DMH's Content - Page 41 (2025)

DMH's Content - Page 41 (1)


Campaign Finances

Starting Budget:$187,665,000


- $10,000,000 = IA Critical Infrastructure Level 5

- $10,000,000 = IA GOTV Level 5

- $10,000,000 = AZ Critical Infrastructure Level 5

- $10,000,000 = AZ GOTV Level 5

- $15,000,000 = MI Critical Infrastructure Level 5

- $30,000,000 = MI GOTV Level 6

- $15,000,000 = NC Critical Infrastructure Level 5

- $15,000,000 = NC GOTV Level 5

- $5,000,000 = AK Critical Infrastructure Level 5

- $5,000,000 = AK GOTV Level 5

- $10,000,000 = WI Critical Infrastructure Level 5

- $10,000,000 = WI GOTV Level 5

- $2,000,000 = NV GOTV Level 2

- $3,000,000 = OH GOTV Level 2

- $3,000,000 = GA GOTV Level 2

- $30,000,000 = Interent Ads

Ending Balance:$3,665,000

Campaign Points

Starting Points:40 CP (+20 CP for VP)


- 12 CP = Stump Speech #1

- 12 CP = Stump Speech #2

- 4 CP = Stump Speech #3

- 4 CP = Stump Speech #4

- 2 CP = Surrogate Speech #1

- 2 CP = Surrogate Speech #2

- 2 CP = Surrogate Speech #3

- 2 CP = Targeted Outreach #1

- 8 VP CP = VP Stump Speech #1

- 12 VP CP = VP Stump Speech #2

Ending Balance:0 CP

Stump Speech #1

Locations:Raleigh, NC / Chapel Hill, NC / Chandler, AZ

Targets:Suburban Voters, Seniors, Middle Class Voters

Cost:12 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (2)

"Hello [INSERT CITY]! My name is Robert Mulroney and I am running for President! It is an honor to be with you all on this fine day!This is an election that will decide between whether or not we will build a country that works for all of us or a country that continues to bow at the alter of the political and economic elite in this country! Americans are tired of the last four years of politics as usual and I don't blame them. We want a system dedicated to people-first policies that uplift Americans of all colors and creed. I believe that we can achieve that vision this November when we elect the Mulroney/Bu ticket!

I stand here today, the son of a commercial fisherman and a church pianist, in awe at how much potential this country truly has to offer. That someone like me, a man from a rural community with over twenty years of blue collar work and the scars to prove it who lacks a college degree, can even fathom seeking the highest office in the land is a testament to the bountiful potential our nation has to offer! I have worked every day of my public life, whether it be as a State Senator, a Governor, a Special Envoy, or a U.S. Senator, with one goal and one goal in mind: fighting to make this country better for all!

We stand at a pivotal moment in our nation as we face a choice of continuing down the path of the same-old same-old Washington nonsense we've all come to expect or taking a path that puts us on the right path. While you're gonna hear a lot about the economy, and taxes, and education, and healthcare, what oftentimes gets overlooked is the deeper struggle in America. Our deeper struggle comes from the social fabric of our nation and how we can claw our way out of the corporate-first America that we've found ourselves in when it comes to our ability have dignity in the workplace. I also believe we must speak to the deeper struggle that has prevented us from coming together and breaking bread with one another that we all have felt, regardless of what party you belong to.

Ibelieve in an America in which all people, regardless of who they are or where they come from, can reach for the American Dream and achieve it! I believe in an America in which our political leaders return to being public servants, not celebrities looking for their fifteen minutes of fame! I believe in an America where what makes you different, what makes you truly unique, is celebrated and cherished as a part of the that patchwork quilt that forms the very fabric of our nation! I believe in an America where the corporate and political elite are held accountable and the folks on Main Street can prosper! I believe in an America in which we have a leader in the White House who will make the tough calls that keep our country safe! This is the America I believe in and the vision we can deliver this November!

We've seen clear as day where Roscoe Bailey's loyalties lie. Look no further then the fact that this guy has big business openly backing his campaign because they know that they have a loyal errand boy in Roscoe Bailey at their beck and call! Roscoe Bailey has always put corporate interests first and always will so long as he sits in the Oval Office! He tried to give them a blanket tax cut without any restrictions and gut the Child Tax Credit before Democrats fixed his flawed plan for God's sake! Roscoe Bailey will happily sell out the American middle class if it means a few extra dollars in his bank account! This guy will say anything and do anything to get another four years to deliver blank checks for the richest of the rich while working and middle class Americans fight over the crumbs! This guy was corrupted by the influences of the rich and powerful he cozies up with a long time ago and it looks like there isn't any end in sight to how willing he is to appease these people to stay in power! He's in the pocket of Wall Street and big business because, above all else, that is the group he will always fight for! Roscoe Bailey even accepted a donation from a billionaire in the middle of a scandal overseas involving pay-to-play with the Israeli Government! If he's willing to take money from someone attempting to curry favor with a foreign government for favorable treatment, what the heck is he willing to do for these billionaire elites here?!

It is why I decided to embark on this journey to right the course this President has put us on. I do not believe that the four years we have endured under this President is set in stone nor do I believe it is the future we are destined to follow!I believe that the machinations of a desperate man in the Oval Office forced to grovel to conmen to stay in power is not the future we must face! I believe we can celebrate Americans of all colors and creeds that form the patchwork tapestry that makes up the beauty of this great nation! I believe that our best days are not stuck in yesteryear but yet to come and it is on all of us to get us there!

What Roscoe Bailey doesn't understand, and bless his heart he never will, is that our economy is about more than just numbers on a spreadsheet! Each and every one of those numbers represents an American's hopes and dreams. The economy Roscoe Bailey has built empowers the wealthy and leaves the rest of us in stagnation and decline! Americans deserve a President who will fight to build an economy for all and that is exactly what I intend to do! While Roscoe Bailey fills the wallets of his corporate donors and sells off Middle America, I will work to revitalize the middle class and strengthen working families across this country. The Bailey Boom is nothing more than the Bailey Bust for anyone who can't afford to yacht in the Cayman Islands! Stagnant wages, soaring income inequality, and weaker workplace protections is the sign of an economy in distress because the people are in distress! We are going to implement an across-the-board tax cut for middle class Americans and we are going to secure paid family and maternal leave for all Americans! We are going to preserve our gains in the minimum wage and work to strengthen workplace rights to insure the dignity of workers! We are going to fight for genuine manufacturing reform that doesn't just focus on how many jobs are created but how many good quality jobs are created by investing in our workforce! We are going to protect small farmers and crack down on exploitative practices that put small and medium farms out of business!

If we truly want to uplift working folks and marginalized communities, we need to build a healthcare system that serves the American People! We will build on the success of the Affordable Care Act to lower premiums, expand coverage, and enhance quality! We will establish a public option that will expand coverage for low income Americans, establish state-run reinsurance programs aimed at lowering premiums, and invest in cutting-edge technology that will enhance quality for all! You should not have to be one of Roscoe Bailey's donors to get the best quality care because the standard of care in America will be the best quality! We are going to tackle systemic issues in our healthcare industry, like the shameful inaction on black maternal mortality, while also insuring that Americans with pre-existing conditions are protected! We will work to keep rural hospitals open, make telehealth available to all, and secure importation of cheaper prescription drugs! We will also work tirelessly to protect and expand Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid! Under a Mulroney Administration, you will never see a cut to your Social Security benefits or see your hard-earned cash get thrown into a private account!

In order to thread our societal fabric, we must also seek to invest in the future. Roscoe Bailey loves to talk in vague platitudes about 'parental rights' in a desperate attempt to stoke a culture war that doesn't exist! When Roscoe Bailey has nothing else to say, you can always count on him to turn on Fox News and stoke the most outlandish nonsense he can spew out if it means an extra vote or two! Can anyone here tell me what Roscoe Bailey's actual plan for education is? Because I know I sure as heck can't and that's exactly how Roscoe Bailey wants it! Unlike Roscoe Bailey, I think Americans want real education reform built around keeping our kids on track for success and opening doorways folks didn't believe were possible!

I believe education should be accessible and affordable for all. As someone who grew up without access to higher education, I believe that we have a moment here and now to stake our flag in the sand that America will lead the world in expanding education opportunity for all! I will work to forgive up to $10,000 in federal student debt relief and an additional $10,000 for those with Pell Grants. I am committed to seeking an expansion of the Pell Grant program with the long-term intention of securing lower college costs. This will include an expansion of eligibility and an overall increase in size. I will work topass universal free meals for students across the United States to receive beneficial and nutritional food during school,increase teacher pay and further assist with the financing of school supplies, and makepre-k universal for all Americans.I will work to make achieving an associates degree universal as President and willwork to significantly invest in technical colleges and increase awareness for vocational education. I led in Congress on securing an expansion of apprenticeships for American workers. I have fought for education in America and received the National Education Association endorsement. It's time we have a President focused on three simple words: education, education, and education!

There is a simple question that I know is on the minds of all Americans in this uncertain time: am I safer than I was four years ago? I believe the answer, given the state of the world around us, is a resounding no! The only person who seems to think so is Roscoe Bailey, so much so he says he stands by his record, so let's take a look at that record. Roscoe Bailey has failed abysmally when it comes to keeping America safe and protecting our interests abroad! We got this guy parading across the country pretending that he defeated ISIS while Iranian flags wave over Baghdad! Russia is sending 20,000 troops into Syria and the Republicans can't decide whether they want to champion the Afghan National Army or if they want to bomb them into oblivion! We have democracy backsliding in Taiwan, countries like Saudi Arabia gearing up for a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, China and Russia on the march around the world, the worst attack on American soil since 9/11, and a a still completely destabilized Afghanistan that we have significant questions about and he wants to call that a success? If that's a success in Roscoe Bailey's eyes, god help us!

I believe we need a change of direction on the world stage and the only way we can achieve that is by voting this guy and the amateur hour officials he's placed in the top national security positions in our country out of office! My administration would be committed to securing our allies like NATO, working with the United Nations to live up to what it stands for, promoting democratic values and human rights abroad, and keeping Americans safe. Under a Mulroney Administration, I will seek the withdraw of troops from Afghanistan, contingent on ironclad commitment to democratic institutions unlike the President who wants to give a blank check with your money, and end America's longest war once and for all! I will continue to support the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement work to prevent regional arms race in the Middle East! I will work to strengthen our support with Israel in the area of economic and technological cooperation! I will work to deter Chinese influence around the globe and finally hold China accountable on issues like human rights and currency manipulation through bilateral talks and economic sanctions! I am not in the business of bending the knee to China and neither is America! I will not allow Russia to gain a sphere of influence in the Middle East, as Roscoe Bailey has done in Syria, nor will I allow our adversaries to go unchallenged in the economic fight for the developing world! The Mulroney Doctrine is a vision of our standing on the world stage that restores our place as the leader of the free world for generations to come!

This year of 2020 will determine the next decade and the next generation of our country. Will we empower a man who seeks power above all else or will we chart a different course defined by bridging the gaps that plague our society? Will we reelect a man who showed all of America in Nevada how much of a polished and focus-group led machine he is, regurgitating line after line, or choose someone who will tell it to you straight? Will we turn back the clock on progress and return to the days where millions were left on the margins of society? Will we be the shining city on a hill that I know we can be or continue on the path to building a tale of two Americas where the rich stay rich and the rest stay broke that Roscoe Bailey is happy to pave? Will we overcome our worst impulses or embrace them as this President openly has? I believe that you and I know the answer and I believe we will make it known in November when we elect myself and Daniel Bu as the next President and Vice President of the United States of America!

Thank you all and God Bless!"

Stump Speech #2

Locations:Appleton, WI / Ann Arbor, MI / Eau Clare, WI

Targets:White Working Class Voters, Union Voters,Non-college Educated Voters

Cost:12 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (3)

"Hello [INSERT CITY]! My name is Robert Mulroney and I am running for President! It is an honor to be with you all on this fine day! I've come here today to talk about an issue that I know is very important to you all, just as much as it is to me!

Now, I'm running for President because I believe I am the candidate best equipped to bring to restore the dignity of work for blue collar folks across this country! I believe I am that candidate foremost because I'm a blue collar man myself. My father was a proud commercial fisherman off the coast of Alaska, risking his life every single day so that we could put food on our table. My grandfather did the same and my great grandfather before him. You can bet I also worked as a commercial fisherman for 24 years, following in the footsteps of the men of my family to provide for my family and give them the life I never got. Fishing is in my blood, my sweat, and my tears and it'll carry on in the Mulroney household through my son Patrick who's taken up the job himself. When other candidates talk about blue collar work, I hear them and I respect them, but if you haven't worked with your hands to earn a living then you're just talking about what you've read about! I am the candidate who understands the kind of work that good folks across this country do that form the backbone of this great country we love!

We've seen clear as day where Roscoe Bailey's loyalties lie. Look no further then the fact that this guy has big business openly backing his campaign because they know that they have a loyal errand boy in Roscoe Bailey at their beck and call! Roscoe Bailey has always put corporate interests first and always will so long as he sits in the Oval Office! He tried to give them a blanket tax cut without any restrictions and gut the Child Tax Credit before Democrats fixed his flawed plan for God's sake! Roscoe Bailey will happily sell out the American middle class if it means a few extra dollars in his bank account! This guy will say anything and do anything to get another four years to deliver blank checks for the richest of the rich while working and middle class Americans fight over the crumbs! This guy was corrupted by the influences of the rich and powerful he cozies up with a long time ago and it looks like there isn't any end in sight to how willing he is to appease these people to stay in power! Roscoe Bailey even accepted a donation from a billionaire in the middle of a scandal overseas involving pay-to-play with the Israeli Government! If he's willing to take money from someone attempting to curry favor with a foreign government for favorable treatment, what the heck is he willing to do for these billionaire elites here?!

Folks in the news love to preach about a Bailey Boom but for everyone outside of the billionaire class, its a Bailey Bust! Stagnant wages and soaring inequality is the hallmark of an economy where the rich stay rich while the poor stay poor! This President has given an arm and a leg to the billionaires and corporations of this country at every turn! This guy attempted to give corporations a blanket tax cut with no efforts to strengthen our enforcement of evasion before Democrats fixed that under the Freedom USA Act! Corporate greed and excess have only exacerbated under this President because he cares more about a campaign donation then your paycheck!

What Roscoe Bailey doesn't understand, and bless his heart he never will, is that our economy is about more than just numbers on a spreadsheet! Each and every one of those numbers represents an American's hopes and dreams. The economy Roscoe Bailey has built empowers the wealthy and leaves the rest of us in stagnation and decline! Americans deserve a President who will fight to build an economy for all and that is exactly what I intend to do! While Roscoe Bailey fills the wallets of his corporate donors and sells off Middle America, I will work to revitalize the middle class and strengthen working families across this country. The Bailey Boom is nothing more than the Bailey Bust for anyone who can't afford to yacht in the Cayman Islands! Stagnant wages, soaring income inequality, and weaker workplace protections is the sign of an economy in distress because the people are in distress! We are going to implement an across-the-board tax cut for middle class Americans and we are going to secure paid family and maternal leave for all Americans! We are going to preserve our gains in the minimum wage and work to strengthen workplace rights to insure the dignity of workers! We are going to fight for genuine manufacturing reform that doesn't just focus on how many jobs are created but how many good quality jobs are created by investing in our workforce! We are going to protect small farmers and crack down on exploitative practices that put small and medium farms out of business!

I believe education should be accessible and affordable for all. As someone who grew up without access to higher education, I believe that we have a moment here and now to stake our flag in the sand that America will lead the world in expanding education opportunity for all! I will work to forgive up to $10,000 in federal student debt relief and an additional $10,000 for those with Pell Grants. I am committed to seeking an expansion of the Pell Grant program with the long-term intention of securing lower college costs. This will include an expansion of eligibility and an overall increase in size. I will work topass universal free meals for students across the United States to receive beneficial and nutritional food during school,increase teacher pay and further assist with the financing of school supplies, and makepre-k universal for all Americans.I will work to make achieving an associates degree universal as President and willwork to significantly invest in technical colleges and increase awareness for vocational education. I led in Congress on securing an expansion of apprenticeships for American workers. I have fought for education in America and received the National Education Association endorsement. It's time we have a President focused on three simple words: education, education, and education!

We gotta get a President who actually has a plan to revive the heart of manufacturing in our country. I've proposed a comprehensive plan that involves better education, better equipment, better priorities, and better results for Americans everywhere! We tackle better education by finally ending the era of politicians paying lip service to vocational education and actually putting money where their mouth is. We are gonna increase funding for technical schools across this country, encourage vocational education in high school, and give these schools the best equipment money can buy so that we are training the next generation of working Americans! We are also gonna expand apprenticeships, just like I did in Congress, so that young folks can get the quality experience they need to excel at their jobs! When it comes to better equipment, we are gonna invest in actual research and development to get the best quality equipment on the market in the hands of Americans at factories across our country. We're gonna cut the nonsense red tape and allow for private companies to flood our manufacturing communities with capital that can be used to kickstart businesses that put quality equipment on the market!

Better priorities in American manufacturing means quality investment into advanced manufacturing and taking on the dominance of China on the world stage! We are gonnastrengthen Buy American provisions centered around cracking down on fraudulent usage and stricter scrutiny for waivers through closing loopholes so that companies can't tell folks they've got jobs coming and still outsource them overseas.A Mulroney Administration will be committed to usage of American-made steel and concrete for federal infrastructure projects. We are gonna take the fight to China directly by passing bipartisan legislation aimed squarely at a semiconductor revolution in this country that will allow us to compete with China and bring jobs back! When we put these things together, we are gonna get a manufacturing industry that is strong, vibrant, and long-lasting for folks across this country who have the knowledge and skills to make our American manufacturing the envy of the world!

When I talk about our blue collar work, I cannot stress enough how important it is to also maintain the dignity of workers. Our President, who loves to pretend that he is a champion of the working man, has done everything in his power to suppress the rights of workers to unionize, collectively bargain, and fight for the dignity they deserve! Republicans in Congress tried to stomp on legislation that would do just that! Now they're trying to ram through a nationwide right-to-work law in what is all but a declaration of their intention to destroy organized labor! I think what a man does when push comes to shove shows a lot about who he is. Roscoe Bailey could have been the maverick he loves to describe himself as, but he waited until after their effort failed to come out against right-to-work! He could have fought for you and he chose to sit on the sidelines like he always does! Even now, Republicans are attempting to attack organized labor yet again in the Senate and he is silent!

I am the candidate in this race dedicated to fighting for the dignity of workers, fighting for your right to unionize, and fighting for your right to work free from harassment and free from corporate big shots getting to exploit your labor for their benefit! I am proud to have the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, the United Steelworkers, and the National Education Association because they have been at the frontlines of this fight! We are going to secure your right to dignity in the workplace every single day, so long as I am able, because I believe unions built this country and our working Americans deserve a President who will fight for them! Roscoe Bailey wasn't up to the task but I am ready to hit the ground running!

Join me on this campaign so that we can put someone who understands what it's like to work with your hands to make a living in the White House. We can't keep waiting for the next schmuck in a fancy suit to come around and tell us that they have the answers, just to sell off our labor to the highest corporate bidder! I am ready to fight tooth-and-nail for a manufacturing future you can be proud of! I am ready to fight like hell for your right to dignity in your workplace! I am ready to fight every single day for you, your families, your communities, and this country!

This year of 2020 will determine the next decade and the next generation of our country. Will we empower a man who seeks power above all else or will we chart a different course defined by bridging the gaps that plague our society? Will we reelect a man who showed all of America in Nevada how much of a polished and focus-group led machine he is, regurgitating line after line, or choose someone who will tell it to you straight? Will we turn back the clock on progress and return to the days where millions were left on the margins of society? Will we be the shining city on a hill that I know we can be or continue on the path to building a tale of two Americas where the rich stay rich and the rest stay broke that Roscoe Bailey is happy to pave? Will we overcome our worst impulses or embrace them as this President openly has? I believe that you and I know the answer and I believe we will make it known in November when we elect myself and Daniel Bu as the next President and Vice President of the United States of America!Vote Mulroney this upcoming November and we will send a message to the folks in Washington that we mean business!

Thank you all and God bless!"

Stump Speech #3

Locations:Cedar Rapids, IA

Targets:White Working Class Voters, Rural Voters, Moderate Voters

Cost:4 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (4)

"Hello Cedar Rapids! My name is Robert Mulroney and it is great to be here with you! I wanna take a moment to thank the folks who helped put this visit together because without them, I wouldn't be able to be speaking to you all today. It is an honor to be here in a place that I find pretty familiar if I'm being frank with you all. I am proud to have been born and raised in a rural community because it taught me the values of hard work, determination, and making sure you get home for supper on time!

I stand here today, the son of a commercial fisherman and a church pianist, in awe at how much potential this country truly has to offer. That someone like me, a man from a rural community with over twenty years of blue collar work and the scars to prove it who lacks a college degree, can even fathom seeking the highest office in the land is a testament to the bountiful potential our nation has to offer! I have worked every day of my public life, whether it be as a State Senator, a Governor, a Special Envoy, or a U.S. Senator, with one goal and one goal in mind: fighting to make this country better for all!

I am proud to come from a little rural community known as Seward, Alaska. Situated on an inlet of the Kenai Peninsula on Alaska's southern coast, that small community shaped me to become the man I am today but also shaped the kinds of values I hold dear. Our town of around 2,000 people was the kind of place where, to quote a favorite show of mine, 'everybody knows your name', and I believe that's pretty similar to a lot of other communities across this great country. We went to school with one another, went to church with one another, went to the theater with one another, and the list goes on. But more importantly, we laughed with one another, cried with one another, prayed with one another, and broke bread with one another. I learned the values of hard-work, creativity, compassion, humility, integrity, and honesty from the very people I spent my formative years surrounded by. Communities have a certain way of shaping who we become and Seward is a testament to that!

Communities also have a certain way of coming together in the midst of turmoil and strife. I spoke about it at an event in Dubuque, Iowa on the trail about the 1964 Alaska earthquake that caused a local tsunami. My community of Seward was devastated as a result. It took significant effort to rebuild in the aftermath of that tragedy. Livelihoods were destroyed and our basic infrastructure became the difference between meeting basic needs of life or not. But in the midst of that tragedy, I saw my town of around 2,000 people come together and work with one another to rebuild the community we loved. I saw good natured folks of all backgrounds come together in a moment of great tribulation and pick up the pieces where they had fallen in the hopes of putting them back together. We made our community whole again, not through any sort of policy or directive from the higher ups, but by our faith and love for one another.

I believe America is just like Seward and little communities all over this country just trying to pick up the pieces and make ourselves more whole then we were before. I believe people in this country genuinely love this country, love our values, and love one another. I believe the highest calling from up above, above all else, is to love and show that others are capable of being loved. It's why we find ourselves discontent in this modern era with the state of our society. We see Americans across this country hurting. We see Americans having doorways of opportunity slammed in their face simply because of who they are. We see Americans struggle to accept who they are because politicians have turned their identity into a culture war for their own benefit. We see Americans wonder if they have enough money to pay their bills and put food on their children's plates. We see Americans stress about just how safe they truly feel and are. We see a society that has deeper problems then the political issues of the day because we have neglected to include all Americans in the societal fabric that weaves us together. We see Rural America fall on the backburner every single time in Washington because a lot of folks simply don't get it.

I'm running for President because I am tired of seeing politicians pay lip service to rural America while they refuse to every do anything meaningful for rural America! I am the only major candidate for President that even talks about rural America and I think that says something about the priorities of the Roscoe Bailey! I am the only candidate with a comprehensive plan to uplift rural America, while all we hear are crickets from the President. I believe in the idea that a rural revival is possible and it's going to take someone from rural America who understands the needs of our communities to bring that about and I'm that candidate! I'm excited to share with you just how we bring about the revival we've been hoping and praying for years to come about!

The key to bringing forward a rural revival, above all else, is a President who understands rural America and will fight tooth-and-nail to help communities across this country. I believe I am the candidate best suited to take on this mantle and I have the agenda to prove it! As President, I will work topass of a nationwide right-to-repair bill that will allow folks in rural communities to have the legal authority to repair machinery, farming equipment, technology, etc. I'm tired of watching corporations crack down on average people just trying to keep their lights on and food on their tables because they don't want Americans fixing what they own and I know you are too!I will also seek to pass legislation that would guarantee universal rural broadband across the United States because it's high time we have access to the same broadband that has kickstarted so much of this country over the past years! I intend to work with people on both sides of the aisle to stop the closure of rural hospitals, invest in rural education facilities, and put more capital into small businesses working to get developed in rural communities! All of these components come together to create stronger communities right here and across our country that give rural Americans the tools necessary to pave the path to a genuine revival!

I would be remised if I didn't take the time to address how I'd handle agriculture in our country, since I'm the only candidate to make it a prominent issue in my campaign! The heart and soul of American agriculture is small and medium-sized farms and I intend to do everything I can to keep them afloat and successful. After the disastrous policies of the Bailey Administration that threw agriculture into a spiral, I will be the breath of fresh air needed in Washington to fight for what matters to you! While Roscoe Bailey was bending to the knee to the Chinese Community Party after causing a devastating trade war, I was working with my colleagues to take the fight to China's tariffs! You can bet that I am gonna work with my Justice Department to crack down on illegal antitrust mergers of the mega-corporations that put our farms out of business and empower theGrain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration to further protect from antitrust nonsense! I'm also gonna work toexpand the voluntary USDA conservation program aimed at paying farmers for adopting climate-friendly practices. Those seeking to help in the fight against climate change should be supported and not punished by crippling economic conditions! I believe American agriculture can pave the way for success in states like this and across the country!

At the end of the day, I'm running to be your President because I believe the folks up in Washington just don't get it. They come flying down here and preaching about what they're gonna do but then they'll fly back to their fancy apartments and mansions. I think its time for a real true-born son of rural America to go to the White House and fight for the community that raised them every single day! I was proud to do that as Governor of Alaska and in Congress through my RURAL Act that would increase investment opportunity into rural infrastructure and broadband. I have delivered for rural folks because I don't believe any American or any community should be abandoned simply because they don't have the voice and money to buy the cushy lobbyists that bankroll the Bailey Campaign! You can bet I will work every single day to deliver the rural revival we all know is possible as your next President! I will always stand with you, always stand with your communities, and will always tell it like it is, without the typical Washington spin we are used to! Join me on this campaign so that we can send a message to the political establishment that we are here and we are here to fight for the respect and dignity that rural communities deserve!

This year of 2020 will determine the next decade and the next generation of our country. Will we empower a man who seeks power above all else or will we chart a different course defined by bridging the gaps that plague our society? Will we reelect a man who showed all of America in Nevada how much of a polished and focus-group led machine he is, regurgitating line after line, or choose someone who will tell it to you straight? Will we turn back the clock on progress and return to the days where millions were left on the margins of society? Will we be the shining city on a hill that I know we can be or continue on the path to building a tale of two Americas where the rich stay rich and the rest stay broke that Roscoe Bailey is happy to pave? Will we overcome our worst impulses or embrace them as this President openly has? I believe that you and I know the answer and I believe we will make it known in November when we elect myself and Daniel Bu as the next President and Vice President of the United States of America!Vote Mulroney this upcoming November and we will send a message to the folks in Washington that we mean business!

Vote Mulroney on Election Day and God bless you all!"

Stump Speech #4

Locations:Detroit, MI

Targets:Black Voters, Parents, Seniors

Cost:4 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (5)

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Robert Mulroney and I am proud to be running to be your next President. It truly is an honor to be here in Detroit with you all. Your city has welcomed me with open arms and for that I am grateful. As I have traveled across Michigan, meeting good folks just trying to make their way in the world, I felt the need to discuss an issue that is on the minds of Michiganders of all colors and creeds that I have spoken to, as well as Americans across this country.

We stand at a pivotal moment in our nation as we face a choice of continuing down the path of the same-old same-old Washington nonsense we've all come to expect or taking a path that puts us on the right path. While you're gonna hear a lot about the economy, and taxes, and education, and healthcare, what oftentimes gets overlooked is the deeper struggle in America. Our deeper struggle comes from the social fabric of our nation and how we can claw our way out of the corporate-first America that we've found ourselves in when it comes to our ability have dignity in the workplace. I also believe we must speak to the deeper struggle that has prevented us from coming together and breaking bread with one another that we all have felt, regardless of what party you belong to.

The good people of Michigan know this intimately. We have seen in recent years the return of the same backwards policies that prevent Americans from exercising their constitutional right to vote. Rick Snyder attempted to do just that but Michiganders came together and elected a pro-voting rights leader in Gretchen Whitmer! They use voter suppression because they know that so long as the people are able to use the right to vote, they run the risk of being held accountable at the ballot box. They've created an economy that favors the massive corporations, taxes that favor the rich, an education system that makes knowledge a commodity for sale, and healthcare that is too expensive and inadequate to meet the needs of our people. Securing the right to vote is paramount to being able to address any of the issues we talk about on the trail because without it, the powers that be will always be in power.

That is why I come to you now, humbly, to put forward my plans to secure the right to vote for all Americans and fight tooth-and-nail to insure that the same forces of suppression we see arising here, led by folks like former Governor Snyder, are beaten once and for all! The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was perhaps the greatest accomplishment this country has made since the end of slavery to restore the right to vote and bring a hammer down on the Jim Crow South and suppression everywhere. Men and women of distinction marched, protested, and died so that future generations could exercise their right to vote. People were killed for the right to vote, beaten for the right to vote, and they did these things to folks because they saw how powerful your voice could be when you have the vote! While Republicans and the Supreme Court have since degraded this law, it has unleashed the floodgates that have allowed for voter suppression to once again become the law of the land. Equally, the breakdown in accountability has resulted in some of the most egregious forms of gerrymandering across this country, leaving many inadequately represented and closing the door of opportunity to represent the people to many willing to take that plunge. We have also seen the return of discriminatory practices that have left non-English speaking voters and voters with disabilities unable to make their voice heard in this process.

Under a Mulroney Administration, the era of voter suppression will come crashing down. We will restore Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that will allow for the federal government to once again evaluate voter suppression laws and strike them from the books! We will pass a constitutional amendment doing away with gerrymandering in favor of non-partisan commissions and put that amendment to the state where all voters can see who stands on the side of voter suppression and who stands on the side of the right to vote! We will work to invest in election resources that will make ballot access easier for non-English speaking voters and secure access to the ballot box for voters with disabilities by requiring states to offer mail-in voting options for all Americans with disabilities and working with states to invest in new strategies aimed at increasing access. We aren't asking for these changes, we are demanding it! The right to vote is our most sacred right in the Constitution and we will not compromise in the pursuit of fulfilling the right every American already has! I will not rest and I will not waiver in my pursuit of delivering the right to vote for all Americans! I will not yield to the forces of voter suppression that have once again reared their ugly head!

I spoke early on in the campaign in Charleston, SC where I spoke to what I believe are the deeper soul issues our country faces. We all remember back in 2015 when a deranged man, fueled by hatred and the despicable persisting stench of racism, entered Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and gunned down nine innocent African American parishioners. This event left a scar on that community that will be felt for decades to come but sent a ripple effect across this nation as we were forced to reckon with the reality that the heart and soul of our nation is in pain. It's in pain because we have turned a blind eye to the simmering division that threatens to rip this country asunder. They said we beat racism when we passed the Voting Rights Act, but we know that is not true. They said we beat racism when we elected the first African American President, but we know that is not true. While we have made strides, we oftentimes find that the reactionary forces of yesteryear are alive and well today. We know that is not true every time we see an act of racially-motivated hate acted up against the African American community, the Hispanic American community, and every other community that this country has marginalized!

While the forces of hate, division, and bigotry continue to try and turn Americans against once another, there has always been one constant and that is that there are good people of moral character willing to stand up to it. We saw that in Charleston as the good people of this city refused to let hate win in the aftermath of the shooting in Mother Emanuel Church. We saw that on the streets of Selma, Montgomery, Atlanta, Jackson, and every other city in this country where folks refused to be silent in the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle. We see it every day in our homes, our churches, and in our communities where good people can come together and reject the bigotry that seeks to foment hate. I think Washington could take a page out of communities across this country coming together in pursuit of a higher moral standard!

In Alaska, we have seen bigotry and racism impact communities. The relationship between Alaskan Natives and the folks, like my family and many others who moved to Alaska, is built on trust and mutual respect. That was not always the case and discrimination against Alaskan Natives, both interpersonally and through policy that did not support them, continues to be a challenge. As Governor, I worked tirelessly to bridge that gap, earning recognition from the National Congress of American Indians and the Alaska Federation of Natives for the creation of the 'Millennium Agreement' designed to strengthen economic and rural policies for Alaskan Natives. In Congress, I fought to successfully pass the Justice for Native Survivors of Sexual Violence to crack down on the epidemic of sexual violence perpetrated on Alaskan Natives and Native Americans everywhere. I worked closely with former Governor Bill Walker and the Alaska Legislature to strengthen Alaska's sex crime penalties. We also made history in 2018 by electing Governor Mary Peltola, the first Alaskan Native Governor in our state history. I am proud of the progress my state has made but there is work yet to be done and it is on good folks of moral character to see that work completed! Alaska is no different from any of the 49 other states that must continue to strive to beat back racism and bigotry and embrace policy that lifts up all of us!

My administration would be committed to taking tangible steps to right the historic wrongs that have plagued our society while being proactive in fostering a social fabric rooted in principle, respect, and above all else as it is called upon us to do by the Lord himself, love for one another. I will direct my Justice Department to reopen cold cases related to the Civil Rights era and I will seek justice for those who never did. I believe it was a stain on this nation that prominent Republicans, including the Chairman of the Republican Party, voted against making lynching a federal hate crime! We saw these folks use the same tired rhetoric of yesteryear aimed at telling marginalized community that you are simply asking for too much. Worse, in my mind, was this President's inability to condemn his own party members who voted in such a despicable way. I will not kowtow with those who spew hate and embrace demagoguery. I will direct my Justice Department to crack down on hate groups in this country. I will work to strengthen the civil rights of farmworkers across this country and seek civil rights considerations in all trade deals undertaken by this country. While there are policies that can be pursued, it will take a deeper belief in this nation and our capacity to care for one another that will pull us from the shadow of racism and bigotry and into the light of peace, understanding, and bountiful love.

If we want to build a better and stronger America for all, we must unlock the potential of education. I never got to attend higher education but I instilled in my children the value that an educated mind can bring to the table. I recognized that a key to unlocking the door of opportunity for working folks in this country is through education. I believe we stand at a turning point on this issue as Roscoe Bailey parades across this country offering vague platitudes about his plan for education. His vagueness is as intentional as his refusal to acknowledge the multi-billionaires funding his campaign who would love nothing more than to chip away at public education in this country.Roscoe Bailey loves to talk in vague platitudes about 'parental rights' in a desperate attempt to stoke a culture war that doesn't exist! When Roscoe Bailey has nothing else to say, you can always count on him to turn on Fox News and stoke the most outlandish nonsense he can spew out if it means an extra vote or two! Can anyone here tell me what Roscoe Bailey's actual plan for education is? Because I know I sure as heck can't and that's exactly how Roscoe Bailey wants it!

I offer a different path. I believe education should be accessible and affordable for all. I will work to forgive up to $10,000 in federal student debt relief and an additional $10,000 for those with Pell Grants. While Roscoe Bailey was focused on weakening the Pell Grant program with his flawed initial FREEDOM USA proposal before Democrats fixed it, I am committed to seeking an expansion of the Pell Grant program with the long-term intention of securing lower college costs. This will include an expansion of eligibility and an overall increase in size. I will work topass universal free meals for students across the United States to receive beneficial and nutritional food during school,increase teacher pay and further assist with the financing of school supplies, and makepre-k universal for all Americans.I will work to make achieving an associates degree universal as President and willwork to significantly invest in technical colleges and increase awareness for vocational education. Roscoe Bailey is going around this country toutingincreased apprenticeships in Congress but I have something to say about that: it was my amendment in the FREEDOM USA Act! I have fought for education in America and received the National Education Association endorsement. It's time we have a President focused on three simple words: education, education, and education!

If we truly want to uplift working folks and marginalized communities, we need to build a healthcare system that serves the American People! Roscoe Bailey has failed abysmally in repealing the Affordable Care Act because he knows that his plan would kick millions off of healthcare and leave Americans to the corporate vultures that fund his campaign! We will build on the success of the Affordable Care Act to lower premiums, expand coverage, and enhance quality! We will establish a public option that will expand coverage for low income Americans, establish state-run reinsurance programs aimed at lowering premiums, and invest in cutting-edge technology that will enhance quality for all! You should not have to be one of Roscoe Bailey's donors to get the best quality care because the standard of care in America will be the best quality! We are going to tackle systemic issues in our healthcare industry, like the shameful inaction on black maternal mortality, while also insuring that Americans with pre-existing conditions are protected! We will work to keep rural hospitals open, make telehealth available to all, and secure importation of cheaper prescription drugs! We will also work tirelessly to protect and expand Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid! Under a Mulroney Administration, you will never see a cut to your Social Security benefits or see your hard-earned cash get thrown into a private account!

As we look towards the future of what this country ought to be and what we ought to strive for, I am reminded of President Obama's speech at the funeral of Reverend Clementa Pinckney back in 2015 in which he spoke to our better angels and sang the immortal hymn 'Amazing Grace' before hundreds. I believe that moment encapsulates the best of what America has to offer. In the midst of darkness and despair, when all hope seems lost, we can lean on one another, our faith, and our bountiful love to overcome the forces of hate. We must be proactive in this battle for the what defines our nation. We are talking about the character and soul of our nation. I believe that there are good folks across this country who want to see a better America for all. We can unlock education opportunity for all while ending the sickness-care system that the healthcare industry perpetuates to keep Americans paying more money out of pocket to avoid bankruptcy! We can build a better America that embraces the best we have to offer!

I always tell people that I do not believe America is a perfect union. That would be a lie to the many communities that have been marginalized and ostracized, as well as the millions of Americans who struggle to make ends meet. I do believe we have the ability to be a perfecting union and that is what I strive for every single day. There will always be work to be done, challenges to be overcome, and battles to be fought but that does not mean that we throw in the towel! I believe America's best days, for all of its people, are ahead of us and it will take each and every one of us to have the courage and moral conviction to right the wrongs in our society and create the perfect union our founders foresaw all those years ago!

Thank you all and God bless!"

VP Stump Speech #1

Locations:Charlotte, NC / Lansing, MI

Targets:Registered Democrats, Young Voters, Women Voters

Cost:8 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (6)

Thank you! Thank you! [City], we have reached the point in the campaign where words don't matter, but action. You have supported Senator Mulroney, myself, and Democrats across in your city, your county, your state, and throughout our country. You have been there since the beginning, excited that a better future for yourselves and your family is just in arms reach. Now that we have reached the end we must turn words, we must turn our emotions, our feelings, we must use that and turn it into action. Here at the end of our campaign and a heartbeat away from fulfilling the promises we've made on the campaign, we need you now to go out into your communities, your friend groups, your family and get them to vote for change, a new future, a rebirth of America! Get them to come out and vote for Democrats in Congress and a change in the White House from Roscoe Bailey to Robert Mulroney! The time is now to act!

At the beginning of this campaign as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president and now as the Democratic nominee for Vice President, I've met with millions of you across the country who have cried out in the wilderness that change is needed. You have cried out for help, for comfort, for security, for assistance, for better education, for better healthcare, for a better America, and I am here to tell you that a better America is now here! Millions of you, Democrats and Independents, and even some moderate Republicans, have said that you can't afford another four years of Roscoe Bailey. And that's why I entered the race early on and that's why I stand here now campaigning to be your Vice President. I've heard your pleas, your cries and I have answered the call with Senator Mulroney to usher in a new hope under bold, principled leadership. Oh my friends, let us go out on election day and vote like our lives depend on it because the soul of America depends on it!

When I look back to the start of the Bailey Administration, the economy was good, jobs were being created at record numbers and people were living happily again after the big housing market crash that has hurt millions of Americans and their families. You see, President Obama turned that economy around for the better, however, within a short few months, President Bailey has managed to wreck our economy. You know it because when you went to the gas pump, you noticed gas got pretty expensive. Or when you went to buy groceries, items that were normally just a couple of dollars increased in price overnight. In our agricultural states, our farmers were hurt by the tariffs placed on them by China after the remarks of then-Vice President Sarah Johansen caused China to start a trade war that hurt American farmers and you, the shoppers, felt it at the grocery store. The response to this action by President Bailey was to cut taxes for the rich and big businesses. Really, I'm not joking. When Americans were down bad, President Bailey put Wall Street first. Americans can't afford another four years of a president who put the needs of the rich over that of hardworking American workers ever.

I wish it stopped there but it doesn't. While inflation wrecked havoc on our country, with the price of gas and groceries increasing, with jobs being shipped overseas, with our farmers being hit hard by Chinese tariffs that were met with a weak response for the Bailey Administration, President Bailey and Republicans sought to provide for the rich and wealthy and leave working class Americans defending for themselves in their time of need. The president has campaigned on the FREEDOM USA Act, championing it as his biggest and only achievement. The bill helped millions of Americans and supported American families through economic hardships that were brought on by this president after he inherited a growing economy. However, the original proposal that he submitted to Congress never saw the light of day because if it did, we would be in an entirely different position. His original proposal would have added more than $700 billion to the deficit and was a blessing to Wall Street, special interest groups, big business, and wealthy Americans. Thanks to Democrats in Congress like Senator Mulroney, we were able to make major improvements to the bill that worked for the American people and not the elite and powerful among us. We replaced the president's "family security plan" that would have weakened the earned income tax credit and the child and dependent care credit and repealing the head of household tax filing status, we replaced that with an expansion of the child tax credit and protecting the EITC and the CDCTC. Now working mothers have more and can keep more to provide for their family.

I want to echo the words of our next president, Robert Mulroney. This year of 2020 will determine the next decade and the next generation of our country. Will we empower a man who seeks power above all else or will we chart a different course defined by bridging the gaps that plague our society? Will we turn back the clock on progress and return to the days where millions were left on the margins of society? Will we be the shining city on a hill that I know we can be or continue on the path to building a tale of two Americas where the rich stay rich and the rest stay broke that Roscoe Bailey is happy to pave? Will we overcome our worst impulses or embrace them as this President openly has?

My fellow Americans, the time is now for change in our country. We cannot afford another four years of going in the opposite direction of progress. We have to move forward like never before. You've heard me say it time and again, the time is now for a new dream, a new vision, a new hope under bold, principled leadership for a better America! I don't say it because I like the sound of my voice when I say, no, I say it because this is the direction that America wants to go in and its the direction that Robert Mulroney and myself will lead you into! The future is brighter than ever before! America is about to become stronger and more united than every before. My friends,theopportunity is now that we must take hold of the future of our nation, to fundamentally change the United States and usher in a rebirth, a renewal of America to create a society that works for all people and not just a few; to implement a new vision, a continued vision of a better America that puts the needs of Americans first; that brings to the forefront the issues we face, together, and bring about a solution to those issues to better the lives of every American.

We are standing just weeks away from a new America. We are just down the street from our destiny. Just up ahead is your new future, a future in which you control your destiny, you are able to live your dream and support yourselves and your family. We started a movement months ago in the primary and now that has carried over and gotten even bigger as we teamed up with Senator Mulroney.Our movement must continue until every boy and girl have a guaranteed right to a quality education and a government that funds that education system equally and fairly among the people. Our movement must continue until our economy is inclusive, bringing the worker and the laborer and the employer to the table to negotiate a living wage and benefits to match the changing times. Our movement must continue until every American can enjoy their right to a quality healthcare, one that is universal and affordable so that all Americans, regardless of their income, may enjoy the benefits of the American healthcare system. Our movement must continue until every black American, every Hispanic American, every Asian American, every gay, straight, and trans American can live in unity as one people with equal rights under the law. Our movement must continue until we can declare that the United States is truly united, that every man and woman are equal.

America, you can rest assured that the Mulroney Administration will come through for you. We will work to cut taxes for America's working class while further expanding the earned income tax credit and making it refundable. We will invest in our infrastructure and in renewable energy so that America can be economically and energy independent. We will institute paid family leave for new families and already growing families, in addition to paid sick leave. We will build on the successes of Obamacare and tackle the growing healthcare prices once and for all. we will ensure that every child has the same opportunities to achieve a better tomorrow by granting equal access to educational resources today. We will build America's agriculture and build up our rural communities. We will making housing affordable for all, ending the war on poor people and start a new war on poverty. We will do these things because you, the American people, deserve it, not because you earned it, but because you have a right to it and your government must do everything in its power to promote the general welfare of the people.

Robert Mulroney is the only candidate I believe can keep Americans safe while they sleep at night. It's as simple as that! This President failed us on 11/11, ignoring the advice of those with the knowledge and experience who made the right calls, and allowed the worst attack on American soil to occur since 9/11. Many world leaders have called out President Bailey for remaining silent and inactive while the world crumbled around them. We have a Middle East region that is more unstable, more volatile and less democratic than ever before thanks to President Bailey's weak and untrustworthy leadership and he has the audacity to say he stands by that record! From allowing the Saudis to start their own nuclear program to sitting back as Russia and Iran team up under a new defensive pact, the instability in the region has never been worse; and, American's leadership on the world stage has been diminished significantly as countries turn their backs on America and sought the support of our adversaries to get the job done. It wasn't the Bailey Administration that defeated ISIS, rather, it was Iran who now has a foothold in Iraq. 20,000 Russian troops are on route to Syria as Russia establishes a puppet in the Middle East to do his bidding.The president has made a complete mess in the Middle East and now it is up to us to right that wrong, to restore America's global image, to protect Americans and the international community, to bring stability and peace to the Middle East, and to promote our values and interests abroad, securing democracy and human rights throughout the world today.

We have come to the end of the road in this election and now its time to change the driver of our nation. We're not replacing Roscoe Bailey with just Robert Mulroney, no, we are replacing Roscoe Bailey with you, the American people. On election day, you are voting for you! Your future, your family, your finances, your job, your business, your house, your peace, your freedom, your security, your well-being, your health, your education, your family, you are voting for you! Robert Mulroney represents you. The son of a fisherman and a school teacher. He's lived a life millions of you have lived and so he understands the struggles that you face because he's faced them too. I've lived a life just like every minority in America and so I understand that you have to work ten times as hard to get ahead even by an inch. When you vote for Robert Mulroney and Daniel Bu, you are voting for your voice, your vision, your dream in the White House, to lead this nation forward. We are moving forward from here on out.

Every one of you has a responsibility to make your dreams and your vision come true. We must seize the opportunity in Robert Mulroney and myself to move our nation forward. The state of our union is only strong when we are united as one people with one voice. You are the people and the Mulroney-Bu Administration will be your voice. For everyone that's here right now and those watching from home, hear me out. It's time for a change in our country like never before and the time for change is now. Roscoe Bailey can't lead us into the change we need, into the America that we envision. Our change is needed for our unions who fight for better pay and benefits for the American workers. Our change is needed for the millions of teachers who are poorly paid and treated unkindly by our unequal education system. Our change is needed for the millions of black, Hispanic and Asian Americans who continue to face discrimination througha systemthat was built by them but not for them. The change we need is for the millions of LGBTQ+ Americans who still are fighting for the same equal rights as their straight counterparts. The change we need is for an America of tomorrow.

Change starts now and it starts with you. I call on you to mobilize your family, your friends and your community to come out and support this change. We are one nation, one people, one voice! Let me and Robert Mulroney continue to be your voice in D.C., fighting for you and only you! America, the time has come to start anew, to usher in a new birth of freedom, the rebirth of America and the renewal of our great American nation. Together, we can truly move America forward into freedom, equity and equality. Together, we can bring about a new dream, a new vision, and a new hope under bold, principled leadership for a better America. Thank you!

VP Stump Speech #2

Locations:Mesa, AZ / Phoenix, AZ /Glendale, AZ

Targets:Registered Democrats, Hispanic Voters, Women Voters

Cost:12 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (7)

Thank you! Thank you! [City], we have reached the point in the campaign where words don't matter, but action. You have supported Senator Mulroney, myself, and Democrats across in your city, your county, your state, and throughout our country. You have been there since the beginning, excited that a better future for yourselves and your family is just in arms reach. Now that we have reached the end we must turn words, we must turn our emotions, our feelings, we must use that and turn it into action. Here at the end of our campaign and a heartbeat away from fulfilling the promises we've made on the campaign, we need you now to go out into your communities, your friend groups, your family and get them to vote for change, a new future, a rebirth of America! Get them to come out and vote for Democrats in Congress and a change in the White House from Roscoe Bailey to Robert Mulroney! The time is now to act!

At the beginning of this campaign as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president and now as the Democratic nominee for Vice President, I've met with millions of you across the country who have cried out in the wilderness that change is needed. You have cried out for help, for comfort, for security, for assistance, for better education, for better healthcare, for a better America, and I am here to tell you that a better America is now here! Millions of you, Democrats and Independents, and even some moderate Republicans, have said that you can't afford another four years of Roscoe Bailey. And that's why I entered the race early on and that's why I stand here now campaigning to be your Vice President. I've heard your pleas, your cries and I have answered the call with Senator Mulroney to usher in a new hope under bold, principled leadership. Oh my friends, let us go out on election day and vote like our lives depend on it because the soul of America depends on it!

When I look back to the start of the Bailey Administration, the economy was good, jobs were being created at record numbers and people were living happily again after the big housing market crash that has hurt millions of Americans and their families. You see, President Obama turned that economy around for the better, however, within a short few months, President Bailey has managed to wreck our economy. You know it because when you went to the gas pump, you noticed gas got pretty expensive. Or when you went to buy groceries, items that were normally just a couple of dollars increased in price overnight. In our agricultural states, our farmers were hurt by the tariffs placed on them by China after the remarks of then-Vice President Sarah Johansen caused China to start a trade war that hurt American farmers and you, the shoppers, felt it at the grocery store. The response to this action by President Bailey was to cut taxes for the rich and big businesses. Really, I'm not joking. When Americans were down bad, President Bailey put Wall Street first. Americans can't afford another four years of a president who put the needs of the rich over that of hardworking American workers ever.

Right now we have a president whose administration failed to protect Americans. The 11/11 attacks was a horrific terrorist attack that killed 716 of our fellow Americans. I honestly hate that the incident turned political real quick due to Republicans attempting to cover up the truth. Here's the truth: President Bailey failed to follow the advice from his experts like then-Vice President Katherine McCord, who raised concerns that if the Administration had prewarning of the attack and did nothing to prepare state or federal government for a response, that it would end bad for the administration. President Bailey was given advice to raid the ISIL base in the Philippines but failed to follow up with his national security team. The independent commission even wrote in their report that "no orders were actually give in regard to any of the ISIL bases, either with follow up from POTUS, or from initiative at the DOD and CIA." Imagine if you did the same thing at work and didn't follow through or follow up on anything. Would you still have a job? No!He eventually ordered the raid four days after the attack where at the ISIL base we found the attack plan, the names of the 45 terrorist, and so much more information that could have been used to prevent the attack from happening in the first place. America cannot afford another four years of a president and his administration that lacks leadership, that lacks management, that lacks communication, and that lacks initiative.

I believe in a simple phrase: it's all about the children. They will inherit this country after us and their kids after them and so on and so forth. No matter what I do, its always, always, always about securing the future of America, the promise and hope of America, securing that for our future. Senator Mulroney has done the same thing as well in his time in politics. He has worked to build the state of Alaska into a state that focuses on uplifting our children. He's done the same in the Senate along with me and other Democrats. Its unfortunate, however, that we have a president who has sought to put our children last. How many of you are mothers? Fathers? What would life be like if you put your children last, whether its their education, their health, whatever it may be!? Do you think your child will succeed in the future? I don't think so but that's what Bailey, his administration, and the Republican Party has attempted to do. Early on in his administration, President Bailey sought to put into action an education program that would take public funding away from public schools and give those funds meant to help educate students who comes from families that can't afford private schools, he sought to givethosefunds to private schools. This is the same man who vows to be tough on trade by taking action on currency manipulation but when the chance arose during the TPP deal and the currency manipulation bill that was proposed four years ago, he failed to take action on that very same thing he's vowed to take action on. This is the same man who has vowed to take away healthcare from millions of Americans by repealing and replacing Obamacare with a health coverage program that doesn't kick in each year until you pay thousands of dollars first. This is the same man who has sought to limit women access to reproductive care and the same man who attempted to derail school safety and gun control negotiations after the school shooting in Georgia. I don't know if you're hearing me but Roscoe Bailey has a terrible record with keeping promises, protecting your rights, and working for you, the hardworking American people. I stand here today to tell you that Roscoe Bailey is not the President of the United States, but rather, he's the President of the Special Interest, the President of Wall Street, the President of the Rich and Powerful, the President of a more racist America, the President of Homophobia. Bailey is the Anti-President of our country and its time to get him out!

America, I stand here tonight at the end of our campaign to tell you that the time has come to fulfill the broken promises of America. I stand here tonight to tell you about a future under the Mulroney-Bu Administration that will put your children, your family, your health, your community before that of the special interest, Wall Street and the rich and powerful. I stand here tonight because America has come to a crossroad where if we take the wrong direction, which is Roscoe Bailey, our freedoms, our dreams, our hope will all go down with his administration. But, there is another path; a path that leads to hope, to freedom, to opportunity, to prosperity, to fulfilled promises, and to the American Dream. My friends, my fellow Americans, the path that we must choose is the path that will lead America to a new dream, a new vision, and a new hope under bold, principled leadership for a better America!

I ask you today, do you really want another four years of Roscoe Bailey or have you had enough? Have you had enough of a president whose foreign policy crippled your family, your business, your job? Have you had enough of a president who lacks leadership and whose administrative lacks communication and drive? Have you had enough of a president who wants to take away your health coverage? Have you had enough of a president who is at the beck and call of the special interest, who is willing to cut taxes for the rich while cutting social security, Medicare and Medicaid for you at the same time? If your answer right now is yes, then I am asking you that you show up on election day and fire Roscoe Bailey by voting for Robert Mulroney for President.

Robert Mulroney has a plan to turn America around and lead us into the future, a plan to uplift the working class and rebuild the economy that was broken under Roscoe Bailey. It is a plan that will help seniors, the sick, the elderly, and the disabled. It is a plan that will help families increase their income and help them keep more of what they earn. This plan will fix our broken immigration system that works for America and that works for those seeking a better tomorrow in the promise that is America. This plan will expand family paid leave, maternity leave, and equal pay for millions of hardworking women who deserve the right to be treated equal and fairly to their male colleagues and who wish to start a family but are worried about missing the mortgage payments and multiple bills to keep the lights on and the water running. Robert Mulroney, myself and Democrats in Congress have proven that we will do what it takes for the American people to meet their needs and to fix a system that was built for the wealthy.

My fellow Americans, its time for a new administration that will change the course of American history. To rewrite the wrongs of our past and lift those who have been left behind by a system of oppression and discrimination. It is time for a new administration that will change the way we govern our nation and that will work to do the things that have been neglected by our nation's leaders for far too long. It is time for a new administration that is dedicated to making America a better place to live for all Americans, doing away with special interest groups and breaking down barriers that currently stand between every American who wishes to live the American Dream.It is time we secure a pathway to citizenship, expand our visa program, and enact a humane immigration policy. It is time for a new administration that will achieve the goal of creating a society that works for all Americans; black, white, brown, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, rich, poor, Christian, or Muslim; America belongs to you and under the Mulroney Administration, the American Dream will be restored back into the fabric of society and we will not rest until every American achieves their dream, their happiness.

America, you can rest assured that the Mulroney Administration will come through for you. We will work to cut taxes for America's working class while further expanding the earned income tax credit and making it refundable. We will invest in our infrastructure and in renewable energy so that America can be economically and energy independent. We will institute paid family leave for new families and already growing families, in addition to paid sick leave. We will build on the successes of Obamacare and tackle the growing healthcare prices once and for all. we will ensure that every child has the same opportunities to achieve a better tomorrow by granting equal access to educational resources today. We will build America's agriculture and build up our rural communities. We will making housing affordable for all, ending the war on poor people and start a new war on poverty. We will do these things because you, the American people, deserve it, not because you earned it, but because you have a right to it and your government must do everything in its power to promote the general welfare of the people.

We have come to the end of the road in this election and now its time to change the driver of our nation. We're not replacing Roscoe Bailey with just Robert Mulroney, no, we are replacing Roscoe Bailey with you, the American people. On election day, you are voting for you! Your future, your family, your finances, your job, your business, your house, your peace, your freedom, your security, your well-being, your health, your education, your family, you are voting for you! Robert Mulroney represents you. The son of a fisherman and a school teacher. He's lived a life millions of you have lived and so he understands the struggles that you face because he's faced them too. I've lived a life just like every minority in America and so I understand that you have to work ten times as hard to get ahead even by an inch. When you vote for Robert Mulroney and Daniel Bu, you are voting for your voice, your vision, your dream in the White House, to lead this nation forward. We are moving forward from here on out.

Every one of you has a responsibility to make your dreams and your vision come true. We must seize the opportunity in Robert Mulroney and myself to move our nation forward. The state of our union is only strong when we are united as one people with one voice. You are the people and the Mulroney-Bu Administration will be your voice. For everyone that's here right now and those watching from home, hear me out. It's time for a change in our country like never before and the time for change is now. Roscoe Bailey can't lead us into the change we need, into the America that we envision. Our change is needed for our unions who fight for better pay and benefits for the American workers. Our change is needed for the millions of teachers who are poorly paid and treated unkindly by our unequal education system. Our change is needed for the millions of black, Hispanic and Asian Americans who continue to face discrimination througha systemthat was built by them but not for them. The change we need is for the millions of LGBTQ+ Americans who still are fighting for the same equal rights as their straight counterparts. The change we need is for an America of tomorrow.

Change starts now and it starts with you. I call on you to mobilize your family, your friends and your community to come out and support this change. We are one nation, one people, one voice! Let me and Robert Mulroney continue to be your voice in D.C., fighting for you and only you! America, the time has come to start anew, to usher in a new birth of freedom, the rebirth of America and the renewal of our great American nation. Together, we can truly move America forward into freedom, equity and equality. Together, we can bring about a new dream, a new vision, and a new hope under bold, principled leadership for a better America. Thank you!

Surrogate Speech #1

Surrogate:Governor Kelda Roys (D-WI)

Locations:Milwaukee, WI

Targets:Union Voters, Teachers, Women Voters

Cost:2 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (8)

  • "I remember just as vividly as many of you back in 2011 when Scott Walker and his cronies sought to destabilize organized labor in our state. We rallied, we mobilized, and we fought like heck to prevent the excesses of the Republican Party. In 2020, it is clear that there is only one candidate who will stand with organized labor through thick and thin and his name is Robert Mulroney!"
  • "Robert Mulroney is dedicated to fighting for public education and our teachers. Scott Walker tried to break our teachers just as Roscoe Bailey is seeking to do now by weakening public education. Robert Mulroney is endorsed by the National Education Association and has a strong record on securing teacher pay, fighting for technical colleges and public institutions, working on providing additional college relief for teachers, and creating incentives for teachers to go to urban and rural communities in desperate need of help."
  • "Roscoe Bailey is busy parading around the country talking up unions while his own party tried to pass a nationwide right-to-work law! This guy has always and will always sell out middle America for a quick buck! He can try to backtrack and say he never supported the law but what the heck is that worth after the fact! Roscoe Bailey could have fought with us and he chose not to because his loyalties will always lie with the corporate folks who bankroll him! Even now, Republicans are STILL launching attacks on organized labor and this President remains silent!
  • "Robert Mulroney is the guy I trust who will fight tooth-and-nail for the right to unionize. He will secure collective bargaining for Americans everywhere while also bringing an end to the exploitative right-to-work laws propped up to break the backs of working people everywhere! Robert Mulroney will fight to prioritize American steel and concrete in infrastructure projects and you know those projects are going to be prioritized for unionized men and women! Robert is also the candidate that will guarantee paid sick leave for all workers!"
  • "I also support Robert Mulroney because he is the candidate with a consistent track record of support women and supporting our right to choose what we do with our bodies. He's stood up for reproductive rights even when it wasn't popular because he understands that this is an issue that transcends where it stands in the polls that given day! He fought for women in Alaska and he has fought every day for women in Congress! Robert will protect Roe v. Wade, reject Republican attempts to defund Planned Parenthood, and actually support pregnant mothers financially! Robert Mulroney has fought for reproductive rights for two decades and he'll continue to do it as our President!"

Surrogate Speech #2

Surrogate:Governor Richard Carmona (D-AZ)

Locations:Tuscon, AZ

Targets:Hispanic Voters, Suburban Voters, Working Class Voters

Cost:2 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (9)

  • "We made history in 2018 electing a Latinoto the governorship of this state for the first time since 1975! There was one man who stood by my side as I campaigned through a crowded primary and took on an incumbent governor and his name is Robert Mulroney! He fought like heck to help me get elected, along with the first Latina governor in California's history, because he understands that representation matters and that our Hispanic American population has a heck of a lot to give!"
  • "I believe a man can tell you a lot about himself by the company he keeps.It was his own Press Secretary who called his unhinged border wall plan the 'Trump Wall' to right-wing pundits in a shameless attempt to grovel to a conman who prides himself on challenging the patriotism of an American who isn't as white as he is!He even gave him a Medal of Freedom for crying out loud! That is the kind of company Roscoe Bailey keeps and don't you forget that when it comes time to vote!"
  • "Robert Mulroney is the only candidate actually serious about fixing our broken immigration system with comprehensive reform built around creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are nonviolent and have paid their taxes! He is the only candidate committed to protecting Dreamers, creating DAPA, and keeping TPS available for migrants from struggling nations like Venezuela and Haiti! He is the only candidate actually serious about border safety by investing into technology and resources that can keep our border safe instead of a wall that even border Republicans agree isn't actually going to help!"
  • "Robert Mulroney is also the only candidate talking about helping our farmworkers. The support of Dolores Huerta speaks volume to his commitment to fighting for a group of Americans that often find themselves heavily exploited. He will work to seek collective bargaining rights for farmworkers, a minimum wage, and access to healthcare. This is a guy who understands that having a humane policy towards those in our society who can't speak up for themselves in the responsibility of any leader and he will work to do just that!"
  • "Healthcare is on the ballot folks. While Roscoe Bailey has promised to turn back the clock and repeal the ACA, Robert Mulroney will fight to keep the ACA safe. That means your right to not be denied service based on pre-existing conditions or letting your kid save some money and stay on your plan! Robert Mulroney will build on the ACA by establishing state-run reinsurance programs that will lower premiums and improve quality!"

Surrogate Speech #3

Surrogate:Reverend William Barber II (I-NC)

Locations:Greensboro, NC

Targets:Black Voters, Faith Voters, Suburban Voters

Cost:2 CP

DMH's Content - Page 41 (10)

  • "Throughout my life, I have fought against the policies of suppression and disenfranchisement. We challenged Governor McCrory on his voter suppression policies, making it clear where North Carolinians stand. I believe there is only one man in this race truly dedicated to fighting for a more equitable and just America and that man is Robert Mulroney!"
  • "Robert has made defending voting rights a top priority of his future administration. He is going to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and clamp down on voter suppression everywhere! He's going to do away with gerrymandering forever and force these lawmakers to answer to the people by seeking ratificationof a constitutional amendment that would do just that! He understands that access to the ballot box is fundamental to our right to express ourselves, particularly those in marginalized communities. The man is even pushing legislation to help disabled folks maintain access to the ballot. He gets its!"
  • "Robert Mulroney is dedicated to fighting for American families every single day. Robert is committed to fighting for a middle class tax cut across the board, making top earners pay their fair share, expanding the earned income tax credit, and passing federal paid leave. We need a candidate who understands that strengthening the middle class is key to delivering a stronger and more vibrant economy for all! We must help the stranger and Robert Mulroney's people-first policies do just that!"
  • "I'm a proud man of faith, it runs in my blood. There is only one candidate speaking to the soul issues that American faces and that is Robert Mulroney. While Roscoe Bailey weaponizes his faith at every turn for political gain, Robert Mulroney speaks from the heart. He isn't a polished Washington insider throwing platitudes at us. He went down to Charleston, SC and confronted the issue of race and unity head-on. This is a guy who understands that threading our societal fabric is about inclusion, not exclusion."
  • "Robert Mulroney summed it up best when he readPeter 4:8-11, that states: 'Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.' That's a man who gets what this country is all about."

Targeted Outreach #1

Locations:Michigan, North Carolina

Target:Black Voters


  • The Republican Party of Roscoe Bailey peddles in anti-Black rhetoric with no accountability for those spewing hate. Roscoe Bailey begged Donald Trump for his endorsement, going so far as to give the failed businessman a Presidential Medal of Freedom, while turning a blind eye to Trump's history of anti-Black rhetoric surrounding issues like the Central Park Five, protests for racial justice, discrimination in his businesses, and anti-immigrant rhetoric.Roscoe Bailey's response: silence.

  • RobertMulroney is committed to building an economy that works for all Americans. The Bailey Bust for the working and middle class Americans who have seen their wages stagnate and income inequality soar will be reversed under Robert Mulroney who aims to create a more equitable economic environment for all. He will work to pass a middle class tax cut, secure paid family leave, expand the Child Tax Credit and EITC, and crack down on corporate greed.

  • Robert Mulroney is committed to building a better healthcare system in America. Roscoe Bailey and Republicans are focused solely on reversing the positive benefits of the ACA in favor of a lobbyist-created plan designed to empower health insurance companies and leave average Americans footing the bill. Robert Mulroney will expand on the ACA by building a public option, state-run reinsurance programs, and other policies that will lower premiums and expand coverage.

  • Robert Mulroney will commit his administration towards cracking down on hate groups in America. The same organizations emboldened by the rhetoric of the President's allies and the President's silence pose a direct risk to the Black community and various other marginalized groups. Robert Mulroney will direct his Justice Department to crack down on hate groups through available legal avenues and work to expand hate crime legislation nationwide.

  • Robert Mulroney has made defending voting rights a top priority of his future administration. He is going to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and clamp down on voter suppression everywhere. He's going to do away with gerrymandering forever by passing a constitutional amendment through the Congress and through every state in this country.Robert Mulroney understands that access to the ballot box is fundamental to our right to express ourselves, particularly those in marginalized communities.

Internet Advertisement #1

Internet Ad:"Mulroney 2020"

Targets:Independent Voters, Suburban Voters, Working Class Voters


Storytelling music plays, starting off slow and progressing upward

[Video of an old woman from Alaska appears on screen with her name showing towards the bottom on the left.]

MARCY JONES: Robert Mulroney was there for me and my family while he was Governor of Alaska. When we were going through a hard time, I remember watching him on tv promise a bunch of things. I didn't believe him because like all politicians, they say whatever it takes to get a vote. Well I was wrong to judge because every single promise he made, he fulfilled. That's why I am voting for Robert Mulroney.

[Video of a man living in a rural town in the Midwest, his name appears on screen.]

LESTER HAMLIN: I've lived on the farm since I was a baby and I inherited this farm behind me from my father and him from his father before him. When China placed tariffs on agriculture in America, President Bailey left us out to drown for months before doing anything. Democrats in Congress moved fast to provide relief for American farmers and it saved my farm. Thanks to the hard work of Democrats who have proven to get things done, I am voting for Robert Mulroney because he won't leave me or my family out to drown like President Bailey did.

[Video of a student appears on screen with her name showing on screen.]

JESSICA SANCHEZ: My family couldn't afford to send me and my siblings to a private school so we received a public education. Roscoe Bailey has vowed to take public funding from public schools and give it to private schools with rich students. That's not the America I want my future kids to grow up in. Robert Mulroney has promised to invest into public education and giving equitable access to educational resources to students of color and poor students. For this reason I am voting for Robert Mulroney.
[Fast video collage transition of each speaker]

MARCY JONES: I am voting for Robert Mulroney..

LESTER HAMLIN: I am voting for Robert Mulroney...

JESSICA SANCHEZ: I am voting for Robert Mulroney...

MARCY JONES: ...for president...

LESTER HAMLIN: ...for president...

JESSICA SANCHEZ: ...for President of the United States.

[Images from Robert Mulroney on the campaign trail flood the screen, landing on an image of Mulroney looking into the future]

MULRONEY: I am Robert Mulroney and I approve this message.

Television Advertisement #1

Radio Ad:"Working Class America"

Location:Michigan, Wisconsin

Cost:$15,000,000 (Primetime)

Narrator: Roscoe Bailey claims to be a voice for the working class. The shot opens with clips of small-town Ohio.

Narrator: But Bailey is bankrolled by billionaires and big business.

The shot scrolls quickly through photos of billionaires that have donated to Bailey's campaign, while a meter tallying their net worths accumulates below.

Narrator: They sign millions in checks to his campaign - because they know Bailey will pick Wall Street over Main Street. Every time.

The shot goes to black-and-white unfavorable pictures of Roscoe Bailey.

Narrator: Roscoe Bailey. Bought and paid for by big business. Failing working Americans.

DMH's Content - Page 41 (2025)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.