on one of the best sales opportunities avanaDie roaav, $650-1200 (Weekly commission) CASH PAID DAILY NO INVESTMENT DAYTIME SALES COMPLETE TRAINING MGMT. OPPORTUNITY CALL MONDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Lloyd Allard 582-2481, ext. 207 or 209 $650-1200 (weekly commission) People needed to service Louisville market. Call on small businesses, daytime selling, no investment, immediate employment.
Management opportunities CALL MONDAY ONLY Bill Kuhn 9 a.m. -6 p.m. 582-248 1, Ext. 207 8. 209 PART-TIME JOB FULL-TIME PAY Green-Lawn The lawn care company needs salespeople to work evenings during peak season.
S300-S400 wk potential for contacting people by phone to give them our recent estimate regarding our services. All leads furnished. Previous sales experience necessary. For informa tion call Z4I-344 GUYS GALS! We are a maior International corporation who will train several men and women over 18 who want to gain valuable business experience in educa' tional materials. If vou emoy Deing around interesting peo ple, call the organization where it's all at.
No experience necessary, 893-2334 BYE BYE BLUES Recession over! International corporation must staff Louisville office. Tremendous opportunities available for intermediate or full time career positions in educational materials. Must be 18 or over. No experience necessary. Complete training program.
893-2334 ARE YOU WORTH $500 PER WEEK? MEN OR WOMEN. National company needs 3 reps manager trainees this area. per week to start, No experience necessary: no over night travel; full benefits retirement plan. Call 9-5, Wed. David Wilkerson, Corvdon, IN 812-738-4192 TRAINEE REP START IMMEDIATELY! Nationwide firm now hiring.
Need guys and gals. Several openings. No experience necessary. Full training In educational material. Start tomorrow.
893-2334 ASSISTANT MGR. Need 2 mature people to assist me in new appliance business wilting to train no experience necessary high earnings opportunity ONLY APPLY IF YOU ARE READY TO START WORK IMMEDIATELY. Call 933-3432 Equal Opportunity Employer SALES Energy dealer needs sales personnel to set! energy conservation equipment to businesses home owners. We guarantee 25 savings on utility bills with our patented products. Call 267-7358, Mon.
9 am to 6 pm SALES FULL TIME Attractive positions in the Valley Station Area. Neat appearance good character a must. Steady work no lav oHs. Earning opportunity for $300. Per week to start, 933-3430 Equal Opportunity Employer LEARN WHY more women and men are choosing sales careers with Mutual of Omaha.
Call Milt Jensen, 897-6563 Equal Opportunity Company mf SALES CAREER NOT JUST A JOB Call 696-8823 SALES Three positions plus management open for satellite and computer sales. Strono closer only. 969-3207. Discover exciting career op portunities, UndercoverWear Lingerie parties. (606 836-2519 J-MTCii mm mi i nl General Employment Enterprises Inc 897-5347 NOTICE: The follow toe ads have been placed by oeooie tooting for a iob.
BODYGUARD Personal Se curity. Mature intelligent young man, age 25, trained in martial arts weapons. Call 589-5605 after 4. 260 Vocational, Train Now For thru financial statement, pay roll ft, taxes, dependable, 25 vrs. experience.
tJytxs controller, expertise in all phases, can 241-8268 MAINTENANCE Man or Su- per visor, experience in gas, heat, air plumbing A. I apartment maintenance. cepl best offer over $12,000. JW-VltO. PERSONNEL, Entry level or one not strictly secretarial, have associate degree 10 years office experience, call Barbara 634-3205 attend electronic' school af night, no straight commission.
Responsible male, 22 years old, St. Xavler graduate, some college, seeking entry level career opportunity with room for advancement. Very eager outgoing with the desire to succeed, wining to relocate. no commission sales. 454-7047.
TEEN MODEL Recently selected for Bacon's Teen Board, looking for part- time work in rasnion retailing. pavtd, yaws 10 a.m. -4 p.m. TWO young men need work, willing to work hard for a-sonable wages, 1 has 5 yrs. experience painting, 4B-i8ii BABYSITTING full Port time.
Hikes Point area, experienced. 1st shift only, reasonable, call 452-2760 aft 6all day weekend BABYSITTING care. davs. Shivetv, mv home 4308 Raven Kiqge, can wiwi. BABYSITTING, light house- work, experienced, 45y-HLjy.
CARE For Elderly Downtown. 2nd York. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Efficiencies 1 BR apartments with exceptional residential care services available for the elderly handicapped. We can provide medication monitoring, nutrition planning, home care safety, personal assistance, agency referrals, RN ft. LPN on duty for a monthly fee that can be Included as pari of your rent.
Call today, only 4 apartments remain. 58V-5733, sewisi CARE for elderly In licensed home, operated oy nurse, pri vate room. an so-jyz. CARE for Convalescents. 18 vrs.
experience: day, week or nour. can do- 1 1 CARE for eider ly, nurse aid. vour nome. aooa rarer call after 5, 368-8921 CARE of elderly ambulatory. females in cave city, ky.
Call 1-773-3733. CHILD Care in mv home, any time, experienced. 2303 W. Burnett. 778-1351 CLEANING.
We clean weekly bi-weekly, monthly. Spring cleaning prices estimat- ea. txperienceo. Kererences. ALL SUPPLIES FURNISHED 451-yZIO; Z41-0Q3.
CLEANING, office, home or apartment. Experienced. Call 4-jibu or JGi-jyv. CLEANING, offices, homes, experience, soj-zvoo. GENERAL housework laundry.
Tues, Weds, Thurs. Kererences. ysv-bbos HOUSECLEANING, or apartments, very thorough work, own transportation, good references, prefer Bardstown Rd. area, HOUSECLEANING, home or apartment, dependable, rea- sonaoie rares. 436-6JZ HOUSECLEANING, General, east eno, references, reason- aoie.
laii aner jv-mv. HOUSECLEANING, experl- enceq, sntveiv area, 44-ZVIZ. HOUSECLEANING. references, 589-2925. NURSES Assistant Nurses Assistant to Care for Elderly In your nome.
45y-(64 NURSE'S Aide, hospital trained, care for the elderly, sick or shut in, can stay week- enos, oepenoaDte, Mty-tyti Instruction 250 299 lira KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Electronic Engineering Tech nology Automotive i ecnnot- ogy 447-7777 Formerly UEI Call Today SCHOLARSHIPS Heati no-Air-Refrigeration Auto Diesel Welding write: Admissions Dept. Oakland City College Oakland City, IN 47660 SPENCERIAN COLLEGE secretarial Mecca Microcomputer Accounting Fashion Merchandising CALL TODAY! 584-7105 Jefferson Community College University of Kv. 584-0181 Southwest 935-9840 I LEARN WORD PROCESSING BEGINNING ADVANCED IBM EQUIPMENT 458-5761 JEESSSSEErWSi Train to Drive TRACTOR TRAILERS Call the leader! MTA School 959 S. 2nd St. (502)589-6123 BROADCASTING RADIO, TV, CABLE CommurtKCftions Institute Next night class-May 7, apply immediately tor financial aid.
Approved for veteran's Train ing. ALCKtUtltU Calf 969-3032 Now! TRUCK DRIVING Heavy Equipment Operating Superior Training Service Louisville Office (502) 456-4099 2210 Goldsmith Ln. suite 110 Home Office, Indianapolis, Ind Trade Schools A Career In 7T a. 25 HORSE 15.1 gelding, experienced lumper, good pleasure horse wengiish saddle $650. y64-6842.
HORSE, 3 yr. old chestnut filly not oroke. vjiju. otz-D4j-3wu HORSES Registered Quarter Poco, Showdown 8, Two Eyed Jack breeding, 2 yr. old stallion (snarp, athletic); yearling fiuv, yr.
old mare in foal plus 6 yr. Old pony, call Biz-yay-iJ! Elizabeth, Indiana w.k inuu ICU' tTJ fl Pleasure broke, $850, 245-64S PONIES, 2 mares, very gentle, ifjy-yja PONY, beautiful Sorrel Mare, child's mount, Appaloosa Morse Gelding, y23-ol, 895-5345. QUARTER HorseThorough bred, potent al brood mare. yrs. old, 15.1 hands, light chestnut, fox hunted 4 vrs, $750.
After 6, 245-4151 QUARTER Horse, 4 yr. old, flashy aiHdino. Two-eve Jack breeding, blaze w4 white legs, excellent prospect tor naner pertormanCT, szaoo, 24 1-ana QUARTER Horse, born 1980. 15.3 hands, English Western Pleasure Geidtng. Paoli (812) 723-4428 QUARTER Horse, AQHA gelding, $1000.
363-2990. RIDING Habits, ladies young men's, 426-9834 fitly gelding, price negotiable or trade, can t-252-t 1 I HI.ILEII, TUT I TUT MI excellent 8)250. 239-1368 TRAILER, 2 horse, all new floor 8. sides, 81000, 923-9645 WALKING Mare, registered. 12 years old.
back with i white coronet bands, $700. tf Interested call, 502-524-2852 AQHA CHAMPION VUT UWl T-HTTT33, Also Doc Bar Colt. 241-4738 3 COLUE AKC Registered iMUic v.Jtui ivLm imu lojjic. STUD SERVICE. Call 448-9422 Agri-Business 550 599 ANGUS Hereford Bulls (2), 18 mo.
old, 222-0207 BULL, Santa Gertrudis, 18 months old, $475. Call 267-1627. BULLS Angus, performance rested; Easy calving, good se-lection. Willis Bottorff, 228-3227 CHARLOIS-Angus Bull, 13 900 $650. 245-4547 HEIFERS, 2 Beef type, each.
Call 239-1368. AS LEY BIACKDOT FARM BEST AT BLACKDOT ANGUS SALE April 15. 2 p.m. af the farm; US 227. Selling: 15-1983 Heifer Calves; 23-bred Heifers; 43-Cow 8.
calf pairs; several 2 year old bulls. For catalog information call: Bill or Mike Easlev, Rf 2 Box 75, Stamping Ground, Ky. 40379, (502) 535-4442 or 7094 ATTENTION! POLLED HEREFORDS Pure bred spring calving cowscalves. At afforable prices. Tested bulls.
At the farm. Accredited Certified Herd. Can nights, (606) 236-4352 or 606-236-7190 to leave message. Ky. Limousine Assn.
Spring Sale April 14th, 1984, 1 pm. Broad-bent Arena, Louisville, selling 71 lots. 606-873-6122 Real NOTICE All real state ad vertised fa fQUAl HOUSING this news- oprooruNfTifS paper is subject to tne Federal Fair Housing Act of I960 which makes It illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an Intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper wiH not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In violation of the taw. Our readers are here" by Informed that aU dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Real Estate 600 for Rent 640 ORMSBY, 518 E.
$300 634-8258 EAST End. Large nicely deco rated, references, for at least several mos. contract 458-0474 SHIVELY area. Sleeping washer dryer privileges, $35. 448-4137 a ANCHORAGE, working fe male student needs roommate to share 2 BR house, $175 245-6 148, AUDUBON PARK.
Male to snare home wmale or female, all utilities Included healair, fireplace, pnone, catxe, wasn er-dryer, $225. Call 634-0644. EAST END: Man will share townhouse. 86-4 7 after ivpm FERN want ed-male or female, prefer di vorcee to share new home male. $250 utilities Included, jv-ayy aner HIKES Ln.
area, female to share 'a rent utilities with remaie. SOUTHERN Male or fe male to share furnished home a chores remaie on exotic animal refuge in Southern, must be employed, own transport, en toy country living, love animals. 30 miles from Louisville. Reply to: Box W-974, 525 W. Broad-way, Louisville, KY 40202 Couple looking for female live-In.
4531 Tuberose after 6 p.m. nneM CENTRAL, 1273 S. Clay. Deluxe 3 bath, air, carpet, $175 month. Call 635-5759.
CENTRAL, 1219 S. 2nd, nice etflcency, beth, parking, adults, SSOwK, 944-432) CRESCENT Hill, 1 BR, carpel 8, drapes, $22S, utils. paid. 897-6723 DIXIE Hgwv. area 5119 Euclid Av.
Spacious, freshly decorated, nicely furnished, 2 BR central air. $750 lease, deposit. 935-1660. JacK Jonas Realtor DIXIE Hwy. area, 4801 Fury Way, I 8.
2 BR, carpet, air, mo. References 8. deposit required, no pets. 937-1777, 12:30 to 6 pm, Mon -Fri. DIXIE area 1 BR $205 5301 AAllner 447-0531 NETTLE CREEK SHOP FRANCHISE AVAILABLE We are currently planning to open a Nettle Creek Franchise Shop in this area featuring bedspreads, draperies, pillows, decorative accessories, plus extensive custom decorating.
If you like retailing and have a desire to be your own boss, a modest investment in a fashionable and exclusive Nettle Creek Shop will provide a good income and a handsome return. The presold name gives you immediate acceptance in your community. For as little as $45,000 including working capital you can open your shop. Our skilled professionals will find your location, review your lease, plan your store and supervise its installation. You will receive many valuable merchandising aids.
For further information call collect: George Daniels (317) 962-1555 or write Nettle Creek Industries, P.O. Box 9, Richmond, IN 47375 ers, CRT Operators, Dimension Switchboard Operators needed for both short and long term temporary assignments. All areas of Louisville. Call PAULA YORK Personnel Inc. 2210 Meadow Suite 5 SECRETARY, Stenographer PART TIME Non-profit organization, re quires good communication skills, steno, typing, excellent oenems.
Kesume to: box 3 L-726, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY PART TIME 2 months, then full time iob. Basic secretarial skills-dicta tion, typing, light bookkeeping. Management office.
Salary oasea on experience. Ox moor Center, 426-3000 SECRETARY LEGAL Tvolno shorthand required. No experience necessary, con tact, Mr. sterner at 583-558 1 SECRETARY Legal. To $1X000.
Legal experience and cooa skims, career position. Laii Krisiv y-76U Snelling Snelling SPOTTER, experienced only, Sanders Cleaners, 129 St. Matthews Av. SUPERVISOR, OFFSET OFFSET SUPERVISOR for 3 shift operation. Supervise 40 people.
St. Louis area. Call collect 3I4-2Z-110P, btii Mead TECHNICIAN TECHNICAN HVAC Applications are now being accepted for service technician. Minimum 2 vrs. in field experience.
Apply in person: 933 Goss between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. TECHNICIAN NDT experience in RT, MT. UT. Prefer-rablv level If certification.
Travel Involved. Good Income. Send reply to: Box G-634. co 525 Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. TELEPHONE Sales, experience necessary, full time, part time.
Ask for Janice 96R-7191, TELEPHONE Solicitors, hourly wage plus bonuses, 30 hrs. per week. Call 244-0828. TELEPHONE Sales Receptionist, aggressive personality, salarycommission. 634-1457.
TYPISTS Experienced NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! benefits, bonuses, no fees OLSTEN TEMPORARY SERVICES 459-2331 1941 Bishop Ln. 705 WAITERSWAITRESSS Waiters Waitresses Experienced for private country club. Above average earnings, some split shift, on busline. Apply to: Box 675, CO 525 Broadway, Lou-isville, KY 40202. WAITRESS WAITER, full timepart time.
If vou are dependable, have a good personality, over 20 wish to make good tips apply: CHICO'S fn person 2 pm -5 pm. 2945 Richland Ave. (Hikes Point? WAITRESS WAITERS, cooks Full time part time positions available. No phone calls will be accepted. Apply between 7 am and 11 am, Waffle House 4320 Bishop Ln.
WINDOW Cleaner, expen enced only, must be depend able, sober have Iransporla tion. VM-jSb. WOOL or Silk Presser, expert enced. Apply Sanders Clean ers, 179 S. Matthews 2-3 P.m.
WORD Processor 456-4253 ACCOUNTEMPS ATTENTION LOUISVILLE! 10 Local distributor needs 10 enthusiastic sett-motivated individuals to start immediately it our company. Paid training program. No experience necessary. Management positions avaiiaDie. aii now! LOUISVILLE OUTLET Fxpect 51100 -f, 20 positions open due to 24.9 expansion In 1983.
We are expanding in Louisville. No experience, we train for all positions. Top earnings and quick advancement. All applications will be given full consideration. Call Mon.
969-0311 ATTENTION We have several manager trainee positions open which must be fitted immediately. We offer good money and a good future. Career-minded people only need apply. Must be at least 18. 491-2421 MUSIC LOVERS LOOKING FOR EXTRA The Kentucky Ooera requires stan to pnone ooera lovers aoout our 1984-85 season.
Part time, davs or evenings. Call 1 3 p.m. and 6-7 pm. ONLY Les Getchell, 893-8515 Experienced field engineers, area superintendents, time keepers, secre arv. foreman (male-female) for high-rise concrete construction in the Memphis area.
Experience needed, iend resume to: janei Baker, box sibb, Lnar iolte, NC 28232 Have A Nice Day! JEWISH HOSPITAL Equal Opportunity Employer JOE HARPER! Everything that counts at discount. Outlet Limited Mail. NORTON HOSPITAL Kosair-Children's Medical Ctr. fcoual Opportunity tmpiover MANAGER Trainee-S50 per dav sa arv and expenses our ing limited school period. Man agement positions now open xperienced managers now making high $60,000 figure income, excellent earnings- opportunity.
Sales Representa tive positions also available Call 945-2614. SALES SALES Automotive Industries newest profit center Knever-Chip to be introduced in Indiana Kentucky, April, 1984. Need 18 top salespeople accustomed to earning S3 5, 000-S 50, 000 atso need 3 management people 75, 000 Automobile sales or Automobile sales management experience necessary. Car essential. DrawCommission ptus expenses, medical 8.
den-tat insurance. Phone for interview appointment. 1-800-628-8814 SALES-Account Executive CAREER We can't offer you a career; however we can offer vou a good steady income of potential while you'll looking for trial right position. Work evenings contacting people who we have recently estimated their lawn and informing ft. selling our services.
All leads furnished. Previous sales experience necessary. For information call 241-7344. SALES, Heating ft, Air EXPERIENCED CLOSER Apply between 9 ft, 10 AM 763 So. Shelby WE OFFER: 225 Shelled Corn Heavy Dakot Oats In bulk or bag, MAPLE WOOD SEED CO Owensboro, 502-229 0101 HAY, Timothy, Mbaje at farm.
Will deliver 812-866-4810 HAY, quality, cedar posts, $2. 267-8184 HORSE Manure, large quantifies, priced per load, will dellv- er, 239-5837 STRAW, clean 8. bright, gpod bales, sell any amount. Can deliver. Call 491-5496 WHEAT, feed or seed, clean, 1 bushel bags (not treated), $4 bag, can deliver.
502-491-5496. 8, Wood Shavings, by truck load or bag. Call 957-422V Or CORN Planter, Allls Chalmers, Nolil, extra press wheels, chemical boxes, 8. spray nozzles; 300 gal. Century sprayer; John Deere 4 bottom plow.
After m. 502-241- U56. CORN Planter, 494-A Jphn Deere, excellent $875; Havbine, 474 New HoHand, brand new, $5975, 239-6684 FARM Machinery All Types. A.C. No-Till Corn Planters Wayne Cox.
Tavlorsvllle, KY SW-477-2561 (502) 834-7720 738-5443 FENCING, FENCE POSTS, BARN POLES. All sizes, pressure treated, penta creosote. Brown Wood Preserving Co. 502-J6J-36JI FUEL Tank, large diesel on stand, maxe oner, thj-titt SPREADER Oliver PTO, New Idea I row corn picker 323, 15 told up disc, a tw TILLERS, new 5 HP Brlogs, also new Brlggs engines. Blovds, 11700 Dixie, 937-5228 TRACTOR, Gravely 8, Mower, plow, cultivator, sickle bar, sprayer, duals 8.
used parts, will sell separate. Call 228-1097 Or Z28-I6I5. TRACTOR, John Deere, 4020 synchro-range, cab, duals, weights. After 8 p.m. 502-241-1356, TRACTOR, IHC 140, wlo-bacca setter 8.
cultivators. $5500. 8)2-256-3729. TRACTOR: Farmall 130, cultivator, Gehl hay bine, Ver-meer round baler, 944-3042 TRACTORS: Massev 65 2675 1085 50 3165 TLB, Ford 8N 861 3400 TLB, Kubota 6100 l-H 444 Case 1690 D. SPRIHG CLEARANCE SALE Used chain saws, Skid-sier loaders, lawn tractors, Vicon disc-mowers.
TROT HIT TILLERS Miller onset Disc larnw ParrisB Implement Co. (502)584-6346 913 E. Liberty TRACTORS, Used Fords. 3600 2600 GAS; 3000 Gas; 1700 with loader; 3500 tractor-loader; 231 LCG; 1300 1100 wbelly mower; CL-40 Skid loader. lew S' Rotin Cinars S45t Louisville Ford Tractor 1675 Walterson Trail (502) 267-8237 TRACTORS: IH 1468, 145 HP, $5700 IH1256.
120HP, $5250. 970 Case, has 1175 motor, 130 HP, $5300. 8000 Ford, 105HP, $4200. AH good tires. Dealer.
502-y3Z-BI6. Baler, twine, 9,000 fl $18 99 Barbed wire 15' 2 ga $21 99 6 fl. post 2 19 wood post $2.59 1047-6-11 weathered wire $89.99 TRACTOR SUPPLY 582-1180 You'll get better response to your Classified ad if you include the price of the item you have to sell. Call 582-2622. Estate i DIXIE, 5201, 1 BR, heal wa-ter paid, air, drapes, appliances, no children or pets, $195 plus deposit, before 5, 447-S333; after 5, 635-6425 DIXIE 9602, efficiency apartment, air, utilities inciud-ed, adults, no pets.
937-7509. DOWNTOWN, Monthly leases, fully equipped, all utilities Kentucky Towers 582-1613 EAST-Southeasl. LOVE NEST Only $68.00 per Week Spacious, luxurious furnished studio. FREE CABLE TV ALL UTILITIES G. E.
kitchen with dishwasher, 0' built-in bar much more! Limited rent up special. Adults only. Call for exciting details NOW! 964-2022 WHISPERING HILLS EAST EAST End, furnished mobile home, all utilities included, weekly, near X-way, 456-7069 EAST End. Furnished condos. Month to month leases.
From $650. 228-0117, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. HIGHLANDS, 3 rooms, tile bath, employed, no pets, de-posit. Call 451-6427. OLD Louisville, Studio-1 BR, all utll.
paid. Near TARC. 24 hour switchboard, elevator. Area's finest. Adults.
Spring Special from S249.50 up. Mayflower 425 Ormsby. 634-8331 SOUTH End, 3 rooms, second floor, private bath and entrance, near transportation, adults, no pels. 637-3616 Joe Hagan 458-6130 2ND 1367 furnished apartment, aiso gas 6 lights. 3RD St.
$., 3 rm. apartment, sheer curtains, adults only. $230 S100 deposit. 368-3889, 635-522. ADAIR E.
107. 1 BR, new dot. 8, drapes $195. deposit, adults no pets 367-6965, 447-1028 ALGONQUIN 35th. large 2 BR, carpet, drapes, appliances, water, air, 459-8993 425-1630, Section 8 OK.
ALGONQUIN 1 BR, appliances, newly decorated. $175 up. 937-4498. ALGONQUIN, 3513. Fast occupancy.
2 $240 BR, re-772-2914 decorated, section i. ARCADE 1422 Unit 2 KfcMOOELING SPECIAL $100 DISCOUNT washing machine hookup I BR $195 Arcadia Place 361-3395 ARNOLDTOWN Rd. Area Immediate Opening. 2 BR, washer dryer hook -up. club.
pool, tennis court. 937-3051 AUBURNDALE Area. vfnij; pi Arp A PTC 7320 Southside Dr. 1 ft 2 BR, all utilities furnished. 366-4712 i BARDSTOWN-Hurstbourne LISA GARDENS Large 2 BR, eouiooed kitchen drapes, laundry hookups, walk-in dosels.
No pels 361-8844491-1635 jonn lawson Kroperty wgmf AR DSTO WN Brer Inr Inn. Lovely 2 BR, drapes, fullw MMilnMwl faltrhttn erbryer each unit IUUN 1 KY ALHE5 ARDSTOWN Rd.4-plei BR Units. MhM. hnn. section 8 okay.
451-3913 451-8574 BARDSTOWN Rd Ln. 1 8, 2 BR apartment from $260 mo. Heal, w.lw jl furnished. Lakeview 459-4310 Area AKC Registered murk H. tan ft.
hliu-k a aliuar shots 8. wormed $100 944-1 502 GERMAN Shepherds, variety of colors, AKC Registered, champion bloodlines. Parents snown, snots a. wormeo, $150, a i-ofr-vBw GERMAN Sheptterd puppies, aki registered, black tan, snots, wormed, written' guar antee. -an CEDU.
top lines, registered. Han: over, Bi-B66-jy6v GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, temaies, akl registered, rea sonapie. yo4-4jiu after 6 p.m. GERMAN Shepherd. 5 mos white female wpopers.
Call after pm. aaa-asaa GERMAN Shepherds, AKC registered pups, 8 wks other registereq oreeos. V66-Z055 GERMAN Shepherds, AKC GERMAN Shepherd puppies, quality. ian yjf-a 1 GOLDEN Retriever Pups AKC Registered, 6 shots a wormeo, maies females, $15, 6U6-525-155, Q-V pm GOLDEN Retriever Pups, Sire 8, Dam, AKC registered. OF A certifiedfield champion bloodline, born 22284.
502-425-2068 GOLDEN Retriever, female, akc. Kegisterea, yee-44j GREAT Dane, black remaie, 477-8763, 582-1 black female, 2 years old. i. HUSKY PUPS. I black white spill eyed, 1 red 8, white blue eyed, sable blue eyed, champion bloodline, AKC reg istered, can y6v-r46e.
KEESHOND. AKC Regis tered, male, 4 mos. old, $125. Murray, Ky. (502) 753-7989.
KERRY Blue Terrier, female. V7 good with kids, house proxen, yiw. 4-aw4 LABRADORRelrelver mixed, female, spayed, shots, very oood natured. 10 mos. Free To Good Home.
454-4638 LABRADOR Retriever ouos black, AKC registered, 6 wks Old, 606-332-7859 LABRADOR Retriever Puppies, black. Field Trial Cham- PKn PIOOOHne. 425-8855 LABRADOR Pups. AKC Reo islered, yellow, 6 wks. Easter Sunday.
$150. (502) 348-3442 LABRADOR. Bitch, 6 exceptional. t-L oiooannes. Call 937-7336.
LABRADOR Puppies, black, AKC registered, 288-0694. MINIATURE Schnauer pups, AKC registered, 2 males only, cnampion oiooaimes, (Z5. Cell 812-472-3762 NORWICH Terrier, male, 1 vr. old, AKC registered, $300 can 241-yiso PEKINGESE AKC registered. male, nousebroke, noi good wkids 935-4498 aft 5:30 PINSCHERS miniature fe-males, registered.
937-0712 PIT Bull pups, litter of 6, regis tered, snots wormeo, excellent Bloodlines, $150. 778-3412. PIT BUM puppies. 1 female. 1 male, shots, dewormed, reois- rereg.
au. ysa-rpyp PIT Bull, female, 12 AKC reoistered, $80. 968-4VB POMERANIAN 8 wk. old black male, AKC registered, $350. Theresa Judd 367-6638.
POMERANIAN pups, regis tered, no checks, 957-2749 POMERANIANS, adults puppies, $150 each. 246-W58. POMERANIAN puppy, papers 8. all snots, $135, 8-OB45 POODLE Toy, registered mate $125; KeeK-a-Hoo, fe male $80. Both wormedsnots.
964-0996 POODLE puppies 8. adult fe males, small miniatures, reg istered S. vet checked, $50 8. UP. VJ5-U6V POODLE Pups, toy ft.
tlnv toy. colors, AKC registered, shots, very cute, J6I-ZI6J. POODLE PuDoies. small tovs. black, akl registered, snots, precious, $150 up.
361-0218. POODLE Pups white, male small toys, $125 246-9021 POODLE Puppy, golden aprl-cot male, registered. 454-7546. POODLE Toy Puppies, AKC registered. Heaimy.
36J-zjiy POODLES, AKC Registered, puppies and adults V68-6B6, Hlt-btO WJUULbS POODLES. AKC Registered. 2 black, males, $175 eactl, and wormeo. joi-wwe. POODLES, AKC, red apricots, males $150, female $250.
RHODESIAN Ridgeback 8, 8, hunting, call 363-0216. ROTTWEILER pups, 7 AKC reoistered, $300 968-3096 ROTTWEILER pups AKC registered impressive pedigree champion bloodline 222-0824 ROTTWEILER Pups, registered, aft 6 weekends 933-1528 fUrl TIC C.m.1. A mA. "I' inE.u. r.i iioic, 1 1 1,.
uru, registered, $75. -833-2267 SHELTIE Pups, AKC regis tered, shots.wormed, 36-0J28 SHELTIES, registered, champion sired, shots. 256-2527 SHIH-TZU (2) 812-579-509S AKC registered, male (4 mos), female (3 mos). $175 ea. MALTESE female.
4 yrs. $125 SHIH TZU, male pup. 11 weeks, AKC registered. Call 239-6643 after 10 a.nr SHIH TZU, 2-temales, 1-male, AKC Registered, $250 222-9045 SIBERIAN Husky pups, AKC reoistered: also older show quality pups, 21 plus champi on MUUNijLAJjyW' SPIT2 puppies, beautiful white health certificate $150 368-4231 ST. BERNARD puppies, AKC registered, 267-7888 TERRIER, Kerry blue, 20 mo.
male, champion bloodline, registereq. pro-inir WELSH Terrier, 11 wk. ok) female, shots, 502-633-5261 WOLF Hybrid Cubs, 40 wolf, registered, large boned, we welcome comparison, good selection. 366-0831. WOLF HYBRIDS, 87 cubs, 7 weeks, large bones, very good temperaments.
812-936-9308. YORKIE male pup, 3 show quality. Parents weigh 3 $350. May trade for parrot Call 957-5771 YORKIES, baby doll faces, top bloodlines, small, 100 health, snots. $2W up.
VJ5-45. YORKSHIRE Terriers. AKC registered, 9 shots 8. wormed. $195 ea.
812-472-3817 HUMANE ASSOC. 2245 Lexington Rd. 458-8900 H-e 12-6 DOGS: BRANDY-pure bred Basenii, housebroken; FLUFFY, co*cker Spaniel blond housebroken; MAX, Old English Sheepdog, housebro ken; pete, neutered, young. housebroken. PRINCESS t-LO, basset mixes, jcnnt Beagle family dog, NICKEY-JOY gentle, small, housebroken: SM LEV.
redbona smiles! PUPS: med. size 8. teeny-tiny all colors! cats: PANDOKA-siamese. Free Puppies 5S7-033! CAT, light gray, female ex pectl 'ing, call after 4 or week- ends. l.
964-1723. CAT, Himalayan Hybrid, red wcopper eyes, $35. 499-7612, co*ckATIELS, Parakeets Love birds. 812-944-3373 KITTEN, Wildcat- Geoffrovt, mate, lilk- Kegistereo, 502-542-6907 KITTENS Persian. 7 wks.
healthy, blue, black; $75. Pa- pers avaiiaoie. 44-M88 KITTENS, alt beautiful, 3 to good home, call 361-4663. PARAKEETS, breeders out, can atter a. V3-J64J PARAKEETS, hand fed co*ck alalls.
Resoneole. 969-1959. PARAKEETS, babies, assort ed COIOrS, VJ-04IJ. PARAKEETS, babies, co*ck-a-llels. 451-2054 SIAMESE Kitten.
$50. 368-7148 3 iTtrrr APPALOOSA setting, 2 ib nanos, regmerea, sew or otter. xra-Bt'-iJOS. yearling, registered! call aft i 9 iz-je-r6 or yjs-Joe ARABIAN, Register futi bred ines e. pregnant mares hamoion blood.
11500 to S4000. 1750 down easy terms, teiz; 4BZ-MH ARABIAN Registered pure part bred mares, excellent youth prospects, 923-7071 or 95-5345, wo area. Full care. T25, pasture, U0; levups, SS day. Riding lessons siafrtr.
ibji DONKEY, miniature 10 month Jack, per, needs company, $200. 502-241-4754. HORSE, Hunter Jumper, Registered Arab. Getting, I yrs 15 hands, needs experienced rider, H500 1-351-460? HORSE TRAILER: Good cond. W00, 454-5543 Classified Ads Work Gestetner offset press.
Used. computer laoei attixer, bossing, Trl State 584-8528 Pets 500 549 AFGHAN, AKC registered, obedience Ira ned. show Qua itv, 2 vrs. old male, apricot oiack mask, 5WJ. avz-wis AFGHAN puppy, blac masked, aor cot.
AKC rea tered, beautiful, must sell. $125. Call 448-2795. AFGHAN, female, apricot $150, akc Registered, 288-7835 after 5 p.m. AIREDALE puppies, large type, akc registered, sioo ea.
RUSSellVllle, 1-726-4166 BASSET Puppies TRICOLOR A rul.larwl u.nrmw4 shots, $150. 228-3'552 after 5pm BASSET Hound, male. mos. old, AKC registered, most shots, wormed, $175, 426-5008, BASSET AKC reoistered female, 1 yr. old, housebroken, BEAGLES, 2 males, 11 mos.
sale or trade. 935-3460 BORDER Collie Puppies Registered. 502-252-8301 BOXER Puds. 8 weeks. males, 1 female.
AKC reoiS' tered, pedigrees, shots, cham pion Stud. VJ-5036 BOXER pups. 3'A mos old, flashy fawn. AKC registered, champion bloodline, 228-3723. BOXER Pup, 10 AKC registered, Brindie female, shots, tail clipped, 245-3325.
BOXER, mixed pups, each, can 239-5411 $10 BOXER Puppies, purebred, beautiful. W5. 36H-U346 BULL Terrier. AKLC Regis tered, champion Dtoodiines, serious inquiries only, 459-4392 CHIHUAHUAS, 6 AKC registered. $175.
239-5253 CHOW CHOWS, AKC regis tered, blond male, silver male, a red male ft, female. 3V2 mos. old, call Bardstown, 348-5563. CHOW CHOWS-all colors akc reo stereo, cnamoion bloodlines, very reasonably priced. 964-0331 CHOW CHOWS.
AKC regis tered. cood quality, colors. Have parents! can y-t025. CHOW CHOWS. AKC Regis tered, red or blacfc, shots.
Must see. 944-6678 or 945-1895. i tered, 5 btonde female. $150 or best otter. Must sell- Moving.
923-7255 OT 944-9695. co*ckER Puds; AKC Regis- tereo, vet cneckeo, reaav tor Faster-blacks buffs Call 245-3788 co*ckER PUPS. AKC regis tered, Vel checked, shots, ready for Easter, deposit hotd. 964-6862 or 964-7322. co*ckER SPANIEL PUPPIES Ak.C KbtilltkbU Malesfemales.
222-9855 co*ckER Puds: AKC Reals tered, buffs blacks, shots 8, wormed, Klla, y44-2B72 co*ckER PUPS, AKC regis tered, oiacK, vet cnecneo, wormed, shots. Call 957-4836. co*ckER puds. AKC regis lered, buffs parties, shots wormed, i5. ny AKC registered.
$125 937-4806 co*ckER Pups, AKC regis tered, vet checked, V5-452V COLUE, 2 vrs. old, blue merle, akc registered, house-broken, gentle, good with kids, $50 or best Otter, I-V42-465 COLLIE-Beautltul purebred, male puppy, $75, 241-1518 DOBERMAN. AKC regis tered. excellent pedigree shots, wormed, reasonable. (502) 777-3698 DOG.
free to oood home, part loiiie'caDraoor, gooo waicn-dog, good wklds, 288-5781 DOG House, 3 X4' 282-9534 after 5 $50, ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, champion bloodline. excellent easier pets, 6 wks, Old, 896-6456. FRENCH Bulldogs, AKC registered ouoDles. male ft, fe- male, IB wks. old, has shots ft.
wormeo. can yji-wi-Yai. GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, AKc Registered, wormed. SOLID WHITE and black cream. Beautiful! $90; Bullitt 1-538-4786 ROOF, shingles, roll roofing, built ups.
small repairs, aluminum siding and guttering, tin roof painting, free estmate. 969-9399 D. C. Roofing ROOF; No leak loo difficult A-l roofing repair. Work guaranteed! 778-5771 ROOF 8.
leaks, chimney, sky-liahts. auaranteed. free esti- mates, dav service. 637-2377. ROOF-Gutter-Carpenter work 44 vrs.
experience, work guar anteed day, J66-4ZV, nignt ROOFING, built-up, roof re pair, shingles, tear offs, gut' .1... TT A 8, Woolng 8, Remodeling ROOFING. Roofing, free estimates, all work auaranteed. Patch lobs, $29.95 8. UP.
Call 363-5402 ROOFING 584-4511 All Types, Any size Prompt, Free Estimate ROOFING. Experienced. April Specials 367-0059 ROOFING, CommercialBuilt up. Residential Roofing, tear ons, guttering, ROOFING: SAVE UP TO 40! Commercial, industrial, all types. Guaranteed.
778-3023 ROOFING, labor only, 1 10 per sq. minimum, tree estimates, call 459-6735 ROTOR Tilling, back yard gardens, Reasonable. 969-9262 TELEPHONE Jacks Installed, $29 95; desk phones, $19, Push Dutton pnones, 44-rrj4 TOPSOIL Fill dirt. Backhoe work. Gravel hauling.
Finish grading, s. Bowling, 969-4136 TREE SURGEON. Top, trim, removal. Brush chipolna Highest Quality. Discount prices insured r-ree estimates.
895-8220, 949-3226, 968-2065 TREE topping, trimming, removal. Insured, free estimates. Deweese 447-0023, 634-0374 TREE, Smith Son. 33 yrs. experience.
Insured, free estimates. Firewood Call 366-8868 TREE SURGEON. Dave's High quality, low prices. Free estimates, insured. 426-0614 TREE service; trimming, topping, removal.
Free estimates. Insured. 581-1270 or 775-6632 TREE Trimmingremoval. Bucket truck, insured, free es-llmates. H.
Wampler 964-7892 TREE service, free estimates, Insured 8. workmans compen-sation. J. Phelps, 964-9917 Home Improvements. In-exferior-ouf-exterlor roofing Christians work.
367-8398 H.S. HOREN, ATTY PHONE 585-4100 DIVORCE, BANKRUPTCY, WILLS, DAMAGE CLAIMS 8, OTHER LEGAL SERVICES. ATTRACTIVE LOW FEES. (Kentucky Lew Does Not Certify Specialties) DIVORCE, uncontested $80. BANKRUPTCY, Individual $80.
Services for fee plus costs. (Kentucky law does not certify specialities of legal practice). CHAS. PORTER, ATTY TERMS 584-6187 BANKRUPTCY Personal: $80 $80 cost. DIVORCE-NO contest: $80 $iob cost.
Ken lucky law does not certify specialities of legal practice. 587-6079 Ed Brady 454-4725 BANKRUPTCY M. 13 Divorce Consumer Law. Kert- tucnv taw does not certify specialties of legal practice. Marc H.
Lew, Atty. 565-1168 Kentucky ft bidioM ft WATTS A AVWV-1ATFS Reasonable legal tees 569-2807 Social Security Disability. KY law doesn't certify soeciaitfes Sidney Honlsk 517-09M Stuarl Lyon. Divorce, bankruptcy, district court, criminal 563-4)70 Kentucky law does not cttfiify specialties. Your Service COMPUTERS MICROPROCESSORS ROBOTICS (rets) msrz zm CONCRETE Carpentry Driveways, Patios, Room Ad-dltions Garages.
955-8883 CONCRETE, mason, all types, years, fix osmi. leaks, 38-7951267-5795. CONCRETE Drlvewavs-slde- waiKs-panos-garage floors Free Estimates, 937-0733 CREEKROCK concrete; all types, wock stucco. 21 vrs, experience. Anytime 772-2205 DRYWALLPlastertexluring, ouaranteed.
923-7017, 923-7112' DRYWALLhangingflnishlno our lowest price In town, guar anteed free estimates. 564-9840 DRYWALL: New work, remodeling. Old homes a speci-allty. Call Bud, 964-1466 ELECTRIC 10 DISCOUNT On all Installations repairs mru uerny week, f-ree Estimates on installations. 24 Hr.
service. John Waters Electric Heating Air Conditioning Inc. 896-0850, 897-1559. ELECTRIC 10 DISCOUNT On all Installations repairs thru Derby Week. Free Estimates on Installations.
24 Mr. service. John Waters Electric Heating Air Conditioning Inc. 896-0850, 897-1559. ELECTRIC Rewiring repair, licensed guaranteed, free estimates.
231-1731. ELECTRIC rewirlng-repairs. MC VISA. Reasonable rates. Licensed, Insured.
426-2836 ELECTRIC, residential, rewiring, repairs, 220 volt out-lets. 24 hour service. 964-0603 FENCE, chain link, Wayne Bingham, 368-6951. GARAGES. Driveways.
Big 2'2 car-free brick front, only $4490. Garage World 366-1131 GARAGES 8. CONCRETE by Construction. We build all year. 368-2773 anytime.
GARDENING. Tilling, will ready your garden for plant-ing, 458-0239 day or night. GRASS Cutting, Dethatchlng, Seed ina. Rubbish removed. 361-0356 HAULING ANYTHING Cheap! Father son need work bad.
Guaranteed. Low rates. Remove all kinds of rubbish wreck garages. Have trucks for the iob. Larae van.
Try us first! Free estimates. City county wide. 448-2699 447-4079 HAULING, residentialcommercial, locallong distance, ko too small. TrucKs llftgates, boxes available. ferms.
sen or citizens discount. fast, dependable. 426-3157. HAULING Need Work Bad Any type. Reasonable.
Small, medium and large truck. Rick 367-0059 HAULING locallona distance. insured, discount to elderly 935-0192 HAULING: Anything, anytime, rubbish. Chain saw work, house painting, repairs. Box truck.
Father Son. 778-3039 HAULING with closed in van, bia or small, insured. Call for free estimate, 969-1110. HAULING limbs shrubs, clean out basem*nts, garages, 8 sheds. Reasonabie.776-0198.
HAULING, trash, etc. Garaoe. gutter cleaning, tree cutting odd lobs. 969-2485. HAULING, moving, cleaning, painting.
General repairs. Most reasonable! 361-8624, 361-2447 HAULING, remove lunk, clean attics garages. Please call 897-7685. HEATING Air Conditioning, heat pumps, 24 Hr. Service, Licensed, Insured, Guaranteed.
448-4536. HOME improvements, roof ing, siding, painting, gutters, patio covers, financing, free estimates, 937-0699 HOME Improvements: roofing repairs, painting, remodel- ng, an tvpes. tree estimates. Work guaranteed 935-5424 HOME IMPROVE ME NTS: i.i.li i1 rm PffffrTi 1 INSULATION siding. Com piete remodeling.
Free esti mates. Work ouaranteed. 772-7443 AL-MAR 778-9944 LAWN Care Scrub maintenance. 8 vrs. experience.
Pre sent ad receive $5 off. Call ANTHONY'S 458-3052 LAWN renovation, complete, oemaicnmg, sooqing, seeaing lanascaoing, nnisn graaini free estimates, aft 5, 245-60S LAWN tree care, property maintenance, ruling, sooaing, Louisville Landscaping 361-1763 LAWN SERVICE LAWN MOWING581-9367 ROSER'S LAWN SERVICE LAWN CARE BY PROLAWN WUrV Nb rfcUTAL NG FREE ESTIMATES 933-0727 LAWN Cut Lawn Dethatchlng mowing, can 4Z5-U6 LAWN Maintenance, mowing, weeding, fertilizing, seeding. aa Lawn Mrvtce roz-zizo LAWN Service, complete lawn service. Aiier a pm, oj-uji BUXfcLuc LAWN Service LAWN Service, complete tanascaping, grading, sodding. Elbert's Lawn Repair 367-7514 PAINTING, Interior exterior, orywaii, renovations, tree estimates, guaranteed satisfaction, T.
C. Ennes. 451-4820. PAINTING Interiorexterior. r-ree estimates, ooo- im i CAGNEY'S INC PAINTING, interior, exterior.
FREE ESTIMATES Jim Norrls 449-1585 PAINTING, steaming, expert wallpaper removable, plaster repair, dry wall, texturing. 30 years. John Washer. 635-5987 PAINTING InteriorExterior, over 30 years experience, in sured, Don Jones, 969-0083 PAINTING, low rates. 18 vrs.
experience. Insured, work guaranteed, ous, 454-3649 PAINTING, interiorexterior. Low rates. Warranty, Insured. r-ree estimate.
4ba-jyo. PAINTING. InteriorExterior. r-ree reasonable estimates. i-ast service; Z4i-uz8 PAINTING interiorexterior, no too too largesmaii.
Free estimates 368-9314 PAINTING, interiorexterior, Remodel too. Fullv insured. Guaranteed 454-3044896-1167 PAPER HANGING, plastering. Quick service. Samples Painting.
W.L.Rankin 776-2773 PAPERHANGING, steaming, ceilings textured, painting. i-nanes iue, Jo i io PAPERHANGING, painting, texturing, quality work, low rates, free estimates, 937-3291 PAPERHANGING: S3roll Fast service, city wide free estimates, can now yj3-OV65 PAPERING, 2 rooms, up. Ceilings textured steaming Mr. Lite, 366 1975, 964-4396 PATCH Plaster, textured cefl-inos, paint 8 drywall. 283-7510, If no answer call after 4:30.
PLASTER Drywall, ceilings text urea, test service, free estimates, guaranteed. 923-7246. PLUMBING, repairs, underground water 8, gas lines, water heaters, drains unstopped. East: 454-4661 West: 772 2513. FRED FRIEDMANN 8, SON PLUMBING-vanities bath additions.
t-KfcE esti MATES, sewer and drain cleaning. John Dubbin 935-5837 PLUMBING, bathrooms Installed in basem*nts, attics or in between. Repairs. Russell Howson, 267-6567. REFRIGERATION Air Condf-tioning, Heating.
Service 8 Installation. 24 Hr. 448-4536. ROOF, aluminum guttering, fast service-low prices-guar-an teed -good rating. Free estimates, daysnights.
366-9869 COX BROS ROOFING ROOF, any type repairs or installation. Guaranteed, Insured. No iob too small. 448-9702 957-2225 Service 400 499 TEE rflnrrn ACOUSTICAL Tile, Additions, Kemoaeiing, Attic, Bsmts. v.i aytna, KIIUI ens.
637-2939. 893-2828 jonn cnanoier co. ince 1949 ADDITION. Alterations, bsmt Tinisneq, aecx, fireplaces, ga- rages, ju years in business. 491-2465 969-5574 239-5428 ADDITION: 12x14, $5,900.
GARAGES ft, ROOFING ALUMINUM-VINYL SIDINC. Any type remodeling. 933-3072 nkwiviinwivi, ii iuii rw "LSSI grades installed, 26 yrs. expe rience, aiso guners, windows, carporis. r-ree esnmaies-Keu aote.
or 361-2448 ALUMINUM SIDING 256-5747 CLEANED OR PAINTED Exterior Home lean ing ALUMINUM, vinyl siding trim. 25 off. Jones Home Im provements, 363-Obtjy APPLIANCE Repair, refrlo erators and freezers, all manes, ueaier. 36S-20m APPLIANCE repairs. Refrig erators.
ranoes. washers -drv' ers, dishwashers. 367-0063. APPLIANCE Repair, freezers refrigerators, all makes, for Armor, 561-5612 ASPHALT, state-w de. com mercial residential, prices can i oe oeai, a vrs.
expen ence. Call 922-4668 ASPHALT all kinds: blacktop ping drives, parking tots, hot larring cracks etc. 566-604 ASPHALT Driveways, lots patcnrepair, reasonaDie, esn- mates. Kay Kucnen J6i-yu6 BACKHOE grading work parking lots, drives, yards, Graveldirt delivered. 363-5508 BAsem*nTS: waterproofed.
Lifetime auarantei Winter lo. since iy-w 448-low BRICK, btock rock. Building repairing, ah Types, hire places, walls 8, walks. 231-1373 BRICK-Brock -New-Renoir fireplaces-chimneys -garages slucco-50 mile area 583-3190 BRICK-block desians; chim neys. All type construction.
Biuegrass Masonry 581-1712 BULLDOZING, highlift, grad ina. wreckina. dirt Jt rnrk hauling, tractor work, 955-8866 CABINET Maker. Cabinets, tops, all custom made 935-4309' CABINET maker: Bookcases, tops, oars, store Ttxiures, etc, yrs experience. 425-2764 CABINETS, tops, bookcases, iwrs.ivia i iaoineTS, Lexing ion wo.
ai r-avne. w-bw CARPENTER. Additions. modeling 8 repairs, trim spe cialist, no iob too large or smaii, references. 6J-4JV6 CARPENTER, all repairs alu minum vinyl siding, roofing, guttering, concrete, 776-8104 CARPENTER Work, painting, paneling and odd iobs, insured.
-ree Estimates. 425-97V7 CARPENTRY, remodeling, repair work painting. r-ree estimates, insured James UeWItt, 933- 1673. CARPENTRY Orywall. Doors, additions, basem*nt, paneling, decks, 964-9534 CARPENTRY-Independent carpenter.
Remodeling repairs Call 426-0355 CARPET Installed, repaired, pad available, 25 years experi ence, a Tier vev-ssav CARPET Installed or Repaired. Professionally done at reasonable prices. 367-7259 CERAMIC 4 Vinyl Tile. Offseason rates available now. Guaranteed.
367-6520 CERAMIC tile work, new repair, FREE estimates. J6a-JU81 CONCRETE, walks. Steps, patios, porches, stucco, small nu, ijiiii. iron, yuo oimcbv, 425-4H05; CONCRETE Stucco, walks, steps, porctws, drives. No iob too small, tree estimates, work Guaranteed, 231-1495 CONCRETE, drives, aprunt, sidewalks, steos porches.
Free fcstimales, 774-5329 ELECTRONIC INSTITUTE Veterans Benefits Financial Assistance Placement Service ENROLL NOW FOR NEXT CLASS "(hr Cmdulln H'orhrui'' CALL TODAY: 969-5214 A1d.fi Diitar I ruin Sales Help Wanted $40,000 YELLOW PAGES SALES PROFESSIONAL CAREER OPPORTUNITY Based in LOUISVILLE, KY (limited 6 mot. rrovl-no weekends) 611 Apartments Unfurnished ASHfOtO MANOf 4 Nawbvrg Hd km 1 Product Nationally Accoptod Mgmt. Opportunittoe National Company Pounded 910 WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR: Top Achiovor Compotitivo Outlook tiling no to Travol Doairo to Advance KKColtont CompnMtMn Pockogo luxury Units 1 2 BR 2 BR with den AN new appliance all new carpet throughout, built-in microwave ovens. Air, pool security doors. 1 BR $365, 2 BR $395.
458-0797 Total Bonof It Pack ago Prof optional Training STATION MISS Equal Opportunity Employer RESUMES ONLY COLLEEN, PERSONNEL MGR. P.O. BOX 8218 LOUISVILLE, KY 40208 Ring belt to office, Building 3435, 3 Central heat air; roofing repairs; storm windows doors. 778-5771.