Thestate Bureau of Elections has initiated a formal investigation into whether Hartland Consolidated Schools violated the Michigan Campaign Finance Act even as a second related complaint has been filed.
Hartland resident Wes Nakagiri filed his firstcomplaint against the districtlast week, claiming the district used public resources "to provide voters only information which supports the May 2 millage election," and that the district violated the law by denying his request to post an opposing viewpoint.
On Monday night, Nakagiri filed a second complaint claiming school board members failedto identify who paid for a mass mailing of a letter askingvoters to vote yes on thetax, which was signed by the board's seven members.
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School official deny the allegations.
"The information is factual information for the community to better understand the proposal, so there is no reason to change anything as we've been appropriate in everything we've put out," Superintendent Chuck Hughes said Wednesday.
In May 2, voters in the district will decide if a 0.5 mill sinking fund tax should be levied on property owners. It would cost the owner of a home with a taxable value of $100,000 about $50 a year andraise about $6 million over 10 years for building repairs and improvements and technology and security upgrades to its nine buildings.
Although not spelled out in the ballot language, school board officials have promised to pass a resolution in June to reduce a current 8.55-mill levy to to 8.05 millsif voters approve the sinking fund millage.If the board follows through, taxes would not go up, but property owners would pay them longer. The bond debt is currently set to be paid off in 2034, and it would be extended to 2035 or 2036.
The issue likely won't be resolved before the election.
Nakagiri filed his initial complaint April 10, and the Bureau of Elections reviewed it and determined to proceed with a formal investigation.
Theschool district has 15 business days to respond to state officials, and then Nakagiri will be given another opportunity to respond before the state determines if a violation has occurred. If the Bureau of Elections determines there was a violation,it can take actions ranging from a formal agreement with the district not to repeatthe offense to referring the matter to the Attorney General for misdemeanor criminal charges.
In his first complaint,Nakagiri arguedthe website and e-mailsare "public facilities," and people with opposing viewpoints should be granted an "equal opportunity" to access them.
In a letter to Superintendent Chuck Hughesdated April 6, Nakagiriasked the district to post a link to aGadsden Centeranalysisand e-mail outa copy of hisletter. Hughes denied his request in an email dated April 10.
"My biggest point of contention is they are denying the(inclusion of)an opposing point of view," Nakagiri said Tuesday.
Hughes said the school district's website and emails donot present a viewpoint telling people how to vote.
"What we have provided is information on why we are asking for it (the tax). I think the community has the expectation that we will explain why we have put this on the ballot," he said.
In his second complaint, Nakagiri claims the school board should have identified who paid for a mailing members sent out advocating a yes vote.
It is against state law for school districtsto ask people to vote yes.
Here is how the letter in question begins:
"The below signed Hartland School Board members are reaching out to you as concerned citizens in order to provide our strong support and encouragement to vote YES on the upcoming May 2nd Sinking Fund Ballot measure. This communication is not part of any official Board or School action, but instead a heartfelt endeavor to clear any lingering confusion and offer ourselves, fellow community members, to you as an avenue for information and clarity."
School board president Thom Dumond said Tuesday the mailing was paid for out of the board members' own pockets and did not violate the law.
"It wasn't sent by the school board. It was sent by the seven individuals, who are registered voters in the district. Noschool money was used," Dumond said.
Nakagiri also asked the state to look into whether the school board members should have formed a ballot question committee, which is required by law if more than $500 is spent.
"It was under the $500 limit," Dumond said.
The state has five business days toeither dismiss Nakagiri's second complaintor launch a formal investigation.
Contact Livingston Daily reporter Jennifer Eberbach at 517-548-7148 or Follow her on Facebook and Twitter @JenEberbach.